
Tobias Thorin

Tobias Thorin

Frontend developer at Squeed Gothenburg

Frontendutvecklare hos Squeed Göteborg

Göteborg, Sweden

Having put stuff in web browsers for fun since forever, and professionally since 2017, Tobias combines aesthetics and technology to create beautiful, functional, and accessible digital interfaces for businesses small and large. Always striving for a deep understanding of the technology at hand, he loves to share what he knows with the hopes that together we will all make the Internet a better place for everyone.

Tobias har fyllt webbläsare med innehåll för skojs skull sedan barnsben, och professionellt sedan 2017. Med kombinationen av estetik och teknik skapar han vackra, funktionella, och tillgängliga användargränssnitt för både stora och små företag. Alltid strävandes efter en djup förståelse för den aktuella teknologin älskar han att dela med sig av vad han kan, med förhoppningen att vi tillsammans kommer att kunna göra Internet till en bättre plats för alla.

Area of Expertise

  • Information & Communications Technology
  • Media & Information


  • Front-End Development
  • Web
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • Animation

Why variable fonts is the greatest thing since David Hasselhof's megahit True Survivor

If you've heard the song True Survivor you might think that nothing can compare to this synthwave masterpiece, but I'm here to tell you that variable fonts can and do! What are they? How do I use them? What impact do they have on you as a developer, as a designer? What do they mean for the future of web typography? All this will be revealed, and you will be made ready to leap into the typographical future of the Internet!

First delivered at the internal conference SqueedBrew Tech, also at several local meetups in Gothenburg. Target audience is web developers and web designers, beginner level or up.

Web Components: an Introduction to the Future

With Web Components having reached high enough browser support to be production ready, it is high time to take a look at what they are and what they can do for you. In this talk you will learn how to create a web component using the native browser api:s. You will learn about the advantages of the technology, how it affects developers, designers, and end-users. You will also see how easy it is to integrate it with existing frontend frameworks.

The target audience is people who have at least some experience with JavaScript and web development, but who are new to web components.

I can, on request, demonstrate the integration of web components in a specific framework of choice (eg. React, Vue, Svelte etc.).

Set up your own website with Eleventy and Netlify

Tired of five companies dominating the entire web? Take back your corner with your own site! In this workshop you will learn how to use the static site generator Eleventy (including some awesome pro tips), and how to deploy your content super quick and easy using the hosting service Netlify.

This workshop targets anyone with rudimentary tech skills, or more. Anyone can follow along, even if they have not specifically developed anything for the web before.

How to create the best website in the world

Gone are the wild days of the 90's web, where individualty and creativity reigned supreme. But just because the uniformity of the facebook page has taken over the personal representation in cyberspace, doesn't mean that the days of the personal website are gone. On the contrary, they are back, and better than ever! In this talk you will learn how easily you can set up a dynamic and manageable website with static site generator Eleventy and hosting service Netlify, for yourself, your cat, your project, or your workplace.

Live coding (with video backup). Has been delivered in short form at several meetups. Requires basic HTML, npm and Git knowledge.

NDC Oslo 2021 Sessionize Event

November 2021 Oslo, Norway

Code PaLOUsa 2021 Sessionize Event

August 2021

Tobias Thorin

Frontend developer at Squeed Gothenburg

Göteborg, Sweden

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