Tomasz Poszytek
Business Applications MVP
Business Applications MVP
Warsaw, Poland
With a passion for enhancing organizational effectiveness through digitalization and process optimization, Tomasz brings extensive expertise as a seasoned Business Analyst. As a distinguished Microsoft Power Platform expert, recognized with the Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) title and multiple certifications, including Microsoft Certified Trainer (MCT), Tomasz possesses a robust analytical acumen. With proficiency in SharePoint, Nintex, Webcon, and other process implementation tools, Tomasz continuously updates his knowledge to deliver cutting-edge solutions and shares insights with both clients and technical communities.
Renowned for crafting user-friendly business processes and applications, Tomasz prioritizes simplicity and reliability, ensuring seamless adoption and comprehension. As a dedicated co-organizer of community events in Poland and an active blogger, Tomasz contributes actively to the technical community and serves as an esteemed international speaker.
Wierzy w umożliwienie organizacjom bardziej wydajnej pracy, poprzez zwiększanie ich efektywności w drodze cyfryzacji i optymalizacji procesów biznesowych. Posiada silne zaplecze analityczne, będąc analitykiem biznesowym od przez wiele lat. Ekspert w zakresie Power Platform (wyróżniony tytułem Microsoft Most Valuable Professional – MVP w zakresie Business Applications, właściciel licznych certyfikatów i tytułu Microsoft Certified Trainer – MCT). Posiada również duże doświadczenie w innych platformach do budowania procesów (m. in. Nintex czy Webcon). Stale się uczy, by być na bieżąco i móc dzielić się swoją wiedzą nie tylko z klientami, ale także z członkami społeczności.
Tworzy procesy biznesowe i aplikacje, które użytkownicy mogą łatwo zaadoptować i szybko zrozumieć. Ogólnie rzecz biorąc, przekształca procesy, aby były łatwiejsze i bardziej niezawodne.
Współorganizator konferencji Microsoft w Polsce oraz aktywny członek społeczności, bloger i międzynarodowy prelegent.
Area of Expertise
When clicking buttons is not enough - mastering RPA en
Robotic Process Automation (RPA) has been a very important technology in the market for several years. Its primary function is to streamline operations by automating repetitive tasks originally performed by employees or facilitating seamless integration between systems lacking digital endpoints. While developers typically construct processes by replicating the steps undertaken by users, this method often proves to be less than errorproof, efficient, or scalable.
In this demo session, I will show you how to squeeze the most from Power Automate Desktop, while presenting important information about:
* Proficient creation of smart selectors
* Correct use of scripts, including when and why to employ them
* Strategies for effective error handling
* Implementation of work queues for enhanced workflow
* Valuable insights and lessons learned from practical experiences
The integration of RPA has a significant impact on processes efficiency by automating repetitive tasks, thereby minimizing errors. However, this can only be possible, when an underlying process is developed correctly for optimal results.
Hyperautomation with Power Platform en
Hyperautomation is the concept of automating everything in an organization that can be automated. Organizations that adopt hyperautomation aim to streamline processes across their business using artificial intelligence (AI), robotic process automation (RPA), and other technologies to run without human intervention.
During this session you will learn:
* How to identify tasks in a process
* How to build end-to-end business process running in the cloud and on local machines
* How to include AI in the process
Power Platform offers a wide set of tools that allows implementation of the concept. With products such as Power Automate, RPA, Process Advisor, and AI Builder, combined together, it is possible to build almost any kind of automation.
Power Platform ALM fundamentals en
Application Lifecycle Management is an important aspect for any Power Platform project. It is not only a modern word, but a must have process that should be present in any organization that uses Power Platform.
This session will help you to get to know the basics of ALM:
* How to create a solution, variables, connections, publishers
* Differences between a managed and unmanaged solution
* How to use versioning, patching or cloning
* What are environments and how to move solutions between them
* How to use Power Platform pipelines
Times, when apps and flows were spontaneously created by anyone in the organization are irreversibly gone. Planning Power Platform adoption today means to plan ALM for solutions created in it.
Cloud flows debugging and error handling en
Have you seen the scope control in list of Power Automate actions? Have you ever thought how to use it and basically, why is it there?
Have you had problems with making your cloud flows to work as expected?
Do you struggle with learning why your flows are failing?
If any question rings you a bell, this session is for you!
You'll learn:
* how to debug cloud flows
* how to catch errors in cloud flows
* how to create a try-catch constructions
* how to monitor cloud flows
Debugging is an important step in cloud flows development. Knowing how to do it right you will speed up your work. On the other hand, right error handling helps you to be the first one knowing a flow is failing, before customer even knows it.
Automate the impossible - where RPA steps in en
Ever since companies started their journey to move IT to cloud, problem with old software, still being used, was getting more significant. But why should they replace it with new, cloud ready tools, if it still works and serves really fine its purpose? This is where Robotic Process Automation steps in and does the job.
During this workshop you will learn:
* About RPA in Microsoft Power Platform,
* How to run cloud flows that includes local machine steps,
* How to use Power Automate Desktop,
* Tips&Tricks to make your desktop flows better and more efficient.
Whenever you need to include legacy software in modern, cloud based workflows, RPA sounds like the ultimate solution. However, it's good to know its pros and cons to wisely make that choice.
Oops... something went wrong - debugging and error handling in Power Apps and Power Automate en
In an ideal world, you build something, and it JUST works. Unfortunately, we don’t live in a perfect world and building apps and flows comes with errors, bugs and all kinds of issues makers can hardly predict. The key to success is “failing forward”: identify a problem, fix it, and repeat until you reach the desired result.
In this session, the speakers will provide you with some essential tips and tools that will help you in the process of failing forward. They will look at practical and tested ways to debug canvas apps and cloud flows, methods for error handling, and tools for monitoring your runs and user sessions. You will walk away prepared to tackle the next problems you might encounter.
Power Automate Desktop – lessons learnt after a year of RPA automation en pl
I have been working on building bots with Power Automate Desktop (RPA from Microsoft) for the past year. I have been automating financial and ERP processes. Most of them have been created around SAP transactions, but I also had the opportunity to work with JD Edwards – Oracle’s ERP. The workflows I have been building were usually initiated on SharePoint, using Power Apps forms, but some of them were also triggered using schedulers. Some of them were supplemented with Power Automate cloud flows, where approvals were done, others not.
Through all that time I was also carefully watching where the development of the PAD is going, what new features it is being equipped with, how much Microsoft is investing in the product and how is it changing over the time comparing to its market competitors. The product is on the market since 2020 and since then it has made a huge step forward to be recognized as a market leader.
During the session I would like to share with you my knowledge, so that you will learn:
1. What I have learnt about Power Automate Desktop as product,
2. What obstacles I have faced and how I have solved them,
3. A set of best practices for working and using RPA from Microsoft so that you will not need to look for solutions over the internet as you face problems yourself.
4. Insights from automating SAP and JD Edwards with Power Automate Desktop.
Power Automate approvals deep dive en pl
Power Automate approvals is a powerful functionality allowing business processes designers to easily assign a task to anyone in the organization and then design process based on the outcomes. Assuming that assigned person will complete a task is bad and can easily lead to failing processes. The built-in options, that allow tasks management only by their owners is usually not always sufficient. If you ever found yourself in a situation, where task wasn't completed because assignee wasn't able to do it, join me during this session to learn about possible approaches for managing tasks.
During this session you will learn:
* What is the tasks architecture at a Microsoft Dataverse level
* What built-in functions technology have
* How to design and build workflows, that allow automation around tasks, eg. substitutions, reassignments, approvals on behalf, completion of approvals when specific amount of responses is met etc..
Stuck task assignments is a bottleneck in every process. Workflows can't proceed because they are waiting for that one last approval. Start using 100% of what approvals in Power Automate have to offer.
Adaptive Cards in Power Platform and Microsoft Teams today en
We all possibly heard about Adaptive Cards. Microsoft's garage project that turned out into a fundament for many functionalities we are all using today in Power Platform and beyond. We can find them in processes, chatbots, interfaces.
This session will:
* Help you to understand what are Adaptive Cards
* Show you how to use them as a Power Users
* Inform you where can you find them in M365
* Inspire you to use them in your projects
The meaning of Adaptive Cards is getting more and more important. Easiness in their use makes them a good choice when speaking about making processes better and interaction more valuable. It's really good to know this technology!
Extending cloud processes beyond cloud en
Ever since companies started their journey to move IT to cloud, problem with old software, still being used, was getting more significant. But why should they replace it with new, cloud ready tools, if it still works and serves really fine its purpose? This is where Robotic Process Automation steps in and does the job.
During this session I will:
* Teach you about RPA in Microsoft Power Platform,
* Show you how the tool can be used to run processes from the cloud, on local machines,
* Share with you many lessons I learned during my work with RPA.
Whenever you need to include legacy software in modern, cloud based workflows, RPA sounds like the ultimate solution. However, it's good to know its pros and cons to wisely make that choice.
Power Automate Desktop – wnioski i doświadczenia po roku automatyzacji RPA en pl
Od roku buduję boty za pomocą Power Automate Desktop (RPA od firmy Microsoft). Automatyzuję procesy finansowe i ERP. Większość z nich powstała wokół transakcji SAP, ale miałem też okazję pracować z JD Edwards – Oracle ERP. Budowane przeze mnie przepływy pracy były zwykle inicjowane przez zdarzenia w SharePoint, przy użyciu formularzy Power Apps, ale niektóre z nich były również uruchamiane przy użyciu harmonogramów. Dodatkowo, część z nich została uzupełniona o przepływy Power Automate, w których odbywa się zatwierdzanie.
Przez cały ten czas uważnie obserwowałem też, dokąd zmierza rozwój PAD-a, w jakie nowe funkcje jest wyposażany, ile Microsoft inwestuje w produkt i jak zmienia się w czasie, w porównaniu z konkurencją rynkową. Produkt jest na rynku od 2020 roku i od tego czasu zrobił ogromny krok naprzód w kierunku stania się liderem na rynku.
Podczas sesji chciałbym podzielić się z Wami swoją wiedzą i doświadczeniami, dzięki czemu poznacie:
1. Czego dowiedziałem się o Power Automate Desktop jako produkcie,
2. Jakie napotkałem przeszkody i jak je rozwiązałem,
3. Zestaw najlepszych praktyk dotyczących pracy i korzystania z RPA firmy Microsoft, dzięki czemu nie będziesz musiał/a szukać rozwiązań w Internecie, gdy sam napotkasz podobne problemy.
4. Wnioski z automatyzacji SAP i JD Edwards za pomocą Power Automate Desktop.
Zadania zatwierdzania w Power Platform- scenariusze zaawansowane en pl
Zadania zatwierdzenia w Power Automate to zaawansowana funkcja umożliwiająca łatwe przydzielanie zadań dowolnej osobie (lub osobom) w organizacji, a następnie projektowanie procesu w oparciu o wyniki tychże zadań. Jednak założenie, że przydzielona do zadania osoba je wykona jest złe i może łatwo doprowadzić do niepowodzenia procesów. Wbudowane opcje pozwalające na zarządzanie zadaniami tylko przez ich właścicieli zazwyczaj nie wystarczają. Jeśli kiedykolwiek znalazłeś się w sytuacji, w której zadanie nie zostało ukończone, ponieważ przypisana osoba nie była w stanie tego zrobić, zapraszam na swoją sesję! Dowiesz się o możliwych, zaawansowanych koncepcjach w pracy z zadaniami.
Podczas tej sesji nauczysz się:
* Jaka jest architektura zadań na poziomie Microsoft Dataverse?
* Jakie wbudowane funkcje ma technologia?
* Jak projektować i budować przepływy pracy, które pozwalają na automatyzację wokół zadań, np. zastępstwa, eskalację, zatwierdzenia w imieniu, kończenie procesu po otrzymaniu określonej liczby odpowiedzi itp.
Zadania zatwierdzania, które nie mogą się zakończyć, to wąskie gardło w każdym procesie. Przepływy pracy nie mogą być kontynuowane, ponieważ czekają na ostatnie zatwierdzenie.
Smarthouse 365 en
Smart-house solutions used to be quite limited in terms of integration and self-development. Currently, many of them have an open API, allowing you to create your own, intelligent solutions, eg. using Microsoft Flow to handle events. During a live lecture together we will build a simple, but working smart-house solution using Microsoft Flow and periphery having API available over HTTP, that will check and show what is a weather outside. The presentation will show that it is not difficult to build "smart" solutions at home yourself!
The age of Citizen Developers en pl
The phrase "citizen developer" is still unclear to most of us, who are working in modern companies. It firstly appeared over 10 years ago. Being mentioned alongside with "power user", "it-pro" creates a real confusion when trying to understand the differences. Then who is a "citizen developer"? With the increase in number of the low-code/no-code platforms today nearly anyone can become one. During the session we will discuss:
• Origins of the Citizen Developers
• Ways to discover such people in your organization
• Tools that can be used by Citizen Developers (within Office 365 and competitors, named by Gartner and Forrester)
• Benefits and threats for organizations
Helping your citizen developers to become even more productive will give your company a real boost. Just do it right! The session is going to be a business presentation, that will help participants to become aware of who "citizen developer" really is, and how to support them within their companies.
Era "Citizen Developerów" en pl
Zwrot "Citizen Developer" jest nadal niejasny dla większości z nas, którzy pracujemy w nowoczesnych firmach. Po raz pierwszy pojawił się ponad 10 lat temu. Będąc wymienianym obok taki pojęć jak "power user", "it-pro" tworzy prawdziwe zamieszanie, gdy próbuje się zrozumieć różnice pomiędzy nimi. Zatem kim jest "Citizen Developer"? Wraz ze wzrostem liczby platform low-code/ no-code dzisiaj prawie każdy może nim zostać.
Podczas mojej sesji cofniemy się w czasie, aby poznać pochodzenie tego pojęcia i jego znaczenie. Następnie skupimy się na czasach obecnych, aby dowiedzieć się, jakie cechy musi posiadać pracownik, by do tej roli móc pretendować. Porozmawiaj o dostępnych narzędziach (w Office 365 oraz konkurencji, opisanych przez Gartner i Forrester). Będziemy również identyfikować szanse i zagrożenia dla organizacji, omówimy na czym firmy powinny się skoncentrować i jak powinny radzić sobie z tym nowym stanowiskiem.
Sesja będzie prezentacją biznesową, która pomoże uczestnikom dowiedzieć się, kim naprawdę jest "Citizen Developer" i jak sobie z nim radzić w ich firmach.
Get inspired! Office 365 as a platform for your processes! en
We all heard about Office 365, Power Automate, Power Apps, Teams, Planner. We all know already, those apps can be used to digitize your processes. We even know where to search for answers. But when it comes to build something we have no idea where to start and... what questions to ask. This fully interactive session, Q&A discussion between Business and Power User will help you to:
• Understand how to utilize Power Automate, Power Apps and other apps in your processes,
• Comprehend how to translate business requirements into working solutions,
• Get inspired with a real-life case studies
Understanding how low-code solutions can be utilized in your company will give your processes a real boost! Find out how you and your employees can start building your own business solutions to make your company operate more effectively without investing much in custom solutions
Building no-code chatbots for Microsoft Teams en
Chatbots are a good solution for employees to find answers to their questions, help them onboard, participate in processes and much more! We used to think that building a bot requires development. With Virtual Agent this is not true anymore! If you want to learn more how to create a chatbot without a single line of code and give it to Teams users, join this session!
You will learn:
* What is Power Virtual Agent
* How you can build your own chatbot
* How you can integrate that chatbot with other sources using Power Automate
* How you can embed chatbot in Microsoft Teams
Well designed and operating chatbots can save you hours on solving simple employees' problems and answering the most common answers.
Microsoft Dataverse for Teams - new era for Microsoft Teams as digital workplace en pl
With the introduction of the Microsoft Dataverse for Teams companies were given new toolset to create collaboration solutions within Microsoft Teams with no additional costs. Simple relational database, Power Apps, Power Automate and Power Virtual Agents are there to their service. If you are wondering how your company can start building solutions on top of Dataverse for Teams, join this session.
You will learn:
* What is Microsoft Dataverse for Teams
* How does Power Platform landscape looks like in Microsoft Teams
* How to build a simple solution from nearly a scratch!
Microsoft Teams' image as digital workplace platform is getting more and more vivid. Employees can find here tools for communication and collaboration, can chat and place calls. Today, with Microsoft Dataverse for Teams, they can also build tools that will increase their productivity and help them achieve more!
Microsoft Dataverse for Teams - nowa era Microsoft Teams jako platformy digital workplace en pl
Wraz z wprowadzeniem Microsoft Dataverse for Teams firmy otrzymały nowy zestaw narzędzi do tworzenia rozwiązań do współpracy w Microsoft Teams bez dodatkowych kosztów. Prosta relacyjna baza danych, Power Apps, Power Automate i Power Virtual Agents są dostępne dla ich usług. Jeśli zastanawiasz się, w jaki sposób Twoja firma może zacząć budować rozwiązania na bazie Dataverse for Teams, dołącz do tej sesji.
Nauczysz się:
* Co to jest Microsoft Dataverse for Teams,
* Jak wygląda środowisko platformy Power Platform w usłudze Microsoft Teams,
* Jak zbudować proste rozwiązanie prawie od zera!
Obraz Microsoft Teams jako cyfrowej platformy do pracy jest coraz bardziej wyrazisty. Pracownicy mogą tu znaleźć narzędzia do komunikacji i współpracy, mogą rozmawiać i dzwonić. Dziś, dzięki Microsoft Dataverse for Teams, mogą również tworzyć narzędzia, które zwiększą ich produktywność i pomogą im osiągnąć więcej!
Business processes automation using Microsoft Power Platform en pl
The Power Platform as we know it today offers a wide range of tools not only to discover and understand better processes, but also to fully automate them, regardless of whether they happen exclusively in the cloud or on local users' machines.
This session will help you to:
* Learn how to discover processes using Process advisor
* Learn what is Power Automate Desktop (RPA), what are Cloud and Desktop flows
* Learn how to build end-to-end automated process using Power Platforms components
* Get inspired to use Power Platform for your processes too!
Automating processes helps to increase effectiveness of organizations. With Power Platform components companies can understand and automate existing workflows, what ensures the tasks are done errorless and faster. Join me to learn more about this important technology.
Automatyzacja procesów biznesowych przy użyciu Microsoft Power Platform en pl
Power Platform jaką znamy dziś oferuje sseroki wachlarz narzędzi nie tylko do odkrywania i lepszego zrozumienia procesów, lecz także ich pełnej automatyzacji, bez względu na to, czy dzieją się wyłącznie w chmurze, czy też na lokalnych maszynach użytkowników.
Ta sesja pomoże Ci:
* Dowiedzieć się, jak odkrywać procesy za pomocą Process advisor
* Dowiedzieć się, co to jest Power Automate Desktop (RPA), czym są Cloud i Desktop flows
* Dowiedzieć się, jak zbudować kompleksowy zautomatyzowany proces przy użyciu składników Power Platforms
* Zainspirować się, aby zacząć używać Power Platform również w swoich procesach!
Automatyzacja procesów pomaga zwiększyć efektywność organizacji. Dzięki komponentom Power Platform firmy mogą lepiej zrozumieć i zautomatyzować istniejące przepływy pracy, co zapewnia, że zadania są wykonywane bezbłędnie i szybciej. Dołącz do mnie, aby dowiedzieć się więcej o tej ważnej technologii.
Building digital workplaces with Teams and Logic Apps en
Customer had a clear requirement - integration. They were using their own internal system for tracking projects. They needed integration with Teams and SharePoint. For each new project, a dedicated Team should've been provisioned, containing Planner and having specific template, but also SharePoint stored underneath should've had a specific structure. Furthermore project members who were appointed to the project should've been granted correct permissions. And finally - there should've been also a space to work with external customer.
The goal was one - to increase collaboration.
Join me in this session, so you will learn:
* Why we decided to use Logic Apps instead of Power Automate;
* How to use Logic Apps as an integration layer in your IT landscape;
* The power behind GraphAPI endpoints;
* And some inspiration around building clever integrations!
During the session I will show you the use-case of how I managed to built a clever integration layer between custom system and Office 365 ecosystem using GraphAPI endpoints and Logic Apps, so that an integrated environment was built.
Hyperautomation with Power Platform - the workshop en pl
Hyperautomation is the concept of automating everything in an organization that can be automated. Organizations that adopt hyperautomation aim to streamline processes across their business using artificial intelligence (AI), robotic process automation (RPA), and other technologies to run without human intervention.
During this workshop you will learn:
* How to build end-to-end business process running in the cloud and on local machines
* How to include AI in the process
* Tips&Tricks to make your cloud and desktop flows better and more efficient.
Power Platform offers a wide set of tools that allows implementation of the concept. With products such as Power Automate, RPA, and AI Builder, combined together, it is possible to build almost any kind of automation.
Hiperautomatyzacja z Power Platform - warsztat en pl
Hiperautomatyzacja to koncepcja zakładająca automatyzację tego w organizacji, co nadaje się do automatyzacji. Organizacje, które wdrażają hiperautomatyzację, dążą do usprawnienia procesów w całej swojej firmie za pomocą sztucznej inteligencji (AI), robotycznej automatyzacji procesów (RPA) i innych technologii, aby działały bez interwencji człowieka.
Podczas tego warsztatu dowiesz się:
* Jak zbudować kompleksowy proces biznesowy działający w chmurze i na lokalnych maszynach
* Jak włączyć sztuczną inteligencję (AI) do procesu
* Porady i wskazówki, dzięki którym przepływy w chmurze i na komputerach stacjonarnych będą lepsze i wydajniejsze.
Power Platform oferuje szeroki zestaw narzędzi pozwalających na realizację koncepcji hiperautomatyzacji. Dzięki połączeniu produktów takich jak Power Automate, RPA i AI Builder możliwe jest zbudowanie niemal każdego rodzaju automatyzacji.
* Uwaga, materiały do warsztatów w jęz. angielskim.
Baltic Power Platform User group Sessionize Event Upcoming
Global Power Platform Bootcamp Germany Sessionize Event Upcoming
Global Power Platform Bootcamp 2025 Saarbrücken, Zug, Vienna | Online Sessionize Event Upcoming
Global Power Platform Bootcamp 2025 - Saudi Arabia Sessionize Event
Cloud Technology Townhall Tallinn 2025 Sessionize Event
ESPC24 Sessionize Event
Low Code/ No Code Power Platform Conference Sessionize Event
Directions EMEA 2024 Sessionize Event
Global M365 Dev Meetup
I am presenting integration between Logic Apps and Graph, and SharePoint APIs using application account.
Baltic Power Platform Community Monthly Meeting
When clicking buttons is not enough - mastering RPA
Nordic Summit 2024 Sessionize Event
European Power Platform Conference (EPPC24) Sessionize Event
DynamicsMinds 2024
I am delivering a session about debugging and error handling in Power Automate flows!
Power Platform Developer Power Summit Sessionize Event
Mazovia Power Platform Meetup #7
I’ll have a pleasure to talk about AI and copilot in Power Automate!
Global Power Platform Bootcamp 2024 | Zürich Edition - #GPPBZH Sessionize Event
Teams Nation 2024 Sessionize Event
Cloud Technology Townhall Tallinn 2024 Sessionize Event
Power Platform French Summit 2023
I'll deliver a session on the second day about advanced approvals scenarios in Power Automate and Microsoft Teams.
No Code Days 2023
I am delivering the Hyperautomation with Power Platform workshops.
South Coast Summit 2023
I'll deliver workshops about Hyperautomation.
2023 Microsoft Power Platform Conference & Dynamics 365 CE Sessionize Event
Baltic Summit 2023 Sessionize Event
Baltic Summit 2023
I'm delivering workshops about Hyperautomation!
Scottish Summit 2023 Sessionize Event
European Power Platform Conference (EPPC23)
Automate the impossible - where RPA steps in
Power Automate Summit 2023
During the event I am delivering a session about debugging and error handling in cloud flows as well a full day "RPA in a day" workshops.
Iberian Technology Summit
I am delivering a full day "RPA in a day" workshops. Register here: https://www.eventbrite.pt/e/automate-the-impossible-where-rpa-steps-in-tickets-565743482987
Warszawskie Dni Informatyki
I am delivering a session about the lessons learnt after using Power Automate Desktop for over a year now.
Modern Workplace Conference Paris 2023 Sessionize Event
Global Power Platform Bootcamp 2023 Poland Sessionize Event
Power Platform Hot Topics - ESPC Webinar
I was showcasing Power Platform Pipelines during the webinar.
Baltic Power Platform Community Event
I delivered a full day "RPA in a day" training for a local community.
European SharePoint, Office 365 & Azure Conference
During the conference I am delivering my session and will serve as an expert at the Ask the Experts zone.
Power Platform Community Call
I was showcasing some deep-dive scenarios around approvals in Power Platform.
South Coast Summit 2022 Sessionize Event
NoCodeDays 2022
I am presenting my "Power Automate Desktop – lessons learnt after a year of RPA automation" session.
Power Platform Nordic Summit 2022 Sessionize Event
Power Platform Conference (Community Content) Sessionize Event
Microsoft Power Platform Conference
I am delivering RPA in a day workshops together with a session about error handling and debugging of cloud flows.
Baltic Power Platform Community Event
I am delivering a deep dive session about Power Platform approvals.
Scottish Summit 2022 Sessionize Event
Oslo Power Platform and beyond Sessionize Event
Microsoft 365 Virtual Marathon 2022 Sessionize Event
PowerUp! Meetup April
Power Automate Approvals Advanced Scenarios
European Power Platform Conference
Oops… Something Went Wrong – Debugging and Error Handling in Power Apps & Automate
European Power Platform Conference
Power Automate Desktop – Lessons Learnt after a Year of RPA Automation
Teams Nation 2022 Sessionize Event
Power Platform 24 Sessionize Event
Global Power Platform Bootcamp 2022 Hannover Sessionize Event
Global Power Platform Bootcamp 2022 - UK
I am presenting approvals deep dive session during the Global Power Platform Bootcamp 2022 - UK organized by Cambridge Power Platform User Group.
ESPC webinar
I had a pleasure to make a webinar together with ESPC about modern approvals in Office 365 with Power Automate and Microsoft Teams.
JoziPUG Meetup
I delivered a deep dive session about approvals in Power Automate and Microsoft Teams, looking at them from Dataverse perspective.
Automation Summit 2022
I have delivered a session about approvals deep dive in Power Automate cloud flows.
Modern Workplace Conference Paris 2022 Sessionize Event
Collaboration Summit 2021
I will deliver two sessions, one about Microsoft RPA, the other one about building marketing processes in Office 365. Let's meet there!
PowerPlatform French Summit (2021) Sessionize Event
Collabdays Lisbon 2021 Sessionize Event
South Coast Summit 2021 Sessionize Event
Community Summit North America 2021
During Community Summit NA I will deliver three sessions, about Dataverse, Power Automate Desktop and building digital workplaces together with Edyta Gorzon.
Power Community Zero to Hero 2021 Session 3 The Power Automate Adventure
During Victor's "Zero To Hero" session I am going to deliver training about monitoring and debugging of Power Automate flows.
Power Community Zero to Hero 2021 Session 3 The Power Automate Adventure
During Victor's "Zero To Hero" session I am going to deliver training around approvals in Power Automate.
Cambridge Power Platform User Group
I will be presenting a deep-dive session around Power Automate approvals and tasks reassignments.
Azure, Office and Data Community (Singapore)
Join me for the intro to RPA session!
Dutch Microsoft Cloud Call Sessionize Event
European SharePoint Office 365 & Azure Online Conference
Microsoft Dataverse for Teams - New Era for Microsoft Teams as Digital Workplace
SharePoint Saturday Cologne 2021 Sessionize Event
Better together: Power Automate & SAP - webinar z Microsoft Polska
Together with Microsoft Poland I delivered a webinar about using Power Automate Desktop with SAP, from the PAD perspective and Power Automate using ERP connectors.
Teams Nation 2021 Sessionize Event
Collabdays Nordics Sessionize Event
Table Talk: Unleash the power of Dataverse for Microsoft Teams!
Meet Microsoft Teams Community experts and explore what you can do when you unleash the power of bots, apps and flows in your Microsoft Teams! Unmute yourself, turn your camera on - No presentations here! Your community peers will lead a discussion to help you uncover helpful ideas on Power Platform in Microsoft Teams - especially about Dataverse For Microsoft Teams. Be prepared for chat and a fun interactive discussion! Table Talk sessions will not recorded.
Microsoft 365 Virtual Marathon Sessionize Event
London Power Platform User Group
Microsoft Power Automate Desktop 101
Teams Day Online 3 Sessionize Event
MCT Summit 2021 Sessionize Event
CollabDays Bremen 2021 Sessionize Event
Collab365 GlobalCon5
I am delivering session about Process Advisor.
Power Platform Virtual Conference Sessionize Event
MVP Fusion & Friends Sessionize Event
Virtual Scottish Summit 2021 Sessionize Event
Global Power Platform Bootcamp Mallorca 2021 Sessionize Event
Global Power Platform Bootcamp - 2021 Sessionize Event
Webinar: Jak automatyzować procesy biznesowe z wykorzystaniem Power Automate
I am doing webinar with Michal Wypych (Microsoft PL) about RPA, Process advisor.
Power Apps Community Call, February 2021
I am showcasing custom Adaptive Cards actions for Teams and Actionable Messages for Outlook.
Global Automation Bootcamp 2021
Session: Deep dive in Power Automate tasks re-assignment
CollabDays Birmingham Virtual 2021 Sessionize Event
Microsoft 365 Friday California 2021 Sessionize Event
Modern Workplace Conference Paris 2021 Sessionize Event
Welcome to January 2021 PowerUp!
Session about Process advisor.
aMS Germany - 1/12/2020 Sessionize Event
PowerPlatform French Summit (2020) Sessionize Event
M365 Chicago - Virtual Event Sessionize Event
Microsoft 365 Virtual 2020 Spain Sessionize Event
Power Platform Community Conference Sessionize Event
SharePoint Saturday Helsinki 2020 Sessionize Event
TeamsFest | October 2020 Sessionize Event
Power Platform 24 Sessionize Event
Teams Day Online 2 Sessionize Event
SharePoint Saturday Cologne 2020 Sessionize Event
Omaha365 Conference - Virtual Edition Sessionize Event
Power Platform Fest : Summer 2020 Blast! Sessionize Event
Microsoft 365 Virtual Marathon Sessionize Event
Office 365 Nashville Sessionize Event
Microsoft 365 Virtual Summit Spain Sessionize Event
Scottish Summit Sessionize Event
Power Platform 24 Sessionize Event
Modern Workplace Conference Paris 2019 Sessionize Event
SPS Lisbon 2019 Sessionize Event
Experts Live Europe 2019 Sessionize Event
aOS Singapore 2019 Sessionize Event
ShareCon365 2019 Sessionize Event
Power Platform 24 Sessionize Event
SharePoint Saturday Stockholm 2019 Sessionize Event
Microsoft Flow Online Conference 2019 Sessionize Event
SPS Central Europe Sessionize Event
Power Saturday 2019 Sessionize Event
SharePoint Saturday London 2019 Sessionize Event
SharePoint Saturday Oslo 2018 Sessionize Event

Tomasz Poszytek
Business Applications MVP
Warsaw, Poland
Please note that Sessionize is not responsible for the accuracy or validity of the data provided by speakers. If you suspect this profile to be fake or spam, please let us know.
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