Ulrikke Akerbæk
Power Platform Practice Lead at Itera and Microsoft MVP
Power Platform Practice Lead i Itera og Microsoft MVP
Halden, Norway
Ulrikke Akerbæk, Microsoft MVP since 2021, was named one of the top 50 women in tech in Norway in 2022. She is a leading expert in Power Pages, has 15 years of experience working in tech, and started her career as a SharePoint consultant. She now works as a Power Platform Practice Lead, advisor, architect, developer, and consultant at Itera Fredrikstad.
She is a #PowerAddict and an active contributor in the Power Platform community, peaking at events worldwide and helping others on their journey with the Power Platform. She has been leading the organizing committee for the Arctic Cloud Developer Challenge; a three-day hackathon in Oslo, a yearly event since 2011. She is one of the leaders in the Oslo Power Platform and Dynamics 365 User Groups and hosts "Portallunsj"; a Power Pages meetup, every quarter. Ulrikke also hosts the Power Platform BOOST Podcast with community champion, Nick Doelman, and is on the organising committee for Nordic Summit.
Ulrikke Akerbæk, Microsoft MVP siden 2021, ble kåret til en av de 50 beste kvinnene innen teknologi i Norge i 2022. Hun er en ledende ekspert på Power Pages, har 15 års erfaring med å jobbe innen teknologi, og startet karrieren sin som SharePoint-konsulent. Hun jobber nå som Power Platform Practice Lead, rådgiver, arkitekt, utvikler og konsulent hos Itera Fredrikstad.
Hun er en #PowerAddict; en aktiv bidragsyter i Power Platform-fellesskapet, med deltakelse på arrangementer over hele verden og hjelper andre på deres reise med Power Platform. Hun har ledet organisasjonskomiteen for Arctic Cloud Developer Challenge; en tre-dagers hackathon i Oslo som har blitt arrangert hvert år siden 2011. Hun er en av lederne i Oslo Power Platform og Dynamics 365 Brukergrupper, og arrangerer "Portallunsj"; et Power Pages-meetup hvert kvartal. Ulrikke er også vert for Power Platform BOOST Podcast sammen med community champion , Nick Doelman, og er i komitteen for Nordic Summit.
Area of Expertise
Low Code - what's with all the buzz?
You've heard about "low code/no code" for a while, but what is it really? What can it do for you, and is it really here to take pro-developers jobs away?
Let's take a step back and look at why Low Code is a thing, what challenges it aims to solve and what this means to you.
Low Code Power Pages ALM
Moving Power Pages back in the day was a real pain in the b**t. The last year we have been able to move sites across environments, but I needed to call on my developer friends to make it work.
Not anymore! Meet the new low code-friendly Power Platform Pipelines and learn how to move Power Pages sites securely from dev to production as a low coder! We will look briefly at best practices for ALM in Power Platform and for Power Pages, before diving into the demo world and setting this up step by step together.
How to style Power Pages
You got your Power Pages site created, but then what? Where to begin with styling? Let me guide you through how to get started with branding - from the simplest level in Power Pages Studio Styling Workspace to the most advanced with SCSS in Visual Studio Code and Microsoft Power Platform CLI.
European Power Platform Conference (EPPC25) Sessionize Event Upcoming
ColorCloud Hamburg 2025 Sessionize Event Upcoming
MVP-Dagen 2022 Sessionize Event
Power Platform Nordic Summit 2022 Sessionize Event

Ulrikke Akerbæk
Power Platform Practice Lead at Itera and Microsoft MVP
Halden, Norway
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