
Radu Vunvulea

Radu Vunvulea

Technology Enthusiast, Microsoft Azure MVP, Microsoft Regional Director, Group Head of Cloud - Endava

Cluj-Napoca, Romania


Radu Vunvulea is a technology enthusiast working as VP of Cloud for Endava. He has a vast experience in different technologies and industries. Most of his time is spent working with the cloud, helping companies to innovate and finding solutions to their business problems. He enjoys building bridges between people and helping others to grow. He shares his knowledge on his personal blog and at different events where he is invited as a speaker. In his spare time, he drives an IT community and he is also a Microsoft Regional Director and Microsoft Azure MVP.


  • Most Active Speaker 2022

Area of Expertise

  • Business & Management
  • Health & Medical
  • Information & Communications Technology
  • Media & Information


  • cloud
  • Cloud Architecture
  • Cloud Security
  • #Azure
  • Azure Architecture
  • AI & ML Architecture
  • App Development
  • IT
  • Software Development
  • Cloud & DevOps
  • Security
  • Azure
  • AWS Architecture
  • technical

Reference Architecture of AI in the Cloud

Discover the core principles and best practices of deploying AI solutions in the cloud. Learn how to leverage cloud services for efficient, scalable, and robust AI implementations. We dive into reference architecture, covering AI dimensions like pipelines, model training, deployment and scalability. The session is ideal for architects and developers.

Cloud (re)patriation and Hybrid Cloud

The cloud has revolutionised businesses’ operations, providing agility, efficiency, and scalability. However, in recent years, cloud repatriation has emerged as a trend in which companies move data or workloads back to on-premises. Join this session to learn about the practical aspects of cloud repatriation, its pros/cons, concerns, and different strategies related to (re)patriation.

Clean Cloud Design

With over 300 native cloud services, designing and identifying the right service for your specific need is challenging. In this session, we aim to review four scenarios and identify what are the best cloud services that can be used to fullfil the business needs. Topics like computation, security, interoperability and cloud portability are covered during the session.

Micro-services inside Service Fabric

All around us people are talking about micro-services and the power of it. Service Fabric is an orchestration solution offered by Microsoft that is agnostic from platform and environment perspective. I propose to you a session where we will talk about Service Fabric. A product from Microsoft that give us the ability to run our micro-services solution inside Azure, AWS or even on-premises in the same way. The purpose of the session is to cover what functionality Service Fabric is offering, what are pros and cons and a full demo where the same solution is running inside Azure and AWS.

Migrating to Azure PostgreSQL

There are moments in life when we need to use Azure :-). In this session, we discover together where is the adoption journey of PostgreSQL inside Microsoft Azure. The content is built from real-life migrations, with good and bad decisions.

Mistakes and falls of my professional life

Life is not only pink. Let's take a look in my geek journal and discover different mistakes that I or people around me had done during my career until now.
Things might be funny now, but in those moments we were living on the edge. Mistakes that triggered an escalation to CEO and lawyers trying to cover our asses. From those mistakes we should learn and we should share them with others.

ML from a developer perspective

We are not data science, but this does not mean that we cannot use ML services. Join this session to discover how we can make use of Azure ML services to change the way how we design, write and build our solutions.

Near-real time reporting in Azure

One of the most common requirement on a projects nowadays is real time monitoring and reporting. Easy to say, expensive to implement and complex to maintain.
In this session we'll take a look on the Azure Services that enable us to fulfil this requirements with minimal effort and with maximum benefits. We have on our radar services like Azure Time Series Insights, Analysis Services and PowerBI.
After this session you will know what are the services can be used for near-real time and what does near-real time means in the real world.

PCI-DSS Compliance in Cloud

PCI-DSS is a framework for information security that regulates credit card transactions and can challenge us when the cloud becomes part of the solution. This is the journey of building a financial application inside Microsoft Azure. Together we discover the hassles and challenges of designing and building a PCI-DSS-compliant system from the infrastructure, application, and governance point of view.

Resilience and performance tests on Microsoft Azure

Microsoft Azure provides us the ability to perform performance and resilience tests on their infrastructure. Join this session if you want to learn more about the out-of-shelve tools that can perform performance and load tests of your cloud systems. Additional to this, we find out how Azure Chaos Studio assists in improving the resilience level of our systems.

Reinvent the business with Azure Form Recognizer

Join the session if you want to discover a better world that can be build using Azure Form Recognizer. We will learn how to train and optimize the service in such a way to serve our best interests. OCR and labeling are two components of Azure Form Recognizer that we will analyze and see how we can integrate them into an E2E solution without writing a line of code.

Resilience and performance tests on Microsoft Azure

Microsoft Azure allows us to perform performance and resilience tests on its infrastructure. Join this session if you want to learn more about the out-of-shelve tools that can perform performance and load tests of your cloud systems. We will also find out how Azure Chaos Studio assists in improving the resilience level of our systems.

Secure Application Development in Azure

This session aims to identify the tools that help us build secure applications and environments for Azure during the development journey. The focus is on developers and the tools we can use to ensure that our code is secure and aligned with all the available best practices and recommendations. It’s a hands-on session, limited to 10 slides and many demos.

Serverless and microservices confusion

Each day, we start a new project using serverless and microservices. Even so often, we are using classical approaches to build and operate. Many times the stakeholders expect to develop faster because we write less line of codes – or not. In this post, we identify together things that forget to take into account when we use serverless and microservices architectures and some possible solutions.

Testing The Cloud

Cloud is part of our day-to-day life. But is cloud testing part of it? Together we discover what does cloud testing means, how it should be done, and at what level. Topics like landing zones, blueprints, and cloud governance are covered during the session, together with lessons learned.

The monster under the bed - Overengineering the cloud

How many times you had the feeling that you were using too many cloud services? Solutions, where we do overengineer, are common nowadays because spinning a new service is at a click distance. Join this session if you are ready to confess your mistakes. During the session, I share examples of cloud solutions where cloud overengineering almost killed the quality attributes and delivery date.

The secrets of a web app inside Azure

The session is dedicated to you - to the .NET front-end developer who needs to host and run his web application inside Azure. Together we identify the services that we shall use, how we should configure them, and the security features that we need to be aware of if we want to run our web application inside Microsoft Azure.

The story of an IoT solution

Yes, this is a session about an IoT platform, within a challenging environment. Four years ago I was deeply involved in the creation of an enterprise grade IoT platform. Guess what,  Microsoft came up each year with new services and products to the market that changed the shape of our platform.
The session tells the architecture story of the platform and covers the most important points in time. You will be able to see how we integrated Event Hub, IoT Hub, Power BI, Azure Data Lake, Cosmo DB in an agile manner integrating ARM and other Microsoft technologies, products or services.

Tips and Tricks for Redis inside cloud

Are you using Redis inside the cloud? First time I used Redis inside Azure in 2015 and starting from then I had a great experience with it on AWS and Azure. During this session, I want to share with you how I used it, when, and what I learned. The session is full of tips and tricks and learning in a hard way.

Top 13 best security practices for Azure

Security nowadays is just a buzzword. Even so, by joining this session, we discover together what are the most important security best practices that you need to have in mind when you work inside the cloud - inside Microsoft Azure.

Lambda functions in Azure world

Azure Functions have changed already the way how we design cloud applications.  In this session we will discover how we should shape our systems in a way that Azure Functions can become our best friends. Migration from existing systems to functions is a smooth and easy way.

Maintenance cloud apps after 1st release

Designing, developing and deployment an application for cloud is not a hard job nowadays. Many times people forgot that after this steps the maintenance and support phase needs to start. Without a good preparation, right tools and a clear procedures a great project can become our worst nightmare. This is my talk, about the ecosystems that needs to prepared after the first release. It might be a task that we don't enjoy, but it is a necessity.

Keeping your AI/ML data secure

Who owns, has access and manage our data? Nowadays, we integrate AI/ML services to our business so fast that we don’t have enough time to analyze where our data are stored and how we can secure them. In this session, we tackle a part of Azure and AWS core AI/ML services from the data security point of view.

Cloud AI Security

AI is part of most businesses. Using cloud technologies, the integration of AI in existing systems is seamless. At the same time, AI can expose your business and data to unwanted people. This session covers the security aspects—how and what is needed to keep your data and business safe.

Introduction in Quantum programming

Most of us already heard about quantum programming and how this will change the way how we do our backend computation. Quantum programing it's not only about hardware and CPU physical architecture. Quantum programming requires a change in our mindset and the way how we design our system. This session is dedicated to how we write our application and code for quantum processors that are almost here.

How companies are developing secure applications on Azure

To increase the application security it is necessary to use scanning tools and educate the development teams. Join us to discover insights from the market, how to develop more secure applications, and how they are integrated with the SDL and CI/CD pipelines. Explore tools like Black Duck, SonarQube, HostedScan, AzSK, and the integration with Azure DevOps

How companies are developing secure applications on Azure

To increase the application security, it is necessary to use scanning tools and educate the development teams.

Discover how you can ensure that application secrets are not published to the project repository and what are the tools that can detect and react when this happens.

Find out how you can maintain control of governance and security across large deployments using multiple tenants and subscriptions where a central tool is required to scan and manage security and cost economics aspects. Join us to discover insights, hands-on examples and experience sharing on how to develop more secure applications and how they are integrated with the SDL and CI/CD pipelines. Explore tools like Black Duck, SonarQube, HostedScan, AzSK, and the integration with Azure DevOps.

Everything you need to know about cloud migration

It is not easy to migrate to the cloud. It sounds simple initially, but during the migration, you realize that you forgot about things like governance, landing zone, and after a while, running costs are out of control. Join this session if you want to find how Cloud Adoption Framework can help us migrate our solutions to Microsoft Azure. The session is full of real-life examples and hands-on materials.

Demystifying messaging communication patterns

Kubernetes together with microservice architecture provides perfect support for the new generation of software solution. Even so, Kubernetes clusters need no be able to communicate between each other or to integrate with external systems. In this session, we will tackle patterns that can be used to provide a high-redundancy and high-available communication channel, that support the powerful backend provided by Kubernetes. Keywords: Kubernetes, AKS, Service Bus, Redis, KubeMQ.

Enterprise security in practice

How does an enterprise looks like when you talk about security and cloud? Complicated, rigid and challenging to accept cloud based architectures.
After working closely with security teams from different companies I identified different approaches and requirements that are standard for enterprises. In this session I want to discuss and share with you lessons learned on how we can map security requirements to Azure.

DB Tools for Microsoft Azure

During this session, we’ll take a look at the proactivity tools that can be used to improve our data experience on Azure. We’ll talk about tools from multiple areas like storage, computation, automation, cleaning and many more. All of them are free to use, build by the Azure community or Microsoft to improve the cloud experience.

COVID-19 is a cloud security catalyst

The pandemic brought an increasing number of cyberattacks in the last 18 months (e.g. phishing attacks increased by 350%). The rush to become a cloud-first business combined with remote work and digitalization made companies vulnerable to cyber threats. Failing to embed cloud security inside the business can be seen in the newspapers every day.
In this session, we learn together what we should do to make our cloud IT solutions better from the security point of view, or at least to track what a cyber intruder was able to steal or do.

Day ZERO on a cloud project

In this session we will take a look on what we need to keep on our radar when we start a new project inside cloud. When not only us, but also clients are new in cloud ecosystem we need to be aware of small things that can make a different or secure the success of the project. Things like security, environment isolation and access controls are just a small part of the things that we need be aware. There will be examples from real life projects and hands-on implementations inside Microsoft Azure. After joining this session you will have an initial view on what things we shall be aware when we start a new project inside cloud.

COVID-19 is a cloud security catalyst

The pandemic brought an increasing number of cyberattacks in the last 3 years (e.g. phishing attacks increased by 350%). The rush to become a cloud-first business combined with remote work and digitalization made companies vulnerable to cyber threats. Failing to embed cloud security inside the business can be seen in the newspapers every day.
In this session, we learn together what we should do to make our cloud IT solutions better from the security point of view, or at least to track what a cyber intruder was able to steal or do.

Caching inside serverless applications

Application optimization is one of the key things that we need to handle to ensure that we have success and pleased stakeholders. Should we use memory caching, shared resources, or an external cache? Join this session in a journey when we discover how we can interlace Azure Functions and Azure Redis Cache in such a way to optimize our applications with a minimum impact on development effort and technical depth.

Cloud security for Developer

Would you like to improve the security of your cloud system? This session covers the cloud security dimensions required to build a secure application. It also includes tips and tricks for out-of-the-shelve security features that save time and effort because there is no need to reinvent the wheel.

Azure Migration Tools – Hands-on session

Have you ever done a migration from on-premises to Microsoft Azure? Did you use any tools for assessment or migration itself? I assume that not too many. In this session, we plan to review and show how to use the most important migration tools that you can use when you need to migrate a solution from on-premises to Microsoft Azure.

Azure for Disability

Building the right UX for all people is sometimes is not an easy task. Microsoft Azure is providing support to build a system that can be enjoyed by everybody. Join this session if you want to find more about what are the cloud services that can support you in this journey.

App modernization in 2022 and beyond

There are so many tech buzzwords around us and less and less best practices related to using them. In this session, we do an application modernization from zero to cloud-native, taking into account business constraints, technical and budget limitations.
Are you ready for this journey? Join this session to discover the path for this journey.

Airplane buddy matching using Azure Form Recognizer

Let's dive into the computer vision world by designing a system that can analyse the flight tickets and identify the other co-workers that will fly to the same destination as you. To be able to build such a system we will use the power of Azure Cognitive Services and Form Recognizer.

7 reasons why you should choose Snowflake OR Synapse on Azure

Two data warehouse platforms are available on the same cloud vendor. This can be tricky when you need to decide which one to use. Together, we analyze the main drivers of such a decision and the main differences between the two solutions. By joining this session, you discover the main advantages of each platform and how to decide which one you should use.

Testing Infrastructure as Code

Cloud automation and IaC are part of our day-to-day work. Do you test your IaC? What kind of IaC testing do you do? We look at the frameworks used for testing and the benefits at the project and cloud levels. In total, we cover ten slides and a lot of demos. Session keyword: #IaC #Terraform #ARM #Bicep #Testing #Azure

Azure AI platform, tools, and services

AI has become part of our day-to-day life. Join this session for an immersive journey in the AI world in the Microsoft ecosystem, taking a look at the current and future capabilities and limitations.

DevSecOps for Developers

We already know about DevSecOps from the Infrastructure, Security, CI/CD and Automation point of view. This session is dedicated to us- THE DEVELOPERS. Together, we analyze DevSecOps from the developer's point of view, from tools to services and best practices. The session is dedicated to the people that craft the software.

FinOps in Practice

Inform, Optimize, and Operate are the pillars of FinOps. In this session, we tackle the challenges associated with each phase, covering real-life examples, approaches, tools, and the benefits of FinOps practice. We learn together how to manage better and control cloud spending while maximising the business value.

Cloud Infrastructure Cost Calculator

One of the first topics discussed during a pre-engagement discussion is costs. Estimating the cost of cloud infrastructure can be challenging and complex. In this session, we explore how a cost range calculator can be built to cover multiple cloud vendors and be simple enough to complete in 15 minutes.

Cloud Migration Team Shape

Migrations are part of our daily work. However, business, timeline, and budget pressure can make cloud migrations challenging. This requires the right balance of roles during the migration lifecycle. This session will cover the cloud migration lifecycle and the roles needed for each stage.

Azure AI Connect Sessionize Event

March 2025

NIC Empower 2024 Sessionize Event

November 2024 Oslo, Norway

2024 All Day DevOps Sessionize Event

October 2024

Azure User Group Sweden User group Sessionize Event

October 2024

Cloud Lunch and Learn Weekly Sessions 25 User group Sessionize Event

May 2024

Welsh Azure User Group - Event User group Sessionize Event

February 2022

Virtual Azure Community Day Sessionize Event

July 2020

Radu Vunvulea

Technology Enthusiast, Microsoft Azure MVP, Microsoft Regional Director, Group Head of Cloud - Endava

Cluj-Napoca, Romania


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