
Wei Huang

Wei Huang

co-chair of Kubernetes sig-scheduling

Cupertino, California, United States


Wei Huang is a Software Engineer at Apple, focusing on Kube scheduling and control plane. He has served as a co-chair of Kubernetes SIG-Scheduling for years. He is also the founder of two Kubernetes sub-projects, scheduler-plugins, and kwok.

SIG-Scheduling Intro & Deep Dive

Kube-scheduler is a critical component to Kubernetes, responsible for placing the pod to the most suitable node. But how it works, can we customize it for advanced usage, what’s the best practice in large clusters. To answer these progressive questions, we’ll divide this session into two parts. If you’re a newbie to kube-scheduler, you may interest with the Intro part, if you’re a senior one, you can join our Deep Dive.

What’s more, we’ll share with you some ongoing works within the SIG, including the latest progress with the sub-projects.

Revolutionizing Kube Scalability Testing with KWOK

Scalability testing in Kubernetes has long been considered a demanding and enigmatic process. In this presentation, we aim to dispel the obscurity surrounding this subject, beginning with a comprehensive analysis of existing solutions such as Kubemark. We will explore potential areas for improvement: for instance, transforming from N hollow nodes to a single central controller while maintaining a memory footprint under 100MB, thus making it possible to conduct a 5k node/50k pod test on a laptop.

We will then illustrate the utilization of KWOK for YuniKorn's scalability testing. Given KWOK's low resource demands, we will demonstrate its seamless integration into popular CI pipelines such as Github Actions. This allows early detection of performance degradation within the development workflow. Our discourse aims to elucidate a path toward more efficient and effective Kubernetes scalability testing and set the stage for innovative developments in the field.

Wei Huang

co-chair of Kubernetes sig-scheduling

Cupertino, California, United States


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