
Michael Yao

Michael Yao

Website Maintainer of K8s, Istio, Karmada, and Some Sandbox Projects

Shanghai, China


Michael is an active maintainer of k/website, istio, Spiderpool, HwameiStor, Merbridge, Clusterpedia, and Kubean, and a global reviewer of Karmada.

He plays a role in ensuring the quality and accuracy of website within the CNCF ecosystem. His proficiency in knowledge sharing allows him to guide new contributors on style guides, GitOps workflows, community code of conduct, and other essential information necessary for successful collaboration.

Area of Expertise

  • Information & Communications Technology
  • Media & Information
  • Physical & Life Sciences


  • Kubernetes Users Step-by-step Learning Path

Kubernetes Users Step-by-step Learning Path

1. Introduction

- Introduce speakers
- If you deploy and run apps in k8s clusters, this presentation is helpful

2. Understanding Kubernetes Fundamentals

- Discuss k8s's popularity and architecture
- Explain concepts like pods, services, configmaps, secrets, etc.
- Detail key components such as scheduler, controller-manager, etcd, apiserver, kubelet, proxy, and runtime

3. Getting Started with Kubernetes

- Access and interact with k8s
- Manifest files for resource deployment
- Troubleshooting tips and Helm charts for deployment ease

4. Advanced Usage of Kubernetes

- Autoscaling, probes, and volumes
- Canary, blue-green deployments, rolling updates, and rollbacks
- CI/CD pipeline, microservices, and service meshes

5. Learning Resources for Kubernetes

k8s.io for docs, YouTube for tutorials, killercoda for practice

6. CKAD Certification
7. Try to Contribute and Join: docs, code, slack, online meetings, and meetups

Michael Yao

Website Maintainer of K8s, Istio, Karmada, and Some Sandbox Projects

Shanghai, China


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