
Zsófia Herendi

Zsófia Herendi

Solution Thinker Product Manager

Budapest, Hungary


Zsófia is a system and solution thinker who has spent 20 years bringing developers and business people together, 12+ years working on different teams in an agile environment. She is a skilled modeler with a passion for diagramming and an addiction to optimizing flow. She is not just passionate about solving problems but finding the right problems to solve is one of the key things for her. Probably that’s why she’s been an ambassador of strategic Domain-driven Design (DDD) for more than 7 years now, which also makes it essential for her to be able to develop a shared understanding be it at work or in personal life.

Area of Expertise

  • Information & Communications Technology


  • Business Model
  • Business Analyst
  • Product Management
  • Product Design
  • Product Innovation
  • Business Diagrams
  • Workflows
  • Domain-Driven Design
  • Domain Storytelling
  • Strategy

Beyond Big Ideas: Strategies for Continuous Product Innovation

Successful companies are structured to continually expand their product offerings for success. This entails prioritizing the delivery of value to customers, achieving business objectives, and innovating to stay ahead of competitors, rather than solely concentrating on increasing software output.
And when talking about innovation, you shouldn’t just wait to be able to come up with that one big idea that transforms your business and catches up with competitors. No, innovation is not for the creative genius and not about that one great idea but it is about processes and tools (and of course, skills).
This workshop for (mainly but not necessarily) product people is designed to empower you with the skills and strategies necessary to foster continuous innovation within your team.
During the workshop, we will explore the intersection of practical tools like the Business Model Canvas, ideation techniques, and insights from historical innovation. Through interactive exercises, we'll cultivate a shared understanding and language to facilitate discussions about the future.
Join us and learn how to continuously explore new opportunities while leveraging existing models to drive innovation forward!

Leveling up with business capabilities

Many times in DDD related conversations I was talking about how useful I believe capability modelling is, especially when you want to gain situational awareness at an enterprise. If you had the chance to attend my session at Explore DDD back in 2019 you might know that generally I often suggest using capability modelling especially when you are at a big enterprise and want to learn more about the coverage of how much the business goals are supported. Not to mention how useful capabilities are when it comes to eg. Wardley-mapping where you are not just looking at the situational awareness but also taking it to the next level and talking about evolution. 
Anyways, I think we can all agree that this can be useful. But have you ever actually done it? Have you ever mapped out business capabilities based on a business model for instance? As a newcomer in any "enterprisy" field you can always use this method to gather your questions based on the capability map and the one thing you need to do is only get those questions answered and you are good to go.What I usually use business capabilities for is to generate the right conversations and questions in any situation in my work. And I don't want to keep this experience only to myself, I want this lovely DDD community to not just hear about it but also feel the usefulness by doing this together in a hands-on session.In this session I plan to do the followings: I'll prepare the business model in advance that we are gonna crunch a little during the session (just to get familiar with the business itself). Then we will map out the business capabilities using the business model as a guidance. Once we have the capabilities, we organize those and will look at how this could help us going forward (even when it comes to finding domain boundaries during designing the architecture).

Strategic Autonomous Design Applied

Learn how to model a complex system and break it down into cohesive bounded contexts through hands-on group activities. This session will teach you skills you can immediately begin applying in your organisation to improve the autonomy of your software services and the teams that build and run them.

This session will involve modelling a complex domain with Event Storming and then applying strategic modelling heuristics to various scenarios involving a variety of challenging business, organisational, and technical goals and constraints.

Lots of curve balls will be thrown at you, and you’ll learn how to apply strategic modelling heuristics and find the best bounded contexts whatever the business goals, organisational realities and technical constraints may be.

Along the way you will also learn about theoretical concepts, drawing on ideas from DDD, Systems Thinking, Promise Theory, Theory of Constraints, and more.

Start your own DDD Meetup

To all #DDDesign meetup organizers and those who want to become one. We'll meet during the lunchbreak with Zsófia Herendi in a get-together to share experiences and inspirations.

Modelling Investment Banking, Hands-on

Have you ever wondered how the Investment Banking world works? Or what the domain flows are?
Now you have the chance, by modelling the domain hands-on with an investment banking domain expert, Zsófia. Working in an unknown domain will improve your ability to model new domains and add new patterns and heuristics to your toolbox.
This very interactive, collaborative session will not just teach you Investment Banking, but shows you how skills like EventStorming can be used on a daily basis when you are shaping the organisation and looking for bounded contexts.
You will also see how the same domain can be modelled in different ways, providing different viewpoints of a system.

Growing the Virtual DDD meetup: a retrospective

Virtual DDD, a community driven meetup, was founded almost a year ago by Kenny Baas-Schwegler, Marco Heimeshoff and Zsófia Herendi. People who don't live near an active Domain-Driven Design meetup, or just want to get more in-depth knowledge of DDD, are joining this virtual DDD community for online panel discussions, community talks and more.
In the first year, Virtual DDD had more than 15 sessions provided by a worldwide community of people who love learning and growing together. DDD EU 2020 provides a perfect opportunity to reflect on our first year together and explore how we can make the virtual DDD journey even more awesome. Everybody is more than welcome to join us, even if you have never heard about Virtual DDD, to bring together all the deep, creative, productive or crazy ideas. Let's focus on the real needs people have in the virtual DDD community.
You can check out our website to learn more: https://virtualddd.com/

Find the common language between business and IT!

You must know that putting together a good IT strategy is not easy. One of the key components of the strategy is Business Capabilities as they have the potential to serve as a common language between business and IT. But how exactly can we know about these capabilities?
This workshop will show you how to find and visualize the business capabilities by starting at the very beginning with the most important part: the business model.

DDD for Domain Experts & Product Owners

Have you ever wondered what product people’s role is in DDD? Well, it is a key role because a product person needs to be aware with how the business works, the business strategy and its changes, and need to deliver this information to the team/s clearly in order for them to be able to solve problems that are really important for the business. Because teams are solving real business problems in DDD. But first teams need to learn more about the business to understand their problems and struggles. Who could be a better person than a product owner to share this with the team (derived all these information from the high level business model and strategy)?
What if people don’t want to know more than the bare minimum and they are not curious about the domain and business at all? We, product people need developers and everyone in the team to be willing to know more about the why’s. How do we do this? What is in our toolbox for this? You can learn more on this session and no matter you are a product person or developer you can get useful hints and tips there.

Build great products by learning more about your end users

DDD is about deriving everything from the business side, we need to architect our products in a way that most helps achieving business success. But we cannot do it without considering the end users, the different personas whom we deliver value for. We really need to make sure who these people are exactly (if it is people), what are the issues they are facing every day and what is their goal with using our product. Once we learn all this about our users we can confidently go forward to build up our backlog knowing that all the stories in there are strategically important.

Explore DDD 2024 Sessionize Event

March 2024 Denver, Colorado, United States

Zsófia Herendi

Solution Thinker Product Manager

Budapest, Hungary


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