
Aubrey Wade

Aubrey Wade

A Boundary Pushing, Positive Disrupting, Way Maker - I make good trouble

Memphis, Tennessee, United States


Aubrey Wade is a Speaking and Consulting Professional who loves coaching and studying relational techniques in the workplace. Currently, she is a Consultant and Writer and served as a board member for the Business Agility Memphis group. She loves helping people - whether it's helping companies build a great process, managers create a great team or product, or C-Suite champions transform an entire enterprise. She loves helping people make positive change in their lives and she's not afraid to get her hands dirty and make positive disruption to help companies get to where they want to go.

Aubrey graduated with a degree in Psychology yet has worked in technology for 20+ years. She has helped multiple Fortune 300 companies transform their organizations, improve processes, team dynamics, as well as successful consistent releases and enterprise reporting. She also hosts team building workshops and teaches on the Enneagram regularly both in person (safely) and virtually and is a regular conference speaker.

When she’s not at work, she is a wife, band mom, soccer mom to 3 daughters. She loves speaking and teaching around the country. Most of all, she loves to help people improve, knowing it starts with herself.

Area of Expertise

  • Information & Communications Technology
  • Health & Medical


  • Enneagram
  • Agile Leadership
  • Relationships
  • Self Improvement
  • Agile Coaching
  • Personal Growth
  • Teacher
  • Emotional growth
  • Team Management
  • Building Remote Team Engagement
  • Soft Skills
  • Team Building
  • Agile Transformation
  • Metrics
  • Project Management
  • Empathy
  • product strategy
  • Product Innovation
  • Employee Engagement
  • Technical Product Leadership

PIVOT! We Need a Do Over.

So, we're getting through a pandemic and on the brink of world war 3 and layoffs here and there and covid here, long covid there and all I want to do is just be agile... use your skills and help others.


Are you trying to find your space for a "Do Over"? Are you trying to Reboot? Are you looking to start again?

Well, friends. Let me tell you, I've been there. I was here (figuratively & physically) speaking at an event 2 years ago. I was on the brink of a health crisis that was coming my way and I didn't know it. Complete chaos and physical collapse was right before me. I got covid and my body did not rebound, it shut down and I slipped into a deep dive that almost killed me.

I got laid off from my job and didn't work for 1.5 years. I was the rockstar, the one you called when you needed a heavy hitter! But I am also here to tell you how you get it all back.

In this session, I'll tell you how I PIVOTed back into the game and found my way back to this amazing passion.

3... 2... 1... WE HAVE CONTACT!

Having implemented agile transformation in many companies, some of the biggest nonprofits in the world, even one of the largest financial firms in the world... I can truly say the best moment an Agile Transformation coach feels is when you see "IT" happen. When you see the moment your clients / teams get "it" and they have their "AHA!" moment and there's the contact of where we have come FROM --> where we are going.

There is nothing more satisfying than THIS EXACT MOMENT. I'm usually in tears when I witness it. Yes, on a very public call with a Fortune 50 company, I cried when I saw the breakthrough happen.

This talk is about how you break through the culture, establish psychological safety with the hardest of teams, most impossible of clients and you achieve the impossible. You get their buy in for something they didn't even know they wanted....


What's Your Number? - Individuals - How to use your Enneagram type to your advantage

What if you knew the vices prone to trigger your ugly side? Or the great parts of your personality that could help your career or your team?

What if I told you anyone could get the best dynamics and products out of their teams with this?

Each of us can do this: We all fall into a particular number on the Enneagram and no number is better than the other. During this session, we will take the Enneagram assessment and break down the results in detail not just for your personal benefit, but for how you interact with others. I will explain each number of the Enneagram and how to understand what it is telling you about yourself, your motives, your triggers, Vices and Virtues, how you impact others and HOW TO USE THEM YOUR ADVANTAGE.

In this session, I will explain how I have used this info to build my professional career, help product teams, and even change the way I have pivoted my life since! If time allows, I will also dig into the incredible science behind the Enneagram. After, you should feel confident to elicit more from your teams and drive team goals. You will get a thorough handout with information to begin immediately applying what we have learned along with references to my research for your personal follow up. No matter what role you’re in on a team there is always room to grow!

The information we explore in this session will inevitably lead to MUCH discussion with the attendees. Because I normally do this as a 3 or 5 hour workshop, It would be very easy to break this down into 2 sessions: first session as an individual session then a part two specifically focused to Leaders to HOW they can apply this in becoming better leaders, how to guide and serve their people and focus on their specific needs to create detailed plans of action. I've given this several times and each time, feedback is EXTREMELY positive, always asking for more information.

I will have a presentation, in PowerPoint. And a handout available virtually.

Learning Outcomes:
● What is the Enneagram
● What is your number and how does it naturally react and work with others
● Understand your number’s Vices and Virtues and motivators
● How can the enneagram HELP technical teams and you to be better
● Understand how you can use the knowledge of your number to YOUR benefit!

Presentation History:
● In Spring of 2019, I led the Scrum Master group of ALSAC St. Jude thru the Enneagram self-discovery track.
● I presented this at Music City Tech 2019 in Nashville: https://musiccitytech.com/speakers/
○ The feedback received was outstanding! Only two people didn’t give me a 4 or 5 (on a 1-5 scale); both complained that it wasn’t a 3-hour conference.
● In Fall of 2019, for Dev Ops staff of AutoZone, we performed individual sessions for self-discovery work.
● November 2019, I was invited to a retreat and provided a ½ day workshop for team building and relationship management for the staff of ALSAC/St. Jude’s Regional staff.
● In early 2020, before COVID, I facilitated a team leadership workshop for the Memphis Junior League.
● Summer of 2020, one of the law firms in Memphis hosted an extended (virtual) lunch and learn Enneagram team assessment workshop – Was reviewed as extremely beneficial and a lot of fun!
● Feb 2021: Guest speaker (virtually) for the Agile 20 group out of London, UK
● March 2021: Guest speaker (virtually) for the Memphis DevOps monthly luncheon from the Memphis Technology

What's Your Number? - Workshop - How to use your Enneagram type to your advantage

What if you knew the vices prone to trigger your ugly side? Or the best of your personality which could help you? What if I told you anyone could get the best dynamics and products out of their teams?

What if I told you, as a leader, you could find a cheat sheet for successfully POSITIVELY engaging your employees?

All of this is true. - We all fall into a particular number on the Enneagram and no number is better than the other.

During this session, we will take the Enneagram assessment and break down the results in detail to see how you interact with others, understand what it is telling you about yourself, your motives, your triggers. We will have a very interactive time and discussion digging into our Vices and Virtues; how you impact others and how to you this info to OUR ADVANTAGE, learning all about YOU!

After this session, you should feel confident to elicit more from your teams and drive team goals. You will get a thorough handout with information to begin immediately applying what we have learned along with references to my research for your personal follow up.

No matter what role you’re in on a team there is always room to grow!

I've given this several times and each time, feedback is EXTREMELY positive, always asking for more information. I also have a website you can check out... https://thejourneyofdiscovery.net

I have a presentation to show. Currently it's in PowerPoint,

I have handouts available (virtually). it's fascinating information that will enable folks to do follow up where they want more info/knowledge.

No Prereq's required.

Learning Outcomes:
● What is the Enneagram
● What is your number and how does it naturally react and work with others
● Understand your number’s Vices and Virtues and motivators
● How can the enneagram HELP technical teams and you to be better
● Understand how you can use the knowledge of your number to YOUR benefit!

Presentation History:
● In Spring of 2019, I led the Scrum Master group of ALSAC St. Jude thru the Enneagram self-discovery track.
● I presented this at Music City Tech 2019 in Nashville: https://musiccitytech.com/speakers/
○ The feedback received was outstanding! Only two people didn’t give me a 4 or 5 (on a 1-5 scale); both complained that it wasn’t a 3-hour conference.
● In Fall of 2019, for Dev Ops staff of AutoZone, we performed individual sessions for self-discovery work.
● November 2019, I was invited to a retreat and provided a ½ day workshop for team building and relationship management for the staff of ALSAC/St. Jude’s Regional staff.
● In early 2020, before COVID, I facilitated a team leadership workshop for the Memphis Junior League.
● Summer of 2020, one of the law firms in Memphis hosted an extended (virtual) lunch and learn Enneagram team assessment workshop – Was reviewed as extremely beneficial and a lot of fun!
● Feb 2021: Guest speaker (virtually) for the Agile 20 group out of London, UK
● March 2021: Guest speaker (virtually) for the Memphis DevOps monthly luncheon from the Memphis Technology

What's Your Number? Leaders - How to use the Enneagram to your advantage

What if I told you Leaders can get long lasting performance, team dynamics and products out of your teams with one bit of understanding?

What if I told you, as a leader, you could find a cheat sheet for successfully POSITIVELY engaging your employees?

Every leader of people can do this. This session will help you understand how your Enneagram Number affects you as a leader. As well, how you can understand your team members, how your number interacts with theirs, and how you can solicit the best work from your teams to make great things!

Through the session, we will cover Enneagram briefly as a whole; while it’s not a pre-req to have the back knowledge, it will help if you’ve done it. We will go over the leadership vices and virtues by each number, how you will be able to guide and direct your teams better as leaders and learn the “gotchya’s” for each number to watch out for. If time allows, I'll also go over a brief history and science of the Enneagram as well as how it has made me a better leader of teams and how it's changed the way I approach almost everything.

The information we explore in the Enneagram sessions lead to a very flexible format... as these are soft skills focused. These also tend to attract a lot of people. I will have Bruce Nix to co-facilitate with me... monitoring the chat and taking notes for me should any issue arise or requests for follow up.

This is part 2 of a 2 part pairing. These can be totally independent of each other, however, they're best when paired together. I provide this format as this is what I normally do, typically a 2 or 5-hour workshop, however, I have them split into two for purposes of time. This portion, part 2, I can do in a solid 50 min piece. I will have a presentation and handouts for people to access on a google drive for each person’s number and also the references to my data. It's fascinating information that will enable folks to do follow up where they want more info/knowledge not just for themselves but also working with others effectively.

Below is a recording of the Agile London talk I did earlier in the year. please speed up to around the 15 min mark and you will be fully into our learning. The recording is from part 1.

50 min Format Option will run like as the below
5 min Introduction
10 min Review Cover Enneagram with brief review of what the numbers mean
10 min ACTIVITY: Begin creating an action plan
20 min Team Dynamics – dig into Leadership Traits for each number and how to pull the best out of other numbers
5 min Science and closing: IF THERES TIME: Tie it all together, show there might be something to all this crazy science
QA: If there’s time, will answer QA and/or provide people a way to get more information

Prerequisite Knowledge:
None. Recommended to have taken the What’s your Number talk first, but not required.

Learning Outcomes:
• Ways to recognize when your employees are struggling
• Create strategies on how to help self and employees
• Pitfalls in leadership for your number
• Vices and Virtues for your number
• Your natural specific strengths as a leader
• An action plan created together, for you, to take home and implement!

Presentation History:
● In Spring of 2019, I led the Scrum Master group of ALSAC St. Jude thru the Enneagram self-discovery track.
● I presented this at Music City Tech 2019 in Nashville: https://musiccitytech.com/speakers/
○ The feedback received was outstanding! Only two people didn’t give me a 4 or 5 (on a 1-5 scale); both complained that it wasn’t a 3-hour conference.
● In Fall of 2019, for Dev Ops staff of AutoZone, we performed individual sessions for self-discovery work.
● November 2019, I was invited to a retreat and provided a ½ day workshop for team building and relationship management for the staff of ALSAC/St. Jude’s Regional staff.
● In early 2020, before COVID, I facilitated a team leadership workshop for the Memphis Junior League.
● Summer of 2020, one of the law firms in Memphis hosted an extended (virtual) lunch and learn Enneagram team assessment workshop – Was reviewed as extremely beneficial and a lot of fun!
● Feb 2021: Guest speaker (virtually) for the Agile 20 group out of London, UK
● March 2021: Guest speaker (virtually) for the Memphis DevOps monthly luncheon from the Memphis Technology


The 3 legged stool, it's not just for analogies

This talk is about how I have applied the 3-legged stool concept to some of the best agile implementations and found it to be not only a great analogy and teacher, but it is one of the best ways for me to work with clients, and help teams remain successful.

Utilizing this analogy in practice gave me the ability to show teams THE "HOW" in supporting all aspects of their roles, communication, collaboration and dependencies up and down in SAFe trains. They visualized these aspects by using this concept, finally.

This also enabled our clients and management teams to understand how AND why you need not shortchange teams by having people double duty, 50% or leave early and why it's important to not have one person do both roles.

Today's session will leave you motivated to have productive conversations with your teams and leaders and make positive change in your organizations!

Previous online presentation: (not this talk) https://youtu.be/NoONM9sIhEI

Music City Tech 2019 Sessionize Event

September 2019 Nashville, Tennessee, United States

Aubrey Wade

A Boundary Pushing, Positive Disrupting, Way Maker - I make good trouble

Memphis, Tennessee, United States


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