Marcel Meurer
Microsoft MVP for Azure
Microsoft MVP for Azure, sepago GmbH
Odenthal, Germany
Marcel Meurer is responsible for the professional IT services business unit at sepago GmbH in Cologne. In this role, he leads a team of consultants who provide their expertise in Microsoft and Citrix Technologies for customers and partners. His technical focus is Microsoft Azure platform services, and he has been a Microsoft Azure MVP since 2016.
Since 2021, Marcel has also run the company ITProCloud GmbH. The company is focused on delivering cloud-based solutions for all kinds of companies. The well-known solutions for managing Azure Virtual Desktop easily and automatically is Hydra for Azure Virtual Desktop or WVDAdmin.
Marcel's journey in the IT industry began in the early 1990s, a time when personal computers were just emerging (and before that, the Commodore 64 was the norm). His focus on assembler and hardware-related programming, particularly the IoT of the 1990s, showcases his early dedication and passion for the field.
In the year 1995 he started studying electrical engineering. During his studies, machine learning and neural networks were one of his favorite topics. In addition to his studies, he worked for a small computer company in Aachen, where he provided operating systems and applications with automated methods on many computers.
Marcel Meurer graduated as an engineer in electrical engineering from the University of Applied Science Aachen.
Marcel Meurer verantwortet beruflich den Geschäftsbereich Professional IT Services bei der Sepago GmbH in Köln. In dieser Funktion leitet er ein Team von Beratern, die ihre Expertise u.a. in Microsoft und Citrix Technologien für Kunden und Partner leisten. Technisch fokusiert er sich auf Microsoft Azure Platform Dienste und ist Microsoft Azure MVP seit 2016.
Seine IT-Karriere begann er in den frühen 90er Jahren mit ersten Kontakten zu Personal Computern (und davor mit dem Commodore 64). Assembler und die hardwarenahe Programmierung lagen im Fokus – das IoT der 90er.
Im Jahr 1995 begann er das Studium der Elektrotechnik. Während des Studiums war unter anderem Machine Learning mit neuronalen Netzen ein Thema. Neben dem Studium arbeitete er für ein kleine Computerfirma in Aachen, wo er auf vielen Computern Betriebssysteme und Anwendungen mit automatisierten Methoden bereitstellte.
Marcel Meurer schloss sein Studium als Diplom-Ingenieur für Elektrotechnik an der University of Applied Science ab.
Area of Expertise
Azure Virtual Desktop - Behind the scenes en
AVD is part of Azure and can be managed with the Azure Portal, PowerShell, and other solutions. It's also integrated with other Azure services like Azure Monitor. Let us reveal the APIs to get more information about the state of AVD, creating rules to monitor the AVD backend and alerts to get informed if something goes wrong. But be careful: Protect your hands with gloves while we reveal the insights with Fiddler, Postman, Notepad, and other tools.
From zero to hero - Build and manage an Azure Virtual Desktop environment en
Azure Virtual Desktop extends the possibilities of End-User-Computing in the Microsoft Azure cloud. There are many ways to manage desktops and handle the application life cycle.
In the workshop, we will build an Azure Virtual Desktop environment with the needed resources, like Azure Files, golden master, host pools, and session hosts.
Using the "Golden Master" approach, we are configuring a Windows 11 multi-session VM to fit our needs regarding updates, applications, and optimization. To reuse the master later, we use PowerShell to grab an image from the master and deploy it later as a session host. In doing this, we must avoid some pitfalls to capture the image and not destroy the master.
To operate Azure Virtual Desktop, we can use PowerShell or free community tools to update the session hosts completely or run Windows updates every week.
After the deployment, we configure the logging of the environment: This includes diagnostic logging, custom logging with Azure Functions, creation of alerts, and finally, nice workbooks to show the state of our environment and resources.
To test our environment, we are doing some load tests: Logging on a bunch of users automatically and verifying that the environment scales up and down as expected. At the same time, we are using our Azure Monitor workbooks from before to monitor the environment.
After the workshop, you know :
How to use the golden master approach without destroying the master
- How to handle sysprep to avoid issues with Windows universal apps
- How to handle sysprep to avoid issues with Windows domain joined Windows 11 masters
- Image an AAD-joined master
- Optimize your Windows 10/11 operating system for AVD
Deploying session hosts
- Based on custom images
- Using Azure Disk Encryption (ADE) for the OS disk
- Deploy secure boot-enabled hosts
- Deploy images containing two partitions (C: and D:)
- Remove old certificates from the image to install Azure Monitor
- Configure Azure Monitor
- Configure the diagnostic logging
- Create advanced monitoring with Azure Function
- Work with the logs in Log Analytics
- Create workbooks and alerts
- Debugging Azure Virtual Desktop hosts
- Get more insights into the diagnostic logging
- Run automated load tests to verify scaling and operation
- And much more hands-on experience
In the workshop, we will build an Azure Virtual Desktop environment with the needed resources, like Azure Files, golden master, host pools, and session hosts. The focus is on the deployment, handling Windows 10/11 multi-session, updating host pools, using Azure Monitor and creating custom monitoring with Azure function, and debugging of Azure Virtual Desktop.
Unleash the power of Intune and Azure Virtual Desktop en de
Azure Virtual Desktop extends the possibilities of End-User-Computing in the Microsoft Azure cloud. There are many ways to manage desktops and handle the application life cycle.
Combined with Intune, we unleash the true power: Creating a golden Master with Intune to deploy win32 and package manager apps. Additionally, Intune policies are used to configure Azure Virtual Desktop session hosts. But using Intune with AVD contains some pitfalls - let us start doing that and avoid some of the classic mistakes.
Using Intune, PowerShell, and some tools allows us to build AVD environments integrated into AD, AAD&AD, or AAD-only. Even AAD-only is becoming more and more popular. An easier integration, fewer dependencies, and, at the same time, new challenges: How to store FSLogix profiles with cloud-only users, accessing on-premises resources, etc.
Finally, session attendees can deploy and configure AVD with Intune and make the right decision about where to deploy AVD and how to work in an AAD-only environment like a charm.
Unleash the power of Intune and Azure Virtual Desktop en de
Azure Virtual Desktop erweitert die Möglichkeiten des End-User-Computing in der Microsoft Azure Cloud. Es gibt einige Möglichkeiten, Desktops zu verwalten und den Lebenszyklus von Anwendungen zu steuern.
In Kombination mit Intune entfesseln wir die wahre Power: Erstellen von Golden Master Images mit Intune und der Installation von Win32- und Paketmanager-Apps. Darüber hinaus werden Intune-Richtlinien zur Konfiguration von Azure Virtual Desktop Hosts verwendet - komplett ad-less. Jedoch gibt es in der Kombination einige Fallstricke. Aber lasst uns damit starten und einige der klassischen Fehler direkt vermeiden.
Mit Intune, PowerShell und einigen Tools können wir AVD-Umgebungen dann ausrollen und im AD, AAD&AD oder AAD-only betreiben. Und AAD-only wird immer beliebter - einfachere Integration, weniger Abhängigkeiten und gleichzeitig neue Herausforderungen: Wie speichert man FSLogix-Profile mit Cloud-only-Benutzern, wie greift man auf On-Premises-Ressourcen zu, usw. Auch das werden wir klären und lösen.
Nach der Session könnt ihr AVD mit Intune bereitstellen und konfigurieren und die richtige Entscheidung darüber treffen, wo AVD bereitgestellt werden soll - und: wie man in einer reinen AAD-Umgebung reibungslos arbeiten kann.
Pimp my AVD with Hydra for Azure Virtual Desktop en de
Azure Virtual Desktop is becoming increasingly popular, and more and more customers are using the Microsoft solution. As good as AVD is, some challenges remain for IT. User support, imaging, deployment, and maintenance are still regular tasks for IT. Hydra for Azure Virtual Desktop simplifies and partially automates these tasks. In the session, we create images with a click, bypass the challenges of Sysprep, scale in all directions, and automate the management of the environment. Hydra is free for environments with up to 6 hosts per pool without further restrictions.
#LotOfDemosm, #FewSlides and #HandsOn
Pimp my AVD mit Hydra for Azure Virtual Desktop en de
Azure Virtual Desktop wird immer beliebter und mehr und mehr Kunden nutzen die Microsoft Lösung. So gut AVD auch ist, für die IT bleiben einige Herausforderungen. Benutzersupport, Imaging, Deployment und Maintenance sind nach wie vor regelmäßige Task der IT. Diese zu vereinfachen und teilweise vollständig zu Automatisieren ist die Aufgabe von Hydra for Azure Virtual Desktop. In der Session erstellen wir Images per Klick, umgehen die Herausforderungen von Sysprep, Skalieren in allen Richtungen und automatisieren das Management der Umgebung. Hydra ist für Umgebungen mit bis zu 6 Hosts pro Pool kostenfrei ohne weitere Einschränkungen nutzbar. #LotOfDemosm, #FewSlides and #HandsOn
Azure Virtual Desktop - Deep dive with Kusto and Log Analytics en de
Like other Microsoft services, AVD can log diagnostic data - and this data is worth its weight in gold: not only does it help us figure out why users can't log in or a session fails, but it also provides much more insight into the system and connections. In this session, we'll look at how to get valuable information from the data. We'll use KUSTO, connect tables, create alerts, and build fancy workbooks to do this. And there's more: with Azure Functions, we'll create a standalone solution that additionally monitors our environment.
Azure Virtual Desktop – Deep dive mit Kusto und Log Analytics en de
Wie andere Microsoft Dienste kann auch AVD Diagnose Daten loggen – und diese Daten sind Gold wert: Sie helfen nicht nur herauszufinden, warum Benutzer sich nicht anmelden können oder eine Sitzung nicht zustande kommt, sie geben auch noch deutlich mehr Einblicke in das System und in die Sitzungen. In dieser Session beschäftigen wir uns damit, wie wir wertvolle Informationen aus den Daten erhalten. Dafür nutzen wir KUSTO, verbinden Tabellen, erstellen Alerts und bauen fancy Workbooks. Und noch mehr: Mit Azure Functions erstellen wir uns eine Eigenständige Lösung, die unsere Umgebung zusätzlich monitort.
Super secure and super smart: Azure Virtual Desktop with Microsoft Defender – best practices en
AVD is Microsoft's flagship for desktop virtualization, and you can highly secure the user's data and sessions with the Defender suite. Let us dig into the challenge of building, securing, and managing a secure virtual desktop environment based on Microsoft Technologies. After the session, attendees gained deep insights about securing AVD, working with ephemeral hosts, and connecting Defender Solutions and AVD.
Reach out to the sky with Azure Virtual Desktops neuest und coolste Features de
AVD ist bereits seit einigen Jahren auf dem Markt und gewinnt zunehmend an Bedeutung für das End-User-Computing. In den letzten Monaten wurden hervorragende Funktionen eingeführt, welche die Benutzer- und Administrationserfahrung deutliche verbessern. Diese Session ist ein "Muss", wenn es darum geht, AVD like-a-Hero zu meistern. Erlebt, wie man Hibernation mit eigenen Images nutzen kann und gleichzeitig Geld spart und die Benutzer-Experience enorm steigert, wie SSO funktioniert (da wo möglich), AVD Cloud-Nativ ausgerollt wird und vieles mehr. Alle Teilnehmer erhalten viele Live-Demos, Skripte und Tools, um die tägliche Arbeit noch perfekter zu meistern.
Work with Azure Virtual Desktop like a Pro en
Azure Virtual Desktop extends the possibilities of End-User-Computing in the Microsoft Azure cloud. There are many ways to manage desktops and handle the application life-cycle. One straightforward way of doing that is by using free community solutions and modern software distribution technologies. Let's start managing AVD like a pro with WVDAdmin, Hydra, a bunch of automatisms, scripts, and script collections.
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Marcel Meurer
Microsoft MVP for Azure
Odenthal, Germany
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