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Most Active Speaker

Sasha Denisov

Sasha Denisov

EPAM, Chief Software Engineer, Flutter and Dart GDE

Berlin, Germany


Sasha is an experienced software developer with a rich background, in IT for more than 20 years. He worked with different stacks in backend, frontend and mobile fields, but since 2018 his main interest is Flutter. Sasha also has deep expertise in Firebase and Generative AI area, enhancing his capabilities to create robust, intelligent, and scalable applications. Sasha is a Chief Software Engineer and Head of Flutter Discipline in EPAM. Also, he is Flutter and Dart GDE and Co-Organizer of Flutter Berlin community.


  • Most Active Speaker 2023

Area of Expertise

  • Information & Communications Technology


  • flutter
  • Dart
  • flutter web
  • Android
  • iOS
  • Firebase
  • Kotlin
  • Swift

All the secrets of Vertex AI in your Firebase powered app and beyond

In this talk, I'm going to explain all of opportunities and capabilities of the integration of various AI models, such as Gemini, Gemma, and more, within your Firebase-powered applications. We'll explore the ease of incorporating these models using Firebase's serverless backend, leveraging both the Firebase Vertex AI SDK and Firebase Genkit through Cloud Functions or Cloud Run. Additionally, we will discuss the process of fine-tuning models to cater to your specific needs. Join me to uncover all the secrets of Vertex AI and elevate your app development with advanced AI capabilities.

GenAI fireside chat in your Mobile/Web app

In this talk, I'm going to explore the new world of Gemini technology. First, I'll introduce you to what Gemini is all about, highlighting its cool new features and the amazing possibilities it offers. I'll explain why Gemini is different from what we've seen before and how it can help make your apps better than ever.

Then, we'll move on to the practical stuff. We all know AI is a big deal nowadays, so we'll show you how to get Gemini AI working with your Mobile or Web apps. We're going to use some tools like AI Studio API and Vertex AI API, and we'll even try running AI models right on your device. After that, we'll see how Gemini AI can work together with ChatGPT API, comparing what each can do.

To wrap it up, we'll build an app where these AIs talk to each other near fireside with glass of wine, without us having to do anything.

By the end of this talk, you'll see a cool example of what happens when AIs get to work together, giving you a peek into the future of app development.

Focus Management for the best UX in Flutter Web, Desktop and TV apps

User interaction with a Flutter application can vary, for example, in the case of smartphones or tablets, it primarily involves gestures, and everything is quite simple. But when it comes to the web and desktop, the mouse and keyboard come into play. In the case of TV platforms, we're left with only a remote control. And the only thing a user can control is the focus. Let's delve into what focus is, what capabilities Flutter offers for managing it, and how to create a cool and beautiful UX by controlling focus alone.

Serverless backend with Firebase Cloud Functions and beyond

In this talk, I will describe how to build an event-driven serverless backend using Firebase services and Cloud Functions and show examples, of course. Did you know, for example, that last year a new version of Cloud Functions, v2.0, was released, which now operates fundamentally differently, opening up many new opportunities? Or that a cloud function can be written not only in JS and TS but also in Python or Java, and that you can create your own event that will trigger the function? Or that you can connect any Firebase service, or any Cloud API, for example, Genkti, or an external API, such as ChatGPT? That eventually, you can create your own function in a language not natively supported out of the box, like Dart or Rust. Let's figure it out together, how it works!

Mobile Farming for Perfection

This talk explores the integration of mobile device farms in both the development and testing phases of mobile applications. Mobile test farms, such as Perfeсto, Firebase Test Lab, and Mobitru, are not only essential for ensuring wide device coverage and identifying compatibility issues but also serve as powerful tools in the development process, enabling developers to detect and address potential issues early on. The talk will emphasize how these technologies contribute to improving app quality and performance from inception to deployment.

The session will provide a practical comparison of leading mobile test farms and discuss how AI enhances these platforms by automating tasks, analyzing results, and predicting user behaviors. Attendees will learn about the dual role of these innovative tools in streamlining development and testing workflows, ensuring that the end product is robust, user-friendly, and performs well across a multitude of devices and operating systems. By integrating these advanced technologies, developers and testers alike can elevate the efficiency and effectiveness of their mobile app strategies, and reduce the costs of mistakes.

Building the Ideal Flutter Multi-Platform Development Team

Flutter is a powerful multi-platform framework that can be used to create beautiful, native-feeling applications for mobile, web, and desktop. However, developing multi-platform applications can be challenging, especially when supporting a large number of platforms.

The ideal Flutter multi-platform development team should have a mix of skills and experience, including software development for different platforms and integrations.

In my talk, I will tell you what you need to pay attention to when forming the ideal team for a large number of platforms, how to simplify management, and even how to use AI to speed up the development and testing process

Embedding Flutter into Your Native iOS, Android, and Web apps

In this talk, we'll explore embedding Flutter into native apps, (even combining Jetpack Compose and SwiftUI). We'll cover setting up the development environment, integrating Flutter widgets into native code, and communication between Flutter and native components. We'll also discuss best practices for maximizing the benefits of this approach. Furthermore, we'll highlight Flutter's new feature of embedding into native web applications, unlocking opportunities to utilize Flutter's power and flexibility on existing web apps.

Flutter and AppleTV. Story of one challenge

Flutter officially supports six platforms, but, unfortunately, TV platforms are not yet on the list. While Flutter applications can indeed be developed for TV platforms, and launching your app on Android TV can be relatively easy, the situation with Apple TV is far more complex. In this talk, I will describe step-by-step how we solved this problem and finally launched a Flutter application on AppleTV

Let's shake the Flutter tree

The more platforms a Flutter application supports, the more code a project can have that is needed only for one platform and not needed for others. How to make sure that unnecessary code does not get into the final platform-specific build? And how to check that it really did not get?

In Flutter, there is a Tree-shaking mechanism, which is designed exactly for these purposes. Many Flutter developers have heard about it, but not everyone really understands what it is and how it actually works. Let's try to figure it out.

Flutter. Many faces of Platform Integrations

If you can't achieve something in Flutter, you can do it at the platform level and then use it in the cross-platform part, you only need to remember Java or Kotlin for Android and Swift or Objective-C for iOS, And don't forget about Flutter for the Web with JavaScript or TypeScript. It turns out that there are a whole bunch of integration options with the native part, and in this talk, I'm going to analyze all of them with examples.

Building Flutter app for everyone

Accessibility is the design of applications so as to be usable by people with disabilities. If you want to make an app as useful for many people as possible including people with visual, mobility, learning, or hearing disabilities, you need to implement accessibility elements. In this talk, you’ll learn which accessibility features Flutter support, and how to implement the accessibility of your Flutter applications to make them usable for everyone.

Workshop: Flutter app Journey from Mobile to Web and Desktop

Flutter is a great multi-platform framework, that provides an opportunity to create not only mobile but also web and desktop apps, but web and desktop applications have different UI/UX in comparison with Mobile, at least because they need keyboard and mouse control. It is completely different than working with a touchscreen.
In this workshop, I'm going to show, how to remake a mobile app into a web/desktop one and figure out how to properly manage focus and what a hover effect is.

Flutter + Firebase. Explosive combination

Flutter is a great multi-platform framework for getting up and running on multiple platforms quickly.
But when creating a modern application, in addition to the Frontend, you also need a Backend to store data and media, send notifications and etc. Additionally, you need to grow your user base and improve your app experience. Integration with Firebase gives the opportunity to develop these features easily.
This session is focused on the integration of Firebase products like Firebase Cloud Firestore, Authentication, Analytics, Remote Config, and Firebase Cloud Messaging with your Flutter apps.
How to build a beautiful app that runs natively on iOS, Android and Web, all from a single codebase. Besides, how to marry Flutter's latest multi-platform reactive UI elements and other capabilities with powerful Firebase SDK functionality.
Together with the audience, we will take a look at the development of an application that allows you to mark your favorite speakers and show their ratings.

Compose Flutter Modules in your Android app

Explore the process of embedding Flutter into existing Android applications in this live coding session. Learn how to seamlessly integrate Flutter with your native code, rendering multiple Flutter modules on a single screen and incorporating them into a Jetpack Compose hierarchy. Discover the techniques and best practices for successfully integrating Flutter into your Android app. Join us for this informative session and level up your app development skills.

Optimization of Mobile Development Strategy for Maximum Business Impact"

In this presentation, we'll explore practical strategies for optimizing mobile development to achieve exceptional results. We'll delve into the nuances of technology selection, comparing options like native iOS-Android, hybrid frameworks, Flutter, React Native, Kotlin Multiplatform and so on. Additionally, we'll discuss structuring mobile delivery processes, effective team organization, role assignments, process refinement, and leveraging appropriate tools. Furthermore, we'll examine the potential expansion of mobile solutions to web, TV, and desktop platforms, along with insights on smooth platform migration for enhanced optimization. Join us as we uncover actionable insights to elevate your mobile development endeavors to new heights.

Unlocking Mobile Wallets from Flutter application

As the digital wallet space evolves, Apple Wallet and Google Wallet have become more than just tools for mobile payments; they're key holders of loyalty and membership cards, among other functionalities. However, these wallets operate on different platforms—iOS and Android—each with its unique capabilities and APIs, presenting a complex challenge for developers aiming to create seamless, cross-platform experiences with Flutter, Google's UI toolkit for building natively compiled applications.

This talk will explore the intricacies of integrating Google and Apple Wallets into Flutter applications, focusing on understanding the similarities and differences between the two platforms, including their supported functionalities and specific APIs. We'll dive into the practicalities of crafting a cross-platform solution that not only bridges these differences but also meets high standards of security and user convenience.

Attendees will gain insights into:

-The similarities and differences between Google and Apple Wallets, including their capabilities and the types of cards and passes they support.
-The specific APIs provided by Apple and Google for wallet integration and how these can be accessed within a Flutter environment.
-Strategies for overcoming the challenges of creating a cross-platform solution that works efficiently with both wallets.
-Best practices for ensuring that the integration meets the stringent security requirements of mobile wallet platforms while providing a convenient experience for users.

Evolution of Dart. Syntax Sugar or Functional Enhancements?

In this talk, we will delve into the exciting new features and enhancements introduced in Dart 3, showcasing the language's evolution and its growing usability.
We will discuss True Sound Null Safety, and improvements of interoperability with JavaScript, Kotlin and Swift, and of course such new features as Records, Pattern Matching, Multiple Return with comparison to their analogs in other languages.
And finally, what opportunities do these improvements offer for development with Flutter and beyond?

Workshop: Flutter for Android TV and Apple TV

Get ready to explore TV app development using Flutter. While Flutter officially supports various platforms, TV platforms like Android TV and Apple TV have been overlooked. But fear not! In this workshop, we'll show you how to bring your Flutter apps to the big screen.

In this workshop, we will go through all the steps of porting your mobile app to the big screen, discuss all the nuances of TV apps, such as controlling the app with a remote control, and finally launch the app on a TV platform, not only on Android TV, but also on Apple TV

Flutter and Enterprise Development

In the talk, we will discuss Flutter, an open-source UI software development framework by Google, and its applicability in creating robust enterprise solutions. We will explore the reasons behind Flutter's growing popularity among businesses, focusing on key elements such as security, maintainability, scalability, performance and so on

Flutter. New Approach to Web Development.

In the modern world, it is very rare for businesses to only require a website or only a mobile application. Typically, it is necessary to create both a website and a mobile application together. In such a situation, there is always a choice of which technologies to use. There are generally three options: developing separate web and native mobile applications, with the mobile development team handling the native app; building a web application for mobile devices, such as a PWA (Progressive Web App); or using a cross-platform solution that allows reusing the code between platforms.

Recently, an interesting alternative to traditional approaches emerged—a new framework by Google called Flutter. With Flutter, you can develop mobile, desktop, and web applications. However, the approach used in Flutter for Web differs significantly from traditional web application development. So, can we consider Flutter applications for the web as web applications?

Improving Firebase Backend for Flutter App through Cloud Functions

This talk explores practical methods for improving serverless backends for Flutter apps using Firebase Cloud Functions. Attendees will gain insights into the benefits of serverless architecture and its seamless integration with Flutter. Discover how Firebase Cloud Functions empowers developers to efficiently handle your Firebase backend tasks such as data validation, notifications, and authentication and even build REST APIs. Moreover, the potential of leveraging AI assistance in cloud function development will be showcased, particularly for those who are unfamiliar with JavaScript or TypeScript.

Hidden Features of Dart Interoperability

In Flutter development, accessing native APIs remains a common need. While many default to Flutter's traditional method, the Platform Channels, there exists a lesser-known yet powerful approach provided directly by the Dart language: Dart.ffi. Using libraries like FFIGen and JNIGen, developers can bypass the usual channels and directly, as well as synchronously, access platform methods. This presentation delves into a side-by-side comparison of these approaches and the distinct advantages and drawbacks of each.

Dart BFF - Best Friend of Flutter developer

The talk introduces the concept of Backend for Frontend (BFF) and its advantages for Flutter developers, by defining BFF and explaining its benefits, and options of implementation using Dart. This is especially relevant for Flutter developers, as it allows for a more integrated experience using a familiar language across both front-end and back-end development.

Key to this presentation is practical examples showing how Dart can be effectively utilized to build a BFF for Flutter applications. These examples aim to demonstrate real-world applications and best practices, helping Flutter developers understand how to leverage Dart for creating robust, scalable, and maintainable BFF architectures.

On-Device fine-tuned Gemma in your Flutter app

In this informative talk, I'll explain what Gemma is, for which purposes you can use it and how to integrate it, into mobile apps using Flutter. I am the creator of the flutter_gemma plugin, which utilizes the Mediapipe library to enable AI functionalities directly on devices, eliminating the need for an internet connection.

I'll cover how to fine-tune Gemma for specific business or technical needs and demonstrate this through practical examples. Additionally, I will introduce the Mediapipe framework, explaining what it is and exploring its other potential uses in mobile development.

Social Developers Conference 2024 Sessionize Event

March 2024 Hamburg, Germany

Open Source Day 2024 Sessionize Event

March 2024 Florence, Italy

DevFest Venezia 2023 Sessionize Event

December 2023 Mestre, Italy

Devfest Pescara 2023 Sessionize Event

November 2023 Pescara, Italy

droidcon Uganda 2023 Sessionize Event

November 2023 Kampala, Uganda

droidcon Kenya 2023 Sessionize Event

November 2023 Nairobi, Kenya

DevFest Hamburg 2023 Sessionize Event

November 2023 Hamburg, Germany

DevFest Armenia 2023 - 10th Anniversary Sessionize Event

October 2023 Yerevan, Armenia

Devfest Georgia 2023 Sessionize Event

October 2023 Tbilisi, Georgia

droidcon Lisbon 2023 Sessionize Event

September 2023 Lisbon, Portugal

Flutter Firebase Festival Sessionize Event

September 2023 Prague, Czechia

Flutter Wrocław Meetup Sessionize Event

August 2023

AndroidMakers by droidcon 2023 Sessionize Event

April 2023 Montrouge, France

DevFest Pisa 2023 Sessionize Event

April 2023 Pisa, Italy

Flutter Heroes 2023 Sessionize Event

February 2023 Turin, Italy

DevFest 2022 | Gothenburg, Sweden Sessionize Event

November 2022 Göteborg, Sweden

droidcon Egypt 2022 Sessionize Event

October 2022 Cairo, Egypt

droidcon Berlin 2021 Sessionize Event

October 2021 Berlin, Germany

Sasha Denisov

EPAM, Chief Software Engineer, Flutter and Dart GDE

Berlin, Germany


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