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Most Active Speaker

Antonio Cobo

Antonio Cobo

Agile Coach / Delivery Manager

Bedford, United Kingdom


Antonio is a seasoned Agile Coach with a wealth of experience in delivery management across the UK. With a foundation as a Java Developer early in his career, he excels in bridging communication gaps between development teams and business stakeholders. Having worked in diverse environments spanning three countries, Antonio has honed his ability to appreciate varying perspectives and cultivate cultural awareness
He usually speaks about Agile, DevOps and Mental Health across Europe and US.


  • Most Active Speaker 2023

Area of Expertise

  • Information & Communications Technology
  • Business & Management
  • Media & Information
  • Health & Medical


  • agile
  • devops culture
  • Mental Health
  • Impact of Change on Teams Coaching and Agile Mindset
  • Building tech team
  • Agile Mindset
  • The Agile Mindset
  • DevOpsCulture
  • DevOps Agile Methodology & Culture
  • Agile Games
  • Agile and Culture
  • Agile Retrospectives
  • Software Deveopment
  • Software Development
  • Software Engineering
  • Ethics in Software
  • Agile People
  • Agile Coaching
  • Agile Methodologies
  • Agile Transformation
  • Agile software development
  • Scrum & Agile
  • agile culture
  • Business Agility
  • Agile Management
  • Agile Leadership
  • Agile Lean
  • Scaled Agile
  • Agile Testing
  • Agile Engineering
  • SRE
  • DevOps
  • DevOps Transformation
  • Agile Architecture
  • Learning and Development
  • Accessibility and Mental Health
  • Retrospective
  • Mental Health at Work
  • Mental health in tech
  • Teamwork
  • Leading Remote Teams
  • Team Communication
  • Team Building
  • team coaching
  • building teams
  • Teams and Organizations
  • Building Remote Team Engagement
  • Growing a Team
  • Diversity in Creative Teams

My journey discovering Agnostic Agile

Since the introduction of Agile, a lot of companies have tried to impose the same framework at a big scale without suiting the framework to customer context and to a wider strategic vision. Agile has never been about frameworks or locking your customers into one way of doing things. I’m tired of certifications wars and frameworks wars, let’s focus on our customers!

I will show examples of bad Agile practices and why Agnostic Agile is needed – One size does not fit all!

I will introduce Agnostic Agile and review its twelve principles, citing real life examples for each.

Agile is not the final goal, it is only the mean to reach the real goal.

Karaoke Ignite talk

20 slides, every 15 seconds the slide will change and I won’t know the content of the slides before any of you! Let’s see how I can share with you my experiences in IT in that short space of time!

Impostor syndrome in the IT world from a conference speaker's perspective

Have you ever compared yourself with other team members and felt like a fraud? Have you ever felt unworthy of your job promotion? Have you ever doubted of your successes? Do you know someone who could have answered “Yes” to any of those questions?

These might be symptoms of Impostor Syndrome; it affects most of the people working in IT. It affects conference speakers as well. I will share with you my with struggles public speaking and how I fight impostor syndrome on every conference. Hopefully this talk will help you to fight impostor syndrome on your day job and help others who might be suffering in your area of influence.

How to overcome your fears to become a conference speaker

Have you ever thought about speaking at a conference?
Have you ever wondered how the speakers managed to get into the conference?
I am afraid of public speaking, I usually speak fast and I'm asthmatic. None of that stopped me to accomplish my dream of sharing knowledge and give to the community as much as I have gotten from the community. I will share with you how I managed to speak at events across Europe and US, and how thanks to the advice from other speakers and mentors, I manage to overcome my fears and limitations.
Hopefully you will leave the session wanting to share your knowledge with others!

Leia VS Galadriel: Exploring your inner leader

Join us for Post-it note wars and help Leia to defeat Darth Vader armed only with a Sharpie. Will Galadriel find and defeat Sauron only with post-it notes?

What makes a good leader? What makes a bad one? Explore attributes of influential leaders in this fun and collaborative, fully hands-on workshop. This creative session invites you to translate deeper understanding of behaviour traits into leadership contexts.

This is for people interested in discovering their leadership styles and what they have in common with influential leaders from movies, books or the real world!

I’ll need lots of sticky notes and sharpies, people will be working on groups, for each group we will need a wall where we can place lots of sticky notes, around 8-10 rows of sticky notes X 10-12 columns of sticky notes. We will need sharpies to write on the sticky notes. Depending on the amount of attendants I might need volunteers to help facilitating it.

Lessons learned after more than 20 years working in IT

When you arrive at a point in life when you have work colleagues whose dads are in the same age bracket than you, it’s time to reflect on the beginning of your career and think all the learning you have cumulated and all the advice you would have loved to hear on each stage of your professional career.

For each stage of my career, I will share with you the things I learned the hard way, so you don’t have to follow the same path full of dragons. I will cover my time as Junior Dev, Senior Dev, Team Lead, Project Manager and Agile & Transformation Consultant.

From Hero to Zero: practical guide to destroy your best employees

All of us have attended lots of talks with the premise “from Zero to Hero…”, but what does it take for a real Rock Star, a real Ninja, a magical Unicorn, a superhero to become a complete Zero?

How can we destroy those heroes in a way that every supervillain on every film has dreamt about every day?

This requires discipline, dedication and an elaborated plan.
How can you get those Heroes wishing they never used a keyboard?
Join this talk and become the real nemesis of every hero!

NDC Porto 2024 Sessionize Event

October 2024 Porto, Portugal

Codemotion Madrid 2024 Sessionize Event

May 2024 Madrid, Spain

DevOpsDays Geneva 2024

From Hero to Zero: practical guide to destroy your best employees

May 2024 Genève, Switzerland

Latam Tribu Talks

Sindrome del Impostor desde los ojos de un speaker de conferencias de software

February 2024

NDC London 2024 Sessionize Event

January 2024 London, United Kingdom

DevConf 2023 Sessionize Event

November 2023 Łódź, Poland

SRE Day London 2023

Talk="Lessons learned after more than 20 years working in IT"

September 2023 London, United Kingdom

Agi'Lille 2023 Sessionize Event

June 2023 Lille, France

DevOpsDays Birmingham (UK) 2023 Sessionize Event

June 2023 Birmingham, United Kingdom

Codemotion Madrid 2023 Sessionize Event

May 2023 Madrid, Spain

DevOpsDays Warsaw 2022

Talk = "Dos años de pandemia para nuestra salud mental: ¿y ahora qué?"

October 2022 Warsaw, Poland

SRE Day London 2022

Talk = "Impostor syndrome in the IT world from a conference speakers perspective"

September 2022 London, United Kingdom

Codemotion Online Tech Conference Spring - Spanish Edition

Talk = "Dos años de pandemia para nuestra salud mental: ¿y ahora qué?"
Closing talk day 1

May 2022 Madrid, Spain

DevOpsDays Birmingham (UK) 2022 Sessionize Event

May 2022 Birmingham, United Kingdom

Codemotion Online Tech Conference - Spanish Edition

I was one of the 3 MC's of the conference the 3 days

December 2021 Madrid, Spain

DevOpsDays Bogota 2021 - ONLINE

Talk = "Sindrome del impostor desde los ojos de un ponente de conferencias de software"

November 2021 Bogotá, Colombia

Agile Tour London 2021 ONLINE

Talk = "Agile and metrics: can we measure improvements?"

October 2021 London, United Kingdom

PMI Day Kyiv 2021 ONLINE

Talk = "Impostor syndrome in the IT world from a conference speaker's perspective"

September 2021 Kyiv, Ukraine

JSConf Budapest 2021 Sessionize Event

September 2021 Budapest, Hungary

BSides Newcastle 2021 ONLINE

Talk = "Impostor syndrome in the IT world from a conference speaker's perspective"

September 2021 Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom

BSides Berlin 2021 ONLINE

Talk = "Impostor syndrome in the IT world from a conference speaker's perspective"

August 2021 Berlin, Germany

BSides Oklahoma 2021 ONLINE

Talk = "Impostor syndrome in the IT world from a conference speaker's perspective"

April 2021 Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, United States

Codemotion Madrid Autumn 2020 ONLINE

I was one of the MC of the first online edition of Codemotion Madrid Autumn

November 2020 Madrid, Spain

Agile Tour London 2020 ONLINE

Talk = "Impostor syndrome in the IT world from a conference speaker's perspective"

October 2020 London, United Kingdom

Big Data London 2020 ONLINE

Talk = "Impostor syndrome in the IT world from a conference speaker's perspective"

September 2020

Leeds Digital Festival 2020 - Online

Talk 1 = How to overcome your fears to become a conference speaker
Talk 2 = Failed and Successful Stories with Technical Debt

September 2020

.Net Summit 2020 ONLINE

Talk = Impostor Syndrome in the IT world from a conference speaker perspective

August 2020

Meetup "Agnostic Agile group" - ONLINE

Talk = My journey discovering Agnostic Agile

June 2020

Webinar Codemotion - Online

Talk = Cómo he vencido mis miedos para dar charlas (SPANISH)

February 2020

Agile Tour Vilnius 2019

Talk = Lessons learned scrum mastering distributed teams

October 2019 Vilnius, Lithuania

ChangeCon 2019

Talk = Lessons learned scrum mastering distributed teams

September 2019 Zagreb, Croatia

Heapcon 2019

Talk = How to overcome your fears to become a conference speaker

September 2019 Belgrade, Serbia

Webinar Codemotion - Online

How to overcome your fears to become a conference speaker

July 2019 Madrid, Spain

Agile Lyon 2019

Talk = Lessons learned scrum mastering distributed teams (IN FRENCH)

June 2019 Lyon, France

DevOpsDays Portugal 2019

Talk = Karaoke Ignite Talk

June 2019 Lisbon, Portugal

Agile Manchester 2019

Talk = Lessons learned scrum mastering distributed teams

May 2019 Manchester, United Kingdom

Meetup "Agile Leadership Works!"

Talk = Lessons learned scrum mastering distributed teams

May 2019 London, United Kingdom

Aginext.io London 2019

Talk = Lessons learned scrum mastering distributed teams

March 2019 London, United Kingdom

London HalfStack MeetUp

Talk = How to overcome your fears to become a conference speaker

January 2019 London, United Kingdom

DevOpsDays Warsaw 2018

Talk 1 = How to overcome your fears to become a conference speaker
Talk 2 = Karaoke Ignite Talk

November 2018 Warsaw, Poland

DevOps D-Day 2018

Talk = Failed and Successful Stories with Technical Debt

November 2018 Marseille, France

Agile Tour Brussels 2018

Talk = My journey discovering Agnostic Agile

October 2018 Brussels, Belgium

ITEM Dnipro 2018

Talk = Lessons learned scrum mastering distributed teams

Member of Program Committee

October 2018 Dnipro, Ukraine

Kyiv PMDay 2018 Autumn

Talk 1: "Discovering Agnostic Agile"
Talk 2: "Lessons learned failing to manage technical debt"

October 2018 Kyiv, Ukraine

BJSS Meetup

Workshop = Games for feedback

October 2018 London, United Kingdom

OggCamp 2018

Talk = How to overcome your Fears to become a Conference Speaker

August 2018 Sheffield, United Kingdom

Agile on the Beach 2018

Topic: "Games for feedback – Double workshop"

July 2018 Falmouth, United Kingdom

JAX DevOps London 2018

Talk 1 = One Size Does Not Fit All: Agnostic Agile Oath
Talk 2 = Failed and Successful Stories with Technical Debt

April 2018 London, United Kingdom

Voxxed Days Thessaloniki 2017

Talk = Failed and Successful Stories with Technical Debt

November 2017 Thessaloníki, Greece

TopConf Tallinn 2017

Talk = Project Management: from Stone Age to DevOps

November 2017 Tallinn, Estonia

DevOpsDays Riga 2017

Talk 1= Project Management: from Stone Age to DevOps
Talk 2 = Technical Debt: One way (good or bad?) to deal with it

September 2017 Riga, Latvia

Developer Week NYC 2017

Talk = Project Management: from Stone Age to DevOps

June 2017 New York City, New York, United States

DevOps Con Berlin 2017

Talk = Project Management: from Stone Age to DevOps

June 2017 Berlin, Germany

Agile Eastern Europe 2017

Talk = Delivery Mindset: from Stone Age to DevOps

April 2017 Kyiv, Ukraine

Meetup: Psychology of Agile Scrum

Talk = "Evolving PM: from the Sin to the Virtue"

November 2016 London, United Kingdom

High Load Strategy 2016

Talk = "Project Management:from Stone Age to DevOps"

October 2016 Vilnius, Lithuania

OC Conf

Talk="Evolving PM:from the Sin to the Virtue"

May 2016 London, United Kingdom

Antonio Cobo

Agile Coach / Delivery Manager

Bedford, United Kingdom


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