
Barry Tarlton

Barry Tarlton

MacGyver like Problem Solver and Tech Teacher!


Barry is passionate about learning, problem solving, and teaching. He believes that software developers are problem solvers at heart and the languages and platforms we work with are simply the tools in our utility belts. Barry can often be found trying to inspire and educate others both inside and outside of work. Whether he's MacGyver'ing IOT solutions together or leading a hackathon team, he loves innovating and constantly trying new things.

Area of Expertise

  • Information & Communications Technology


  • Programming
  • Problem Solving
  • Raspberry Pi
  • Web APIs
  • REST
  • Spring Boot

Self.clone();//Passing On Your Passion

When you've written your last line of code, what will be your legacy? Will your applications live on forever in Production or at least until AI takes over? Will your Github repos be archived and immortalized? Will there be patterns or tools named after you? For most of us, there probably won't be great fame or fanfare about our amazing contributions to digital environments. However, while using software to creatively solve real world problems is exhilarating, creating someone else who can do the same is an even more rewarding experience. In this session, we will talk about how to pass on our passion for problem solving with code to the next generation. Whether you are a relative noob with little experience or a seasoned veteran with decades of crusty code under your belt, we will learn the importance and how-to of uplifting the nerds of the future.

The Pi, Python, & Paintball? Innovating with Affordable Tech!

What do you get when you mix a handful of RaspberryPi's, Python, Paintball, and a little innovation? Come to this talk and find out! We'll take a look at a RaspberryPi project that was created to aid a nonprofit as a case study of the amazing opportunities that exist for anyone with the passion to innovate. This project used affordable maker tech to build a distributed game management system with text to voice capabilities, synchronized countdown timers, remote picture taking, and much more. All in portable boxes that hang in trees. We'll talk about the hardware, the software, and most of all the learning required and information available in this amazing age of innovation! We'll cover topics like communicating across distributed IOT devices, event based programming, building a network in nature, scripting pi builds with ansible, and a developers intrepid journey into electronics.

Event Streaming, Catch of the Day!

Have you heard enough event streaming fish stories to fill a cooler? Are you ready to wade in deeper and lure out some new skillz on event-driven architectures? Come join our catch-of-the-day session to experience first-hand designing and building an event-driven solution from start to finish. We'll cast off with an an event storming session (bring your umbrella) to scope out our domain. Once we've netted out the relevant events, we'll code our producer and consumer microservices with SpringBoot while using Apache Kafka as the connecting tributaries. Whether you are an avid angler or not, this session will have you navigating streams of data with code and Kafka in no time.

Date with K8S, Kubernetes Hands On Workshop!

Want to be able to go from code to containers to a fully resilient, cluster managed environment with Kubernetes? Then this session is for you! Kubernetes is taking the industry by storm as a reliable way to manage your running containers. Come learn to run your Docker containers in Kubernetes via simple CLI commands as well as how to create robust and re-useable configuration files to handle the deployments for you. How do you handle securing passwords and externalizing configurations? How do you scale and provide load balancing? This session will teach you to handle those scenarios and many more! Pods, Deployments, Services, and Ingresses will all be at your beck and call when you leave this session! This is your chance for a hands on keyboard opportunity to find out what's up with the Kubernetes kraze that's sweeping the nation!

The Pi, Python, & Paintball? Innovating with Affordable Tech!

What do you get when you mix a handful of RaspberryPi's, Python, Paintball, and a little innovation? Come to this talk and find out! We'll take a look at a RaspberryPi project that was created to aid a nonprofit as a case study of the amazing opportunities that exist for anyone with the passion to innovate. This project uses affordable maker tech to build a distributed game management system with text to voice capabilities, synchronized countdown timers, remote picture taking, and much more. All in portable boxes that hang in trees. We'll talk about the hardware, the software, and most of all the learning required. All while exploring what's available in this amazing age of innovation! We'll cover topics like communicating across distributed IOT devices, event based programming, building a network in nature, scripting pi builds with ansible, and one developers intrepid journey into electronics.

The Super Spectacular Interactive Event Driven Light Show

The ability to properly design and implement highly resilient event driven systems is critical in our data centric world. But getting one’s mind around the complex choreography of this data driven architecture can be absurdly difficult. By using a Raspberry Pi Kafka Cluster, light bars, and arcade buttons, we will bring event driven architectures into the physical world to help visually understand all the things. Send messages with our portable Raspberry Pi producers and see them flow through our message brokers and to the consumers. With your own eyes, see how tweaking your messaging system impacts your distributed architecture. Do your messages need delivered in order? Or maybe architecting for throughput is more important. Whether it’s streaming real-time data or decoupling microservices through event notifications, this presentation will bring to light the important concepts you need to consider. Come join our interactive session as we trip the light fantastic in this colorful eye-opening journey into the event streaming dream.

The Demystifying Docker DOJO

Hearing all about the container craze, but haven’t had time to really learn about it yet? Well, this session has you covered. Come roll up your sleeves and get ready to learn all about Docker in this hands on session. There will be no long pontificating about how Docker is better than other virtualizing options. No long power point slides…. Just you, your keyboard, and lots of fun guided tutorials to help you grasp what makes containerization so cool. From learning how to use published containers to increase productivity, to creating and publishing your own containers to do super important things like making cows talk. Yes, we will use Docker to make cows talk! I guess we will cover how to use Docker to run your production code as well, but come on, talking cows is more fun. So, step into the Dojo where we will roundhouse kick your Docker skills into high gear!

The MacGyver Mindset For Mastering Problem Solving

A humorous look at how to become more than an average geek and how to be a MacGyver in your field. As tools and technologies constantly change around us, what are the qualities that will make you excel? Come discover the attitude, skills, and mindset required to become an expert problem solver and uber developer. Join us for this entertaining and informative talk to better hone your problem solving skills that will allow you tackle the technical challenges we face day to day.

How Exploding Birthday Cakes and Other CRAZY Projects Come to Life

Have an amazingly crazy idea for an Arduino or RaspberryPi project, but can't find a tutorial to help bring it to life? Do even the Googles seem unable to help you get started on the road less traveled? This session will prepare you to go beyond the average maker tutorials found online and help you realize your full and unique potential with Arduino and RaspberryPi projects. Whether you want to be a huge hit at your kids next birthday party by creating an interactive cake, you want to remotely move scenery around for the High School Musical, or maybe you want to bring your favorite video games to life, this talk will examine what's involved when you want to move beyond the obligatory "blink" tutorial and put your own bizarre spin on problem solving. You will learn how to pick the best platform for your project, powerful programming techniques, how to approach the design process, and much more. This session will educate, motivate, and blow up cake with mad science technology and creative mojo!

Mad Scientist Lab With Raspberry Pi Pico Microcontrollers

Carefully plugging the wires into the bread board, doubt seeps in, “should the red wire go to ground or the white one?” LEDs all in place, Python code properly indented (spaces, not tabs), prayers for the magic smoke to not escape go up as the electronics are powered on. In an instant, worries subside as the microcontroller springs to life and the twinkling of little lights glowing in the precise rhythm as instructed by your code testifies that software and hardware are in perfect harmony.

Amazing experiences like this and more can be yours in this session. You’ll have the opportunity to build your own sweet creations using the Raspberry Pi Pico microcontroller and a variety of other electrical components that merge electronics and software in beautiful harmony. The Pi Pico is an inexpensive microcontroller that can run MicroPython to control a plethora of electrical doodads. If you want to bring your code into the real world with crazy inventions, come to this session to get the foundational skills you need to release your inner mad scientist!

No prior experience with electronics or microcontrollers needed. Basic programming knowledge in any language is helpful. The python code will be pretty basic and straight forward. Will work with LEDs, Resistors, switches/buttons, photoresistors, and servos all interacting or controlled by the Raspbery Pi Pico microcontroller.

Event Streaming and the Kafka Conundrum

As data increasingly becomes the backbone of business, having a resilient distributed data store becomes a necessity. Over the past few years, Apache's Kafka has risen to the top as the most used real-time and scalable messaging system in most businesses. When my company began it's journey into Event Streaming with Kafka a few years ago, I was amazed at the simplicity of the API's and how quickly I could develop simple applications for producing and consuming data. But as our company began investing more into Event Streaming and Event Driven architectures, the need to go beyond the basics quickly became paramount. Once our apps were deployed into the real world with both good and bad data, head-scratching issues began to arise due to our lack of understanding of Kafka's message management. I quickly became inundated with questions from app teams I supported like:
"How can I retry a message that fails to process?"
"How do I guarantee I process messages in the correct order?"
"What can I do to speed up data processing?"
or my favorite...
"I'm stuck on a bad message, what do I do!?"

In this session, not only will these questions be answered, but we'll share the tools and techniques, used to put the power of understanding in the hands of the developer so you can have a clear picture into your event streaming applications.
This session will use live demos to to go beyond the basics to teach the skills and tools you can use locally to help build robust consumers and producers before you deploy.
Using Spring and Kafka libraries, this session will highlight various settings on consumers and providers to optimize the way our data is streamed and read. Using a local Kafka cluster running in a container, we will demonstrate how to see how your code changes impact your committed offsets. Come and learn how to pull back the curtain on Kafka and gain the critical knowledge to master your own Event Streaming systems.

Building Sparkling Data Streams with AsyncApi

The ability to work with flowing streams of data is becoming increasingly crucial to the modern software engineer. But it's easy to get your streams clogged with dirty data that can cause your consumers to blow chunks. How do you ensure producers produce squeaky clean data that all your systems can enjoy? How do consumers know what format the data will be in and where to find it? Most importantly, how can we ensure these data structures don't change in Prod and cause chaos?! In this session, we are going to dive into Event Streaming from the top down starting with the AsyncAPI specification to develop working producers and consumers. Using Apache Kafka as our event streaming platform, we will utilize Java with SpringBoot to quickly create pristine streams of sparkling data. See how to have a robust approach to developing enterprise ready producers and consumers that have a single source of truth backed by an open spec (AsyncApi) that's similar to Swagger/OpenAPI. Come build your own event streams starting from scratch with a top down approach to get a hands-on feel of how simple and beautiful streams of data can be.

This will be very little lecture other than a brief explanation of AsyncAPI and then all hands-on labs that start with the AsyncAPI document we'll provide that defines some event streams using JSON schemas to define the message formats. Using this spec, we will generate model classes for our Java applications to work with and learn how to create both producers and consumers to use this specification backed approach to event streaming. The hands-on labs for building the consumers and producers in SpringBoot have been thoroughly tested inside our company for the past year and a half. I would need a secondary as there's a lot of pre-req configs that people may need help setting up and we need a lot of hands-on lab assistant type work. Teaching this and many similar hands-on sessions having two instructors is the bare minimum :)

Enterprise Ready Event Streams with AsyncAPI

The ability to work with flowing streams of data is becoming increasingly crucial to the modern software engineer. But it's easy to get your streams clogged with dirty data that can cause your consumers to blow chunks. How do you ensure producers produce squeaky clean data that all your systems can enjoy? How do consumers know what format the data will be in and where to find it? Most importantly, how can we ensure these data structures don't change in Prod and cause chaos?! In this session, we are going to dive into Event Streaming from the top down starting with the AsyncAPI specification to see how to develop working producers and consumers. We will learn how a Schema Registry can be used at runtime to ensure only clean data gets into streams. Learn a robust approach to developing enterprise ready producers and consumers that have a single source of truth backed by an open spec (AsyncApi) that's similar to Swagger/OpenAPI. See how you can build pristine streams of sparkling data with Apache Kafka, Java, SpringBoot, and other open source tools.

Barry Tarlton

MacGyver like Problem Solver and Tech Teacher!


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