
Brian Demers

Brian Demers

Java Champion & Gradle Developer Advocate

Concord, New Hampshire, United States


Brian Demers is a Developer Advocate at Gradle, a Java Champion, and an Apache Member who contributes to the Directory, Maven, and Shiro projects. He spends much of his day contributing to OSS projects by writing code, tutorials, blogs, and answering questions. In addition to typical software development, Brian also has a passion for fast builds and automation.

Away from the keyboard, Brian is a beekeeper and can likely be found playing board games. You can find him on Twitter at https://twitter.com/briandemers.


Area of Expertise

  • Information & Communications Technology


  • java
  • Java EE
  • Java & JVM
  • Java in the cloud
  • Java language
  • Java and Server-side
  • Core Java / Java SE
  • Java Security
  • Enterprise Java / Jakarta EE
  • Security
  • OAuth2
  • OAuth
  • api security
  • Application Security
  • build tools
  • Apache Maven
  • build-automation
  • Build and Release

Breeding 10x Developers with Developer Productivity Engineering

Sasquatch. Yeti. The Loch Ness Monster. The 10x Developer. You may think of these as mythical creatures that can’t possibly exist, but the 10x Organization is very real. In this session, Gradle’s Brian Demers will explain how a dedicated Developer Productivity Engineering (DPE) organization can breed 10x Developers. By reducing the toil, friction, and frustration of slow builds, flaky tests, and other avoidable failures, a DPE team enables a level of developer productivity that you may have thought impossible. Brian will help you explore DPE technologies, including build and test acceleration, failure analytics, and easily analyzed build records to show how to create an environment in which 10x Developers not only exist, but thrive.

30-60 Minutes

What the Heck is OAuth?

Are you confused about what OAuth actually is? Maybe at this point, you are just afraid to ask?

OAuth is an authorization framework that covers many different use cases. This session will demystify what OAuth 2.0 and OpenId Connect are and how they are used. Along the way, we will discuss the history of authentication and techniques to add OAuth to both new and legacy applications.

Security and Productivity - Pick Two with Reproducible builds

Reproducible builds are crucial for ensuring software integrity but can be challenging to achieve. On the other hand, build caches provide a way to speed up builds by reusing previously-built artifacts and dependencies.

This talk will explore how reproducible builds and build caches can work together to create a more efficient, secure, and enjoyable development workflow. We will discuss the benefits and challenges of reproducible builds and build caches and provide practical tips for implementation.

HINT: If a build is reproducible, it's also cacheable!

Attendees will come away with a solid understanding of reproducible builds and build caches and how to implement them to achieve faster, more reliable, and more secure software builds.

30-60 Minutes

Developer Productivity Engineering: What's in it for Java Developers?

Developer Productivity Engineering (DPE) is the Next Big Thing in Software Development. But what is it? How will it foster Developer Joy? And how can you introduce it to your organization?

It may surprise you to learn that we developers are a patient, tolerant species. People pay us to do what we enjoy - write code and create working applications. In return, we will put up with all sorts of blockages and toil that get in the way of this - long build times, flaky tests, hard-to-debug toolchain failures, etc.

Is this truly the price we need to pay? Could there be a better world where the build is as fast as it could possibly be? A world where problems that affect many developers are quickly identified and fixed?

Welcome to the world of Developer Productivity Engineering, where we can get computers to do what they're good at (automation) to make developers' lives easier and make us more effective at our jobs. And while developer joy may be difficult to sell to decision-makers, effective developers making the best use of their time and hardware will directly impact an organization's ROI.

In this talk, Brian will explore what DPE is, give you some practical ways to speed up your Maven and Gradle builds, and discuss ways to help the leaders in your organization to understand the enormous value DPE could unlock.

Session length: 30-60 minutes
Target Audience: Developers of all levels

5 Ways to Speed up you Maven Build

This presentation covers five strategies to help speed up Maven builds, focusing on practical steps like parallelizing builds, optimizing Maven profiles, and leveraging caching. We'll explore how tweaking your configuration can significantly reduce build times. The aim is to provide actionable techniques that developers can immediately apply to make their Maven builds faster—directly impacting productivity by shortening the feedback loop for code compilation and testing wait times.

Testing is Confidence - A Developer's Perspective

We all know testing is important, but many of us still struggle with the difference between unit tests and integration tests and build cycles that take too long.

This talk will discuss, why we write tests, the different types of tests, and some best practices. Everything discussed will be language agnostic and discuss some common problems and solutions I’ve seen different shops, big and small.

The audience should walk away with a new appreciation for fast and clean builds.

How to report a vulnerability: Responsible Disclosure for Developers

Ever seen a security-related issue that you felt should be reported? Unsure of how reporting security issue is different than a regular bug? Developers of any level should know how to report a vulnerability. In this talk, we will talk about what CVEs are, some general vulnerability classifications, look at a few common ways you can report security issues, as well as look at a few common mistakes. This talk is geared toward non-security professionals.

Apache Maven 102: Best Practices

Know enough about Maven to get by, but not enough to thrive? Then this talk is for you. We will review the basics and then dive into the best practices for both Maven single and multi-module projects. You will also walk away with enough knowledge to troubleshoot your builds.

Apache Maven is still the defacto build tool in the Java world.

Testing is Confidence - A Java Developer's Perspective

We all know testing is necessary, but many of us still struggle with the difference between unit tests and integration tests and build cycles that take too long.

This talk will discuss why we write tests, the different types of tests, best practices, and common problems and solutions I’ve seen in different shops, big and small.

All examples will be Java-focused, but the topics are language-agnostic.

The audience should walk away with a new appreciation for fast and clean builds.

Brian Demers

Java Champion & Gradle Developer Advocate

Concord, New Hampshire, United States


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