
Mark Bradley

Mark Bradley

Senior Consulting Engineer at Armakuni

London, United Kingdom


London based Mark Bradley works as a Senior Consulting Engineer for Armakuni, helping companies adopt Cloud Native technologies, practises and principles. Working in the industry for over 10 years, Mark has developed a passion and a wealth of knowledge in how to support software teams to be elite functions. He honed these skills during previous roles mentoring peers and leading apprentice programmes, alongside his day job.

A keen protagonist of Test Driven Development, he launched his own screen cast, ‘Testing All the Things’ (https://www.youtube.com/c/TestingAllTheThings) in May 2019, to help the wider community learn how to practice Test Driven Development and Automated Testing.

Mark is a keen cyclist, who enjoys quiet evenings in the pub playing board games and spending time with his wife and three children.

Area of Expertise

  • Information & Communications Technology


  • Test-Driven Development
  • Pair Programming
  • php
  • golang
  • agile
  • Testing
  • Test Automation
  • Mob Progamming
  • Ensemble Programming
  • Software Teaming
  • TDD
  • BDD
  • Software Design
  • Software testing
  • Software Development
  • mutation testing
  • Java
  • JavaScript
  • TypeScript

Introduction to Test Driven Development

Writing tests before you write production code can be an intimidating concept, but there is no need to be scared.
During this workshop we will look at the concepts of Test Driven Development and what it takes to write tests first.

The workshop will cover:
- What is TDD
- Why should you use TDD
- How to use TDD
- The Testing Pyramid
- Test Doubles

Practicals will start with implementing simple Abstract Data Types and work up to a small complex programs requiring test doubles.

The workshop will use PHPUnit and Mockery but concepts can easily be transferred to other testing and mocking frameworks (Pest, PHPSpec, Phake or Codeception).

Pairing, Sharing, Caring - One team's journey to Pair Programming

You probably already know that talking out loud can help you solve a problem (even if you don’t want to admit it). People have even coined the term rubber ducking to help normalise it!

What would happen if the rubber duck talked back?

The ability to constantly discuss your code and what you are going to do next is just one of the many benefits of Pair Programming.

This talk will explore one team’s journey from Single Disciplinary Soloing to Cross Functional Pair Programming. Looking at how to start, styles of pairing and tips and tricks that make pairing easier.

Test Driven Development: Dipping your toe into tests first

Writing tests before you write production code can be an intimidating concept, but there is no need to be scared.

During this talk we will look at the concepts of Test Driven Development and what it takes to write tests first.

We will look at:
- What is Test Driven Development (TDD)
- Why should you use TDD
- How to use TDD

The talk will finish with a Mob Programming session where attendees can join in on ‘TDD-ing’ a simple piece of code.

Using Pact to Deploy Microservice with confidence

Reliable microservices integration remains a major challenge, particularly when it comes to ensuring that independently deployable services work harmoniously in production.

This talk introduces Pact, a powerful Consumer-Driven Contract testing tool essential for deploying microservices with increased confidence. Deploy with confidence, knowing that your stubs represent the API they are imitating, and give yourself a model for interteam API creation.

It will explore how Pact facilitates the development of consumer-driven contracts, which are agreements on API interactions that must be mutually satisfied by both service providers and consumers, helping to prevent integration issues and allowing for the confidence of continuous deployment.

X-Gene in Your Code: Exploring the Potential of Mutation Testing

So you’ve got 100% code coverage, but you are still finding bugs? Find out how your code coverage might be lying to you.

This is where Mutation testing can be used to provide a more meaningful measure of test coverage and quality. Mutation testing works by introducing small, controlled changes to the code, simulating potential bugs to see if they are caught by the test suite.

This process not only highlights areas that lack testing but also critically evaluates how well the test suite detects and handles errors, offering a more nuanced view of code quality and test effectiveness.

During this talk, we will look at how
- Why code coverage alone is not enough
- How mutation testing works to find bugs in your code and holes in your testing
- How to run mutation testing against your code

Mark Bradley

Senior Consulting Engineer at Armakuni

London, United Kingdom


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