Carla Krieger
Agile Coach na eDREAMS ODIGEO
Madrid, Spain
Recognized as 1 of the 100 women who make significant contributions in the Lean and Agile spaces around the world, by LeanInAgile (LIA) .
Lean&Agile Coach at eDreams ODIGEO, DA Trainer, Head of Business and Culture at Jornada Colaborativa Community, Co-Host of Agile World News Portuguese and Director of Communities at Agile World Institute, Professor in MBAs, speaker and co-author of several books in the area of Agility and Technology.
Passionate about people and learning, always ready to explore new ways of working that encourage a collaborative environment, with diversities, delivering value and results according to a purpose.
Experienced in high-tech companies such as HP and CA, as well as having taken part in Shell and Fábrica de Startups Acceleration and Growth Programme.
Main Certifications: ICAgile-Lean Portfolio Management, PMI-DAVSC,PMI-DAC, SAFe Agilist, ICC (International Coaching Community), TCS (Transformación Cultural Sistemica), PMI-PMP (50K), CSM, ITIL-F.
Area of Expertise
Mastering Strategy Execution: Simplifying KPIs and OKRs for Sustainable Success
In this session, we will dive into the critical aspects of effectively linking strategy with execution through the adoption of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and Objectives and Key Results (OKRs). Discover how to streamline your approach to performance measurement and drive organisational success by aligning your goals with your strategic vision.
A Practical approach to simplify the adoption of KPIs and OKRs, tailored specifically for startups and scale-ups.
Exploring real-life challengefull stories of organisations that needed to successfully linked their strategy with execution using KPIs and OKRs.
Bringing insights into effective techniques for cascading goals across different levels of your organization.
Exploring the relevancy of balanced OKRs in maintaining focus, agility, and performance in rapidly evolving markets.
An engaging presentation offering a deep dive into the core practises of strategies, and achievements of adopting KPIs and OKRs into Startups and Scales Ups.
Small guide to start the journey to connect, track and monitoring the business results aligning the KPIs and OKRs.
Minimum Business Increments (MBIs) as the key to unlocking value in your organization:
The original purpose of an MBI (Minimum Business Increment) was to provide a structured and incremental approach to delivering value to customers and achieving business goals. MBIs are closely related to Agile and Lean principles, aiming to break down projects into smaller, manageable units that can be developed, tested, and delivered independently. MBIs allow organizations to validate assumptions, gather feedback, and adapt their plans based on real-world responses by focusing on the smallest increments that deliver tangible benefits to customers.
The Agile Manifesto, created in 2001 by a group of software developers and thought leaders, emphasizes the importance of "delivering working software frequently, with a preference to the shorter timescale." This core principle influenced the idea of breaking down work into smaller units that deliver value incrementally.
Over time, as Agile principles spread across various industries beyond software development, the concept of MBIs emerged to apply the Agile mindset to business initiatives more broadly. Organizations began to realize the value of delivering incremental customer value, leading to adopting and refining the MBI concept in different business contexts.
As with many concepts in the Agile world, the idea of MBIs has evolved and been shaped by the contributions and experiences of many practitioners and organizations over time. While no single person or entity can be credited with "inventing" the concept, MBIs have become a valuable tool for organizations seeking to improve their value delivery process and respond more effectively to customer needs.
What are MBIs?
Connection to Value streams
Examples of MBIs
Mastering Value Stream Management: Boosting Efficiency and Delivering Value
The Value Stream Managemet is a combination of techniques that continuously and holistically optimize the flow and value realization of a product or service.
There are some potential pitfalls that cause organisations to fail when pursuing this vision.
This session will show you how to streamline your processes, eliminate waste, and enhance value delivery from end to end. Learn proven strategies, examples, and cutting-edge tools from Disciplined Agile (DA) that will boost your organization's operations.
Defining Value Streams
The Principles of Value Stream Management
Value Stream Mapping: A Visual Approach and DA Flex approach
Identifying and Eliminating Waste
Implementing Value Stream Improvements (DA Playbook)
Measuring and Monitoring Value Streams
Benefits of Effective Value Stream Management
Você Entregou Valor? Como Saber?
Medir a entrega de valor não é algo trivial, o que vai exigir que a empresa seja focada no cliente (customer centric), buscando ciclos curtos de feedback e tenha uma cultura baseada em princípios ágeis, permitindo um ambiente psicologicamente seguro, adaptativo, flexível e colaborativo.
Sabemos que OKR é uma ferramenta fantástica para alinhar os times e a organização a obejtivos comums, medido por indicadores de resultados. Porém, só se pode considerar que um valor foi entregue aos clientes e a sociedade, quando esse valor é percebido e o produto é de fato consumido. Não basta ser entregue algo com qualidade e funcionando, se não é atrativo e não há adesão ao uso (tração).
Nessa palestra será abordada a importância de se ter uma curva de adoção de produto projetada e OKRs definidos, tornando possível fazer o acompanhamento mais cedo de tendência de consumo do produto e dos resultados, em conjunto com entregas baseadas em MBI (Minimal Business Increment) e a experiência do consumidor sendo monitorada através do modelo ROX (return on experience), na abordagem trazida pela PWC em 2019 com base no Global Consumer Insights Survey 2019.
Business Agility
Nessa sessão serão apresentadas escolhas de metodologias ágeis que dão fit com o DNA de cada Organização, trazendo práticas para a avaliação das organizações e sugerindo ferramentas para cada contexto e desafios dos times que navegam nas diversas camadas da empresa que está em busca de uma maior agilidade nos negócios.
Agile Coach: Muito além de soluções prescritivas !
Nessa sessão estão contempladas práticas e ferramentas para uma jornada ágil em busca do Business Agility.
Alguns conceitos: Fundamentos sobre o papel do Agile Coach, A importância do pragmatismo para uma implantação ágil, trabalhando com WoW (Work on your Way), Assessment de maturidade dos times, Métricas para a organização e times ágeis.
Agilidade X Cultura Organizacional
Se a gestão ágil é um fator relevante para a transformação dos negócios, o conhecimento dos modelos atuais e a aderência a cultura é essencial para se usufruir dos benefícios de cada uma das abordagens. Tendências e opções de práticas de métodos ágeis, desde o Scrum, até modelos híbridos e bi-modais de gestão de Projetos.
Modelos de escalabilidade ágil, como SAFe, DAD e Spotify, fazendo um mapeamento desses com os tipos de culturas organizacionais.
Principais desafios culturais da implantação Ágil.
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