
Derek Bingham

Derek Bingham

Developer Advocate @ AWS

Perth, Australia


Derek is a long time developer with a passion for building software, as a Developer Advocate he enjoys talking and writing about what he used to do for a living... for a living. Derek helps and supports various technical communities across Australia and New Zealand and is excited to see how software development technology and practices are constantly evolving, he is also happy mentoring people who are navigating the ambiguities and complexities of a career in tech.

Area of Expertise

  • Information & Communications Technology


  • Cloud Native
  • Cloud Architecture
  • Software Development

Observability for Developers

Observability ( o11y ) is a practice that helps provide better insights into application behaviour, to enable the earlier identification and rectification of application defects.
Most developers come across o11y when assigned a bug report from IT OPS with a log file attached, this log file usually contains any information that has been pumped to stdout() !! .... usually not that helpful.

There is a lot more to o11y than this. Using concrete examples this session we will go through what developers should know to improve their applications observability when running on AWS. We will highlight some best practices, tools and services that you can leverage to help with observability on various application stacks.

Navigating the WOW moments : A Career in Tech

Unless you play World of Warcraft, a WoW moment in tech is when something new comes along that impacts your day to day way of working and you need to decide is it worthwhile embracing or safe to ignore. In this sesison, join Derek as we explore some of those wow moments that he has experienced over 30 years of tech, how he has navigated each and how he is thinking about the current one, GenAI and how to tell if its one to ignore or one to embrace.

Let's think block by block - Real world serverless AI, in a virtual world

Imagine a world where AI does more than just chat—it thinks, solves, and acts. Enter the realm of Minecraft, where virtual landscapes become the perfect proving ground for the next generation of autonomous agents.

This deep dive session takes you on an adventure beyond the ordinary, showcasing how we've engineered an AI entity capable of reasoning, problem-solving, and executing tasks in Minecraft. Leveraging the power of Amazon's Bedrock, Lambda, SNS, and a suite of AWS serverless technologies, paired with the latest Claude 3 model from Anthropic, we reveal the full potential of AI beyond the confines of chatbots.

Discover how these serverless solutions empower our AI to interact with, adapt to, and transform its environment in real-time, providing a glimpse into the future of autonomous agents in both virtual and real-world applications. Join us as we navigate the intricacies of serverless AI architecture, demonstrating its practical implications, block by block.

Five design patterns to build more resilient applications

To deal with uncertainty, you have to design your software to be resilient. This session will review the most useful patterns for building resilient applications such as graceful degradation, timeouts, exponential back-off, and circuit breakers. It will also explore how we can test our assumptions by injecting failure into our applications and uncovering our weaknesses. You will leave with an understanding of how to build more resilient applications and several patterns that you can apply to your software development projects.

DDD Perth 2024 Sessionize Event Upcoming

November 2024 Perth, Australia

AWS Community Day BelfAWSt Sessionize Event

September 2024 Belfast, United Kingdom

AWS UG Aotearoa - Community Day 2024 Sessionize Event

August 2024 Wellington, New Zealand

ServerlessDays ANZ 2024, Auckland Sessionize Event

May 2024 Auckland, New Zealand

ServerlessDays ANZ 2024, Sydney Sessionize Event

May 2024 Sydney, Australia

Programmable 2024 - Sydney Sessionize Event

March 2024 Melbourne, Australia

DDD Perth 2023 Sessionize Event

October 2023 Perth, Australia

NDC Sydney 2022 Sessionize Event

October 2022 Sydney, Australia

DDD Perth 2022 Sessionize Event

September 2022 Perth, Australia

NDC Melbourne 2022 Sessionize Event

June 2022 Melbourne, Australia

Derek Bingham

Developer Advocate @ AWS

Perth, Australia


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