Edwige Fiaclou
Head Methodology and Tech Talent Software Engineering
Lausanne, Switzerland
Edwige is an accomplished technologist deeply committed to promoting diversity and inclusion in STEM* (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics). She holds a BSc in mathematics and an MSc in Computer Science from the University Lyon 1 (France), with a FinTech oriented educational background. With years of experience in various roles, including mobile development and banking applications, Edwige has navigated through many technologies and business domains. Since joining Swissquote in 2012, she has contributed to technical stacks and software delivery across multiple domains and layers, from Banking operations to Trading Systems Management. Her unwavering dedication to excellence, best practices and innovative perspective earned her a promotion to Vice Director in 2022, where she now oversees Methodologies, Program Management and Tech Talent teams within Software Engineering.
Despite her many accomplishments, Edwige remains eager to learn from others. She actively contributed to many talks, in Switzerland, or at International for Women In Tech or Lead Dev track!
Area of Expertise
Achieving Scalable AI Transformation: An Agile Playbook for Modern Organizations
As artificial intelligence increasingly gain the potential to reshape industries, organizations are faced with the challenge of navigating this tumultuous new ocean of possibilities and risks. This talk presents a practical framework for integrating Agile principles into AI transformation efforts, providing a playbook that empowers teams to navigate the complexities of scaling AI solutions. Attendees will learn how to leverage cross-functional teams, plan iterative experimentation cycles, and foster a culture that supports scaled continuous learning and adaptation. Drawing on real-world experience feedback, we’ll propose some best practices for overcoming common obstacles in AI projects, from data management to model governance, and examine how Agile can enhance organizational resilience and responsiveness in an AI-driven landscape. Join us to discover actionable strategies for achieving sustainable, scalable AI transformation that aligns with your organization’s evolving goals and customer needs.
Agility à la carte: un guide culinaire pour une organisation pleine de saveurs
“Et si Joey Tribbiani de 'Friends' avait raison : Je l'aime bien. Qu'est-ce qu'il y a à ne pas aimer ? La crème anglaise ? Bonne. La confiture ? Bonne. La viande ? Bonne.”.
Quand deux femmes : Laetitia AEGERTER: Responsable des Ressources Humaines en charge de la formation et du recrutement convertie en Coach Agile rejoint un département Software. Et Edwige FIACLOU: Senior Software Engineer Manager précédemment en charge du Système de Trading pour une FinTech (avec des clients particulièrement gourmand) décident de cuisiner un menu, l'agilité et le leadership deviennent une belle aventure culinaire.
À travers la métaphore engageante de la gastronomie, Laetitia et Edwige présenteront une conférence percutante qui explore l'intégration des stratégies agiles, le leadership et le concept de Value Stream. Lors de cette session, elles montreront que la diversité est essentielle à l'innovation, au changement de mindset, à l'adoption de nouveaux processus et à la transformation des organisations.
La session vise à offrir une perspective rafraîchissante sur l'agilité et à répondre à des questions telles que: Comment combiner le leadership agile au concept de Value Stream? Quels types de techniques peuvent être utilisés pour atteindre une véritable Agilité Business? Comment une approche humaine peut-elle conduire à l'innovation et à des changements à l’echelle? ...
Pour plus de details: https://www.canva.com/design/DAF3sUy1Fco/NVnQHAZ277evT94wwuJG_w/view?utm_content=DAF3sUy1Fco&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=editor
Avengers Assemble: Women in Engineering
"Avengers Assemble: Women in Engineering" parallels the epic battles faced by the Avengers with the real-life challenges women engineers encounter. During this talk, Edwige will with humour tells her story and explores like an Avengers how gender bias, work-life balance and different culture can open the door to innovation to become a leader within Software Engineering.
By the end of this talk, participants will be equipped with actionable steps to foster an inclusive and supportive environment in their workplaces, ensuring that more women can take on leadership roles in engineering.
Disciplined Agile: Découvrez les secrets pour booster l'agilité à l'échelle.
Et si Edwige et Laetitia vous révélaient les secrets de la boite à outils Disciplined Agile…
La véritable agilité découle de la liberté, et non des schémas. Cependant, dans le paysage Agile, nous constatons principalement l'existence de modèles organisationnels prescriptifs et rigides. Au cours de cette session, Edwige et Laetitia vous feront découvrir une approche différente, agnostique et adaptable à chaque contexte. Son nom: Disciplined Agile
Key takeaways:
- Disciplined Agile, une approche sur-mesure pour une transformation inclusive
- La Value Stream pour optimiser le flow
- Disciplined Agile, la boite à outils comme moteur de l'Agilité Business
Agility à la carte: A culinary guide for a flavorful workplace
“What if Joey Tribbiani from 'Friends' was right: I like it. What’s not to like? Custard? Good. Jam? Good. Meat? Good."
When two women: Laetitia AEGERTER: Human Resources Manager in charge of L&D turned Agile Coach, joins a Software department. And Edwige FIACLOU: Senior Software Engineer Manager, formerly in charge of the Trading System for a FinTech (with particularly demanding clients) decide to cook up a menu: Agility and Leadership become a beautiful culinary adventure.
Agile Tour Luxembourg 2025 Sessionize Event Upcoming
dxday 2025 Sessionize Event Upcoming
Codemotion Milan 2024 Sessionize Event
Agile Tour Genève 2024 Sessionize Event
DevTalks Bucharest 2024
Talk on Product World and Women In Tech Stage
PMI Switzerland
DevTalks Romania 2023
2 stages:
- Women in tech Stage
- Lead Dev Stage

Edwige Fiaclou
Head Methodology and Tech Talent Software Engineering
Lausanne, Switzerland
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