Elise Lems
Data scientist at Info Support
Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Elise is a social and enthusiastic professional who loves to read books and has a curious and questioning mind. Elise has a master's in Artificial Intelligence from Radboud University and is currently working as a Data scientist/IT consultant at Info Support. Elise's areas of interest are computer vision, explainable AI, AI in healthcare, and much more.
Balancing Efficiency and Ethics in AI: The Pitfalls of Replacing Boring Work.
Our aging population is creating a demand for change in our labor market, putting additional strain on our economic structure. This pressing issue necessitates solutions for efficiency and sustainable long-term strategies to address the demographic imbalances. One way to achieve this efficiency gain is by utilizing Artificial Intelligence (AI)
AI, particularly Generative AI, is changing how we do our jobs. The first parts of our job that will be affected by this change are the repetitive or so-called "boring" tasks. However, what is considered a monotonous task to some might be enjoyable to others, leading to discussions on which tasks should and should not be automated away. But how do we traverse the landscape of AI, reallocating tasks while keeping employee preferences in mind? What questions must be asked to transition smoothly into an AI-assisted labor force? How do we balance efficiency gains and our love for how we do our jobs now? How is the current AI technical revolution different from previous technological revolutions?
We will answer these questions based on our experience implementing AI for different companies and a case study by the authors in which the organization could not adopt an AI application when it was implemented.
GenAI from the trenches: from legacy to a modern development stack
Generative AI changes how we build software. Many of you use Github Copilot or other AI coding assistants daily or have tried one. Although these coding assistants are powerful, you can do so much more with GPT-4 to improve your software development game.
We combined Generative AI with software engineering best practices to translate a complete legacy codebase built in a low-code solution into a modern approach with Vue and Typescript. This allowed us to translate the codebase with 85% less effort than translating the code by hand. We took away the tedious work by automating it with AI while allowing engineers to review and improve the overall structure of the solution.
In this talk, you’ll learn how we use generative AI to translate complete code bases. We’ll also show how generative AI can be a powerful asset for developers instead of a technology that replaces human creativity.
Het AI-landschap in educatie: verder dan ChatGPT
Kunstmatige Intelligentie (AI) heeft een steeds grotere impact op zowel de maatschappij als het individu. Met de komst van ChatGPT in 2022 kwam er ook een vergrootglas te liggen op wat de komst van AI zou gaan betekenen voor educatie.
In deze presentatie verkennen we de veelzijdige impact van AI op educatie, met een focus op drie belangrijke assen: studenten, docenten en onderwijsinstellingen. We geven inzicht in de verschillende AI-toepassingen binnen het onderwijs, met speciale aandacht voor applicaties die geen gebruik maken van ChatGPT-achtige technieken. Daarnaast bespreken we de impact van deze educatieve AI-applicaties op de toekomst van het onderwijs en kijken we naar de sociaal-ethische aspecten ervan.
Deze sessie biedt een unieke kans om inzicht te krijgen in de toekomst van onderwijs en AI. Mis deze kans niet om aan de voorhoede te staan van de onderwijstransformatie.
NextGen AI
Hoe gaan we onze jeugd meenemen en leren om te gaan met generatieve AI? Wil je meepraten en 'doen' aan het beantwoorden van deze vraag.
De NextGen AI community bedenkt, ontwikkelt en organiseert educatieprogramma´´s over AI voor jeugd en jongeren vanaf 8 jaar.
AI Community Day Sessionize Event
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