
Joe Glombek

Joe Glombek

Senior .NET developer and lover of adventure

Bristol, United Kingdom


Joe is a senior .NET developer and lover of adventure. During working hours he’s an Umbraco Certified Master and MVP who's been working with Umbraco in various digital agencies for the past decade, but is an adventure-loving outdoorsman in his free time and can often be seen out hiking or canoeing with his dog, Carter.

Area of Expertise

  • Information & Communications Technology


  • Umbraco
  • Accessibility
  • Web Accessibility
  • .NET
  • C#.Net
  • dotNet

Zeroing in on Number Storage

There are 10 types of people in the world: those who understand binary and those who don’t. We all know computers “work in binary”, but how does that affect our day-to-day coding? How does it impact a developer working with regular old base 10?

Join Joe as he shares some binary basics, the point of floating-point, and dip into decimals before doubling down on doubles. By the end, you’ll know why 1+1 can sometimes equal 10 and why 0.1 + 0.2 doesn’t always equal 0.3.

Joe will cover how these nuances in number storage can lead to unexpected results, the significance of precision in coding, and practical tips to handle these situations in .NET and JavaScript. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced developer, this talk promises to deepen your understanding of number storage and its implications in programming.

Hello, My Name is joe.gl: DNS for Developers

"It’s always DNS"—an adage as old as... well, as old as DNS itself! But what exactly is DNS, how does it work, and what do developers need to know?

Join Joe as he demystifies the workings of domain names through interactive examples. He’ll provide tips on conquering the hurdles developers might encounter when navigating the Domain Name System. What a Time To Live!

Why your search can't be Google

Ever faced the frustration of delivering a seemingly flawless search feature, only to have users dismiss it with a simple "it doesn't work"? Welcome to the complex world where user expectations clash with developer realities. Join me on a journey to understand the puzzle of search functionality, where the way real people search is very different from how techies do. As one colleague put it, “people expect Google, and they don't get that on most websites”.
But why is search so difficult? What factors do we need to consider when designing a search? And should we even have search at all?

DIY DXP: Building your own integrated platforms

Composable Digital eXperience Platforms (DXPs) are all the rage and, simply put, they're all about integrations. There are many methodologies when it comes to building integrations and not all suit every purpose. We'll take a look at some of these methods and look at their pros and cons, assessing which solutions best suit which scenarios. We'll talk about integration concepts and how multiple separate systems can be combined into one composable DXP as well as looking at some more developer-focused examples integrating with Azure and other Microsoft products.

Celibrate you're misteaks

"Everyone makes mistakes." We've heard it time and again. But there's always that nagging voice inside our heads telling us to hide it away somewhere. But this can lead to more mistakes in the future. Would we be here celebrating the openness and flexibility of Umbraco 9 if mistakes around the-version-that-shall-not-be-named hadn't been openly discussed? We'll take a look at some of my mistakes and even look at some extreme cases where mistakes can cost lives.

As well as looking at how mistakes can be damaging, we'll discuss how and when to talk about our mistakes along with success stories and how highlighting past mistakes can help save time, effort and money as individuals, teams, and as a community.

Why am I being such a git about best practices?

Are your git repos a dumping ground for code? I'm really fussy about how people use git - and that's a good thing. We'll take a look at branching strategies, the importance of commit messages and how often should you commit, anyway? Let's investigate how, with 5 simple tips, we can turn a code dump into a glorious archive of software and how this can save time, frustration and money.

Mapping our journey to accessibility: What we can learn about accessibility from maps

Accessibility is a fairly new concept to a lot of us in the tech industry, but Ordnance Survey have been making maps since 1791. What have they done over the last two centuries to make their maps easier to read and understand for everyone? And how can our comparatively juvenile industry learn from their experience?

How to Copy & Paste: Effectively working with strangers (and robots) on the internet

Since the dawn of forums, CodeProject and Stack Overflow - and more recently with Github, Discord, Youtube and blog posts - we've been building applications with strangers on the internet, copying and pasting other developers' code. And now with the advent of ChatGPT, GitHub CoPilot and other AI solutions, it's easier than ever to use code somebody (or something) else wrote... without necessarily understanding the code completely. We all copy and paste code, but a senior developer will often approach the task in different way to someone more junior. We'll look at how to level-up our Ctrl+V game through understanding the problem, assessing suitability and adapting code samples to meet our needs. Together, we can build something better and quicker... so long as we know what we're building.

Umbraco Spark 2025 Sessionize Event

March 2025 Bristol, United Kingdom

WeAreDevelopers World Congress 2024 Sessionize Event

July 2024 Berlin, Germany

DDD South West 2024 Sessionize Event

April 2024 Bristol, United Kingdom

Umbraco Spark 2024

How to Copy & Paste: Effectively working with strangers (and robots) on the internet

March 2024 Bristol, United Kingdom

Umbraco UK Festival 2023

What we do in the Shadows: Bringing legacy apps back to life with web components

November 2023 London, United Kingdom

Umbraco US Community Day 2023 Sessionize Event

October 2023 Charlotte, North Carolina, United States

Umbraco DK Festival 2022

DIY DXP: Building your own integrated platforms with Umbraco
Recording: https://joe.gl/ombek/talks/umbraco-dk-festival-2022-diy-dxp/

November 2022 Århus, Denmark

CodeLand 2022

Celibrate You're Misteaks
Recording: https://joe.gl/ombek/talks/codeland-2022/

June 2022

Tech A11y Summit Sessionize Event

December 2021

DDD 2021 Sessionize Event

November 2021 Reading, United Kingdom

GitKon 2021

Why are you being such a git about it?
Recording: https://www.gitkraken.com/gitkon/git-best-practices

September 2021

Umbraco Codegarden 2021 Sessionize Event

June 2021

Joe Glombek

Senior .NET developer and lover of adventure

Bristol, United Kingdom


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