
Heath Murphy

Heath Murphy

VP, Consulting Services for CGI

Columbus, Ohio, United States


Architect, Developer, PM and Pumpkin Ale expert but not necessarily in that order. Heath has been a leader in the IT industry for over 20 years and has presented at multiple conferences around the great lakes region. He’s from Columbus, Ohio and therefore bleeds scarlet and grey, Go Buckeyes! These days, he works as a director and people leader for CGI, one of the largest IT and business consulting services firms in the world. Racing fast cars, building stupid expensive gaming computers, and manicuring a perfect home lawn round out his hobbies.

Area of Expertise

  • Information & Communications Technology


  • Software Deveopment
  • Software Architecture

ASP.NET Core Blazor Hybrid – Finally the death of WPF and Windows Forms…

Wait… I can use C#, Razor and web technologies to create a native app on Windows, iOS, Android and MacOS? Next you’ll tell me it’s compiled to native code that runs at full speed. Wait, it does!? This is the holy grail for all .Net developers. No more need for a heavy front end interpreter like Electron. Goodbye WPF & XAML. JavaScript… C-Ya! This is 100% C#.Net, all native, layouts using familiar html/CSS web technologies + Razor. Want to learn more? Come to this introductory session to learn all about Blazor Hybrid. This is hands-on, with code examples and a fully functional app that I use personally at home.

.Net in the browser! A full introduction to Blazor WebAssembly

C# > JavaScript. There I said it! While I love Vue, Angular and React nothing satisfies my love for writing code more than C# and the power of the .Net framework. Enter Blazor WebAssembly, C# running in the browser at near native code execution speeds. Blazor WASM is a fully featured, component-based SPA (Single Page Application). In this talk I’ll take you from zero to hero. We’ll jump into code examples early and often and you’ll leave giddy about starting your own new WASM project.

Vue.js: bolting on the SPA parts

Vue.js is an amazing lightweight framework that can be easily bolted into any existing application. Out of the box though, you don’t get all of the bits needed for a fully functioning SPA. In this talk we’re going to take a 200-level deep dive into the core plugins needed for an actual Vue SPA app. Vue-router, Vuex, VeeValidate and Vuetify are just a few of the plugins we’ll cover. Using a real-world application, you’ll understand why SPAs are so hard and how these plugins can save your butts. A basic understanding of Vue is required since we’re jumping right into the advanced stuff.

Roll your own Home Security: A Journey from Code to Home Fortress

Join me on an exhilarating expedition as I unravel the intricate steps of transforming my software prowess into a fully functional home security marvel. In this immersive session, we'll traverse the realms of .Net Core on a Raspberry Pi, orchestrating a symphony with almost two dozen door/window sensors and a medley of hardware components. I ditched an ADT system and built my own from scratch.

Prepare to be captivated as we explore the magic of SignalR, the finesse of Vue.js, all seamlessly orchestrated on the harmonious platform of Raspbian. But this isn't just a technical journey; it's a tale of an amazing adventure that continues to resonate in my everyday life, providing real-time surveillance for my humble abode. Feeling inspired for a captivating side project? Join me, and discover the profound rewards of merging technology with home security. Because let's face it – turning lines of code into a shield for your home is not just a project; it's a transformative experience waiting to be embraced. Come, learn, and let's embark on this rewarding odyssey together!

Microservice Trench Warfare - Taming the Beast you Created

Incoming Grenade! Hope your architecture can handle that blow. No? Come on in and learn how a self healing microservices architecture can make you bullet proof. No more 2:00 AM calls that production is down. I'll walk you through a large scale Microservices system we built and how we weathered the blows. Patterns that work, war stories from the trenches. We'll laugh and we'll cry as I describe the tactics, tips and tricks you need to run a successful Microservice based system. Circuit breakers, Partitioning/bulk heads, CQRS are just a few topics we cover with real world examples you can take back with you.

I have no idea what my PM does! Project Mgmt 101 for developers.

They bug you daily about estimates and your timesheet. They seem to be in meetings more than working. What in the world does your PM actually do? This is a crash course into project management 101 created specifically for developers. We’ll discuss Gannt charts, earned value, the project constraint triangle and many more other “PMy” terms. Impress your friends at your next geek dinner party with uber PM knowledge.

A beginner’s first view into Vue.js. Pun intended…

It’s always good to be well rounded and in-the-know, especially in the fast-moving, front-end JavaScript framework realm. This is an introductory session to Vue.js and many of its various plugins and ecosystems. We’ll start with Vue.js as just a view engine and work our way up to a fully functioning SPA with routing, validation and state management all baked in. Knowledge of ES6 semantics are a plus but not required. At the end of this session you’ll be able to talk the talk and understand at a high level what all the fuss is about. You don’t even need to be a front-end hipster! I guess they can attend as well.

Project Chronicles: Unveiling 35 Years of Wisdom - What Not to Do in the World of Tech Projects

Embark on a journey through the annals of project management with our dynamic duo – an experienced architect and a seasoned project manager, boasting a whopping 35 years of combined wisdom. Brace yourself for a rollercoaster of insights as we shine a spotlight on the pitfalls to avoid in the tech project landscape.

This talk is not your typical lecture; it's a lively exploration of the biggest mistakes witnessed throughout our careers. Whether you're a developer, business analyst, or quality assurance guru, we've got tips tailored just for you. From the intricacies of code to the nuances of project analysis, no role is spared from our treasure trove of learnings.

Join us not only for the invaluable advice but also for the entertaining banter between our architect and PM – a dynamic duo that doesn't always see eye to eye. Good projects, great projects, or those delightful hot messes – we've been there, seen it all, and can't wait to share our tales with you. After all, in the world of projects, laughter and wisdom go hand in hand. Don't miss out on the tips, and stay for the friendly disagreements – because let's face it, where's the fun without a little debate? =)

Unlocking the Future of Mobile Apps: Bid Farewell to app stores and welcome in Blazor WebAssembly

Prepare to witness a paradigm shift as we bid adieu to the era of Native, Hybrid, and Cross-Platform apps. The days of grappling with Ionic, React Native, or the confines of Android/iOS Native development are officially behind us. Join me for an insightful exploration into why these traditional approaches are no longer necessary and what web standard or feature tipped me over the edge.

Having authored numerous mobile apps over the years, I've witnessed the impressive growth of the Progressive Web App (PWA) spec. It's time to embrace the future, and we're going all-in on Blazor WebAssembly PWAs. In this illuminating talk, I'll guide you through the journey of Blazor WebAssembly PWAs, unveiling why it's the ultimate solution for most major line-of-business mobile needs.

Delve into the core PWA features supported by Blazor WebAssembly as I weave code examples seamlessly into the narrative. Be prepared to be amazed as I showcase a tangible example – an app that was once built with Ionic four years ago, now reborn as a fully capable PWA. Join me on this revolutionary adventure, and let's redefine the landscape of mobile app development together. The future is here, and it's Blazor WebAssembly PWAs leading the way!

The Art of Software Architecture. Are you ready for the next level?

What does it take to be a great architect? Why do some of the best software developers make crummy architects? How do organizations view software architects? These are just some of the questions I’ve asked myself over the last 22 years. What I’ve realized is that architecture is a fine art that values drastically different skillsets from a typical Sr developer. Join me on a journey as I share everything I’ve learned about architecture. We’ll go through roles (solution vs enterprise vs portfolio architects), personality profiles and likely even touch on some philosophical questions about human nature. My goal is to arm you with my lessons learned on an architecture path and to position you for that next level.

Heath Murphy

VP, Consulting Services for CGI

Columbus, Ohio, United States


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