
Jaroslav Reken

Jaroslav Reken

Jaroslav Reken, Chief Data Strategist @ Joyful Craftsmen s.r.o.

Jaroslav Reken, Chief Data Strategist @ Joyful Craftsmen s.r.o.

Prague, Czechia


I'm working with SQL Server and Microsoft Data platform for almost 20 years. I worked in this area from MS BI application solution development through MS BI infrastructure projects to pre-sales engineer. I like Microsoft BI very much and I follow the new trends in this area as well as the competing technologies. The most important thing for me is that I advance with experience and know-how in this area. I do consultation services for Power BI adoption and data strategy.

Microsoft Data platforme sa venujem už skoro 20 rokov. Prešiel som si v tejto oblasti od vývoja MS BI riešení cez stavbu infraštruktúry pre Microsoft BI riešenia až po predaj MS BI riešení. Svet Microsoftích dát ma veľmi baví a rád sledujem nové trendy v tejto oblasti ako aj u konkurenčných technológií. Najdôležitejšie pre mňa je, že sa neustále posúvam v skúsenostiach a vedomostiach v tejto oblasti. Poskytujem konzultačné služby na témy Power BI adopcia a dátová stratégia.

Area of Expertise

  • Information & Communications Technology
  • Finance & Banking
  • Business & Management


  • Data Strategy
  • Power BI Adoption
  • BI Adoption
  • Business Intelligence
  • datawarehousing
  • SQL Sever
  • Data Integration
  • Azure Data Factory
  • Azure Data Lake
  • Azure Data Platform
  • Azure Synapse Analytics
  • Microsoft Fabric
  • Microsoft Power BI
  • Data Testing
  • DevOps & Automation
  • Azure DevOps
  • DataOps
  • Continuous Integration
  • continuous delivery
  • Power BI Report Server
  • SQL Server Reporting Services
  • SQL Server Integration Services
  • SQL Server Analysis Services
  • Data Lakehouse


Power BI Adoption – Lessons Learned en sk

In my career, I have encountered dozens of projects related to Power BI. Their main goal was to enable end-users to make better, faster, and smarter decisions using data. However, it did not always go in this direction, and various obstacles stood in the way. I will share these obstacles with you in the following lecture, which will focus mainly on:
- A brief introduction to the Microsoft Fabric adoption roadmap - it is much more than just training users, analysts, and developers on the Power BI tool.
- Stories from practice with obstacles in adoption and tips on how to overcome them.
- How to start with Microsoft Fabric adoption so that it is not just a list of random activities.

45' to 60' session targeted for data team leads or anybody who cares about his work being used and having impact.

Adopcia Power BI – Skúsenosti z praxe en sk

Vo svojej kariére som sa stretol s desiatkami projektov, ktoré sa týkali Power BI. Ich hlavným cieľom bolo používanie dát koncovými užívateľmi aby sa lepšie, rýchlejšie a hlavne chytrejšie rozhodovali. Nie vždy sa to ale týmto smerom uberalo a do cesty sa stavali rôzne prekážky. O tieto prekážky sa s Vami podelím v nasledujúcej prednáške, ktorá sa bude venovať hlavne:
- Krátky úvod do Microsoft Fabric adopčnej mapy – je to omnoho viacej než zaškolenie užívateľov, analytikov a vývojárov na nástroj Power BI.
- Príbehy z praxe s prekážkami v adopcii a tipmi ako ich prekonať.
- Ako začať s Microsoft Fabric adopciou aby to nebol len zoznam náhodných aktivít.

45' - 60' session targeted for data team leads or anybody who cares about his work being used and having impact.

Dotnet Days 2019 Sessionize Event

November 2019 Prague, Czechia

Jaroslav Reken

Jaroslav Reken, Chief Data Strategist @ Joyful Craftsmen s.r.o.

Prague, Czechia


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