
Kristi Robison, IGP

Kristi Robison, IGP

Founder. Adaptive Leader. Connector of People and Ideas.

Cody, Wyoming, United States


Kristi is a Strategic Advisor and Information Governance expert with a passion for driving innovation, digital transformation, and collaboration. She was a Wyoming Woman Entrepreneur of the Year nominee in 2022 and 2023, has founded 2 non-profit organizations, and actively works to support Women in Tech. Kristi has over 25 years' expertise in the Microsoft ecosystem. Since launching Paintrock Consulting in 2012, she has advised across Energy, Healthcare, Engineering, Financial, Big Pharma, Telecommunications, and Legal Services industries. She helps organizations and enterprises define and implement modern Information Governance strategies, optimize their Microsoft spend, and advise expertise in Microsoft Purview.

Area of Expertise

  • Business & Management
  • Information & Communications Technology
  • Media & Information
  • Humanities & Social Sciences
  • Energy & Basic Resources


  • Information Security Governance and Risk
  • Digital Transformation
  • Strategic Partnerships
  • Collaboration
  • Microsoft 365
  • Microsoft Technologies
  • Microsoft SharePoint
  • Microsoft Viva
  • Microsoft Teams
  • Microsoft Purview
  • Microsoft Priva
  • Compliance
  • WomenITPros
  • Women in Tech
  • Women in Leadership
  • Microsoft 365 Security

Modernize your Information Governance strategy for successful AI adoption

In the face of AI-driven digital transformation and an unprecedented surge in data creation and storage, the urgency for robust Information Governance is escalating. This session will dissect the intricate challenges and opportunities that this data-intensive landscape presents.

The data deluge is a double-edged sword. While it propels AI advancements and business innovation, it also introduces substantial risks such as data breaches, privacy infringements, and regulatory non-compliance. At the same time, the regulatory landscape around data protection and privacy is in constant flux at global, national, and state levels. Enterprises must adeptly navigate these waters to transform the coming data tsunami into a strategic advantage for growth and innovation, while maintaining a secure, compliant, and data-empowered future.

At the Intersection of Security and Governance in Microsoft Purview

In this session, attendees will gain an understanding of how Security, Governance, and Compliance all came to be central pillars of Microsoft Purview, and they work together to protect your environment.

We begin with an overview of the State of Information today, and modern concepts around Data, Information, and Governance - and why the need for robust Security and Governance is so strong today.
We'll discuss some of the most widely-used Purview solutions that straddle Security and Compliance, including Data Loss Prevention and Sensitivity Labeling.

Finally, we'll cover how Purview and Copilot work together in a Purview AI Hub to provide continuous risk mitigation related to an array of AI tooling.

Harnessing the Power of AI in Microsoft Purview

Join us as we navigate the critical transition toward an AI-powered workplace with Microsoft Purview at the helm. Let’s discover together how “the world’s computer” can revolutionize information governance and compliance.

You will learn about the state of information today, the explosive growth anticipated in the near future, and the inherent risks in unmanaged content expansion. Then, we will delve into some of the ways Purview leverages AI to enhance information governance and compliance.

You will learn about new AI-driven features in Purview that were announced recently at Ignite, including greater automation with eDiscovery, robust Communications compliance, Content understanding and management, and greater Compliance risk mitigation.

We will also discuss Data Governance solutions in Purview, including the Purview Data Map, Purview Data Protection, and Purview Data Insights. These features not only automate the discovery, classification, and mapping of data sources across the enterprise – they can also apply sensitivity labels and encryption to data, providing insights and recommendations from your own data.

This session is designed to benefit developers building solutions and IT pros managing and integrating solutions. We will discuss best practices and practicalities from the field for Purview in the modern, AI-powered workplace.

By the end of this session, attendees will have a comprehensive understanding of how to harness the power of AI in Purview to respond to current and future data and workforce needs and compliance requirements. You will learn how Purview (along with other products and services in the Microsoft cloud) can provide real-world value, fostering a balance between remote, virtual, mobile, and in-person workforces in the world of AI-enabled business productivity.

At the Intersection of Security and Governance in Microsoft Purview

In this session, attendees will gain an understanding of how Security, Governance, and Compliance all came to be central pillars of Microsoft Purview, and how they work together.

We begin with an overview of the State of Information today, and modern concepts around Data, Information, and Governance - and why the need for robust Security and Governance is so strong today.
We'll discuss some of the most widely-used Purview solutions that straddle Security and Compliance, including Data Loss Prevention and Sensitivity Labeling, along with their AI-driven enhancements recently announced at Ignite.

You'll hear from two speakers with deep expertise: one in Governance and Compliance, and one in Security - including their approaches to Purview solutions. Throughout, we'll highlight the importance of cross-functional collaboration in the deployment and continued management of an organization's Microsoft 365 environment, made more essential than ever as part of corporate adoption of AI and Copilot readiness.

AI-powered Content Management and Governance with SharePoint Premium and Purview

Learn how to leverage Microsoft’s investment in AI through SharePoint Premium and Purview to supercharge your company’s information! This full-day, hands-on workshop will walk you through a comprehensive approach for information creation, accuracy, classification, and protection through the use of Microsoft SharePoint Premium and Microsoft Purview.

You will learn about the state of information today, the explosive growth anticipated in the near future, and the inherent risks in unmanaged content expansion. Then, you’ll learn about Microsoft SharePoint Premium and Microsoft Purview, and how they create a “Better Together” approach to understanding, streamlining, and protecting your data – especially if you are preparing for the adoption of Copilot and other AI solutions.

SharePoint Premium in the Morning:
You will learn how to use SharePoint Premium, a new service that applies advanced AI and machine learning to your content, to automate tasks such as document understanding, metadata extraction, and content classification. In addition to learning how to use SharePoint Premium, we'll leverage Copilot in Word to create sample documents. You will see how SharePoint Premium can help you transform your unstructured data into structured knowledge that can be easily accessed and shared across Microsoft 365. You will also explore how SharePoint Premium can integrate with other Microsoft 365 applications, such as Viva Topics, SharePoint, and OneDrive, to create a rich and intelligent content experience. We'll talk about the capabilities and limitations of SharePoint Premium as well as licensing.

Purview in the Afternoon:
Next, you will learn about the features in Purview that can build upon the content understanding, metadata, and classification that were built in SharePoint Premium in an adaptive extension of your organization’s access and protection requirements.

Purview can leverage the content classification from our SharePoint Premium start to the workshop. You will learn how classification features leverage AI and automation for actions like applying sensitivity labels and retention labels to your information, how this helps you manage data protection and compliance. You’ll also see how classifications can be extended or integrated across your entire data estate for consistency of handling and management.

Putting it all into Perspective:
This workshop wraps up with an overview of the benefits that both SharePoint Premium and Purview provide in a Microsoft 365 organization through both 3rd-party and native integration.

Bring your laptop to participate in this session live.

Personal Advocacy: Bring Your Own Chair

Originally developed to support Women in Teams and Women in Tech, this session now is for anyone who isn't sure how to take the next step on their desired pathway. This session is for those who yearn to grow your skillset, expand your knowledge and engagement, satisfy your curiosity, or advance your career.
No, you don't physically need to Bring Your Own Chair, but you will learn the origin of that phrase as a call to action, and you will leave with additional guidance, motivation, and - if you need it - permission to advocate for yourself.

Microsoft Teams Governance

In this session you'll gain an understanding of how Teams fits into your Microsoft 365 Governance framework, starting with the Shared Responsibility model, and recommendations for balancing productivity and innovation.
Then more specifically, we’ll introduce the Teams-focused compliance solutions including communication compliance for channels, chats, and attachments; retention policies, data loss prevention, eDiscovery and legal hold for channels, chats and files; and audit log search.

Microsoft Teams Built-in features for Inclusion and Accessibility

An organization that embraces accessibility and inclusivity has better engagement, collaboration, and productivity; and Teams provides a variety of built-in features to facilitate interactivity with all of your personnel. I'll take you through inclusion best practices, accessibility features, building inclusion into your materials as a speaker, tips for organizers, and ideas for participants.

Presented to:
ARMA International - Canada Annual Conference (Toronto, ON; July 2023)

Introduction to Microsoft Teams

This session is aimed at anyone who is new to Microsoft Teams as well as regular users who have not had the benefit of a well-rounded introduction to Teams.
We will start with a general introduction, following by a tour going over the lay of the land. Next we cover Teams Communication features, Productivity features, and finally Teams Creation.

Meet the Old and New in Purview

You'll receive an understanding of what Purview offers now above and beyond prior Compliance offerings, and about its extensibility internally and externally

Microsoft Sentinel and Zero Trust: Better-Together, scalable security for all businesses

Think because you're an SMB, Zero Trust is more of a nice risk mitigator than an essential part of your business? Think again! Sentinel's Zero Trust offers fully integrated, extensible, and automatable protection - whether you're on-prem, hybrid, cloud-based. You'll learn how Sentinel's Zero Trust solutions are perfectly suited for Hybrid Workplace implementation, and how they are better together with Defender, Connectors, and Agents.

How M365 Allows Organizations to Implement Retention at Scale

In the era of the Cloud and tools that seem limitless, what is a lynchpin goal? Reducing risk through a systematic, ongoing retention program. We will present an approach and how to gain buy-in from stakeholders across an enterprise – all with the objective to attain defensible sustainable retention and deletion.

Information Governance and the New Way of Work

Amid a pandemic-driven global digital transformation and all that entails, Information Governance is having a golden moment. We'll discuss its evolution and what its future holds, strategic best practices, and how to implement a sustainable IG program for all.

Best Practices blending Information Governance and IT

Enterprises are aware of Information Governance needs and how they inform requirements for IT Organizations in current structure integration and forward sustainability. We'll cover best practices to blend IG into IT, both for "Big G" Governance and "little g governance".

Making Room for Governance

We probably all know why Governance in a 365 deployment is a good idea, but where do you start? How far do you go? And how do you balance this with enabling personnel engagement, curiosity, and adoption? Attendees should be able to leave with some new tools and ideas to support governance without stifling adoption.

Effective Virtual Meetings

Level-up with Virtual Meeting Participation and Facilitation in our new work-from-anywhere world.

Presented to ARMA Metro NYC's Confirm NYC Spring Conference 2021

Low-Impact, High-Value Knowledge Management with Viva Topics

Fully automated KM/KT isn't here yet, but it's close. With Microsoft Viva’s suite of tools, your organization can use data- and behavior-driven expertise to minimize institutional knowledge loss, build knowledge sharing into the organizational culture, and empower employees to utilize and create high-value information.
Outside of large enterprises, most organizations do not have a knowledge management system in place. Many are lucky to have a consistent onboarding practice defined or logical information architecture that makes finding information easy. Leveraging MS Graph, AI, and ML, any size company can gain deeper insights into its institutional expertise.

Also presented to:
ARMA International - Cincinnati Chapter (Spring Meeting 2023)
ARMA METRO NYC Annual Conference (Virtual, 2023)
ARMA International - Canada Annual Conference (Toronto, ON Canada, 2023)
ARMA International -InfoCon Annual Conference (Detroit, October 2023)

At the intersection of Security and Governance in Microsoft Purview

In this session, attendees will gain an understanding of how Security, Governance, and Compliance all came to be central pillars of Microsoft Purview. Then, we'll dive more deeply into some of the most widely-used Purview solutions that straddle Security and Compliance, including Data Loss Prevention and Sensitivity Labeling. You'll hear from two speakers with deep expertise: one in Governance and Compliance, and one in Security - including their approaches to Purview solutions. Throughout, we'll highlight the importance of cross-functional collaboration in the deployment and continued management of an organization's Microsoft 365 environment.

Session outline and proposal by Kristi Robison, with Mike Miller as co-presenter

Presented to:
Collab Days New England, 2023

Collab Days New England

At the intersection of Security and Governance in Microsoft Purview
Co-Presented with Mike Miller
In this session, attendees will gain an understanding of how Security, Governance, and Compliance all came to be central pillars of Microsoft Purview. Then, we'll dive more deeply into some of the most widely-used Purview solutions that straddle Security and Compliance, including Data Loss Prevention and Sensitivity Labeling. You'll hear from two speakers with deep expertise: one in Governance and Compliance, and one in Security - including their approaches to Purview solutions. Throughout, we'll highlight the importance of cross-functional collaboration in the deployment and continued management of an organization's Microsoft 365 environment.

October 2023 Boston, Massachusetts, United States

ARMA InfoCon

Presenting Low-Effort, High-Value Knowledge Management with Viva Topics

October 2023 Detroit, Michigan, United States


DEI Track: Expanding Inclusion and Accessibility in Meetings and Events using Microsoft Teams built-in Accessibility features, with a quick look at additional Accessibility features in the M365 stack

July 2023 Toronto, Canada


Information Governance and the New Way of Work:
IG over the arc of history to appreciate the inflection point of today, understanding the expected exponential growth of data and information in the next 3-5 years, the reasons behind it, and how to position your IG framework for future data growth.

July 2023 Toronto, Canada

Viva Round The World Sessionize Event

June 2023

CONFIRM.NYC 2023 - the ARMA Metro NYC Annual Conference

Low User-Impact, High-Value Knowledge Management (Technology)

Fully automated KM/KT isn't here yet, but it's close. With Microsoft Viva’s suite of tools, your organization can use data- and behavior-driven expertise to minimize institutional knowledge loss, build knowledge sharing into the organizational culture, and empower employees to utilize and create high-value information. Outside of large enterprises, most organizations do not have a knowledge management system in place. Many are lucky to have a consistent onboarding practice defined or logical information architecture that makes finding information easy. Leveraging MS Graph, AI, and ML, any size company can gain deeper insights into its institutional expertise.

May 2023 New York City, New York, United States

CONFIRM.NYC 2023 - the ARMA Metro NYC Annual Conference

Panel Discussion: Making a Business Case and Leveraging your Service Providers

In this panel, I will be joined by Lauren Barnes, Director of Information Governance at S&P Global; Derick Arthur, Director, Records & Information Governance at King & Spalding; and David Smythe, Principal Advisor at Iron Mountain.

We will go over the general components of developing a data-driven Business Case, the benefits of early socialization of that business case, and the added value of leveraging your existing vendors and service providers. We'll also touch on an additional aspect to help your business case succeed - framing the cost of *not* developing a business case for your proposal.

May 2023 New York City, New York, United States

Comms vNext 2023 Sessionize Event

April 2023 Denver, Colorado, United States

Teams10X - April 12 - 13, 2023 Sessionize Event

April 2023

Greater Cincinnati ARMA Monthly Meetings

Presenting "Low-Impact, High-Value Knowledge Management" to Cincinnati ARMA organization. Fully automated KM/KT isn't here yet, but it's close. With Microsoft Viva’s suite of tools, your organization can use data- and behavior-driven expertise to minimize institutional knowledge loss, build knowledge sharing into the organizational culture, and empower employees to utilize and create high-value information. Outside of large enterprises, most organizations do not have a knowledge management system in place. Many are lucky to have a consistent onboarding practice defined or logical information architecture that makes finding information easy. Leveraging MS Graph, AI, and ML, any size company can gain deeper insights into its institutional expertise.

April 2023 Cincinnati, Ohio, United States

Microsoft 365 Conference April 2022 Sessionize Event

April 2022 Las Vegas, Nevada, United States

CONFIRM.NYC 2022 - the ARMA Metro NYC Annual Conference

Yellow Track: Session 2, 10:00 - 10:45, March 9, 2022
Title: Building an Adaptive IG Program
Co-presented with: Lauren Barnes, Information Governance Director at S&P Global
We'll cover how to build an Adaptive IG Program including recommendations to understand the information across your multiple technologies and contextual relevance

March 2022 New York City, New York, United States

CollabDays New England - Microsoft 365 2021 Sessionize Event

October 2021 Burlington, Massachusetts, United States

CONFIRM.NYC 2021 - the ARMA Metro NYC Annual Conference

Track: Session 2, 10:00 - 10:45, Aspire: Effective Virtual Meetings
We’ll walk through a refreshed platform-agnostic framework for meetings to enhance engagement and participation in our work-from-anywhere world, including
Best Practices for Engaging Facilitation
Recommendations for Meaningful Participation:
Tools and features to use in your virtual meeting platform

March 2021 New York City, New York, United States

Microsoft Ignite 2020

Security & Compliance Roundtable at Microsoft Ignite
One of 4 Microsoft Partners in the Information Governance and Compliance ecosystem
Have you implemented or do you plan to deploy Microsoft 365 Compliance features such as Advance eDiscovery, Retention, Records Management, Insider Risk, communication compliance?
What regulations do your workplace have to comply with? Unmute yourself, turn your camera on - and join the Security & Compliance Community Table so we can address your questions about what has (and hasn’t) worked.
Be prepared for a fun interactive discussion!

September 2020

SharePoint Saturday Denver 2019 Sessionize Event

October 2019 Denver, Colorado, United States

Wyoming Outdoor Recreation Collaborative presentation to Governor Gordon

As the Big Horn County co-founder of the Bighorn Basin Outdoor Recreation Collaborative, I presented and paneled a discussion with Governor Mark Gordon about:
- our efforts piloting a Public-Private partnership centered on Outdoor Recreation
- our mission to promote, enhance, and develop sustainable outdoor recreation that encourages responsible use, personal well-being, and economic benefit in Wyoming’s Bighorn Basin
- our 5 year strategic plan and execution by citizen volunteers and Federal and State agencies
- our early successes fueled the creation of a new Wyoming State Office of Outdoor Recreation reporting directly to the Governor
That new organization helped document our processes to launch 7 more multi-county Outdoor Recreation Collaboratives across Wyoming, and in 2023, the Wyoming Legislature created a permanent trust fund for the office of Outdoor Recreation to support these citizen-led collaboratives.

June 2019 Basin, Wyoming, United States

Kristi Robison, IGP

Founder. Adaptive Leader. Connector of People and Ideas.

Cody, Wyoming, United States


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