Lada Bogović Božić
Rijeka, Croatia
I have an MA in cultural studies, but I work as a kindergarten teacher. Tolkien was/is my first love, and I haven't cared much for Marvel until I met my Thor.
I love reading, boardgames, quizzes, arts & crafts and karaoke (try me at your own peril) and have two beautiful children (I promise pics only on request).
Area of Expertise
Quotes Jeopardy Tournament
Let's get ready to rumble! Pokažite koliko dobro poznajete slavne rečenice iz ponajboljih SF&Fantasy filmova i natječite se u klasičnom Jeopardy stilu
True Soundtrak quiz
So many epic movies, so many epic scenes that bring your heart up, that empower you, that are so good you will never forget them or the movie they're in.
Well let's see if you remember the music from those movies.
Instrumentals and original soundtracks only.
Marvel Battleship
Only a true superhero can master the battlefield.
Answer questions, sink ships, fight for your team and bring them the ultimate victory in this fun quiz on Marvel's franchise.
Star Wars vs. Star Trek space battle
Are you a hard core Star Wars or Star Trek fan?
Star Trek is way better, wait, no Star Wars is better or the fans are more dedicated... well that is the age old question.
Let's finally put it to the test!
Assemble your space fleet, engage the enemy in battle, destroy their ships and claim the honor of being the best franchise with the best fans.
Destroy the most ships and claim your place in the hall of fame.
Heghlu’meH QaQ jajvam!!! (Today is a good day to die!!!)
Movie Soundtrack Quiz
Graduated in movies? Have expertise in soundtracks? Excellent Hearing? Fast writing? A friend who's a Zimmer fan? We've got a job for you - prove you know your way around music from famous SF&Fantasy movies on Futuricon!
Jeopardy - SF&F Edition
You think you are the best SF&F geeks out there?
You know all the cool facts from all the fandoms?
Enter your group and prove you are the ultimate geeks in Futuricon!

Lada Bogović Božić
Rijeka, Croatia
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