
Lee Brandt

Lee Brandt

Senior Developer Advocate, Okta

After almost two decades writing software professionally (and a few years unprofessionally before that), Lee Brandt still continues to learn every day. He has led teams in small and large companies and always manages to keep the business needs at the forefront of software development efforts. He speaks internationally about software development, from both a technical and business perspective, and loves to teach others what he learns. Lee writes software in Objective-C, JavaScript, and C#… mostly. He is a Microsoft Most Valuable Professional in Visual Studio and Development Technologies and one of the directors of the Kansas City Developer Conference (KCDC). Lee is also a decorated Gulf War veteran and loves to play the drums whenever he gets any spare time.

OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect In Plain English

Identity management is a part of most applications today. Users of modern web applications expect a secure, personalized experience. But how do you know what’s secure? How do you take advantage of the industry standards and not end up on the front page of the New York Times as the next victim of a data breach? OAuth 2.0 and OpenID connect are the industry standards for secure identity and access management. I’ll explain what they are and how they work together to provide a secure identity management scenario for your applications. You’ll leave with a solid understanding of why these technologies are necessary and how to get started quickly with them.

A Developer's Guide To Docker

It works on my machine. We’ve all heard it. Most of us have said it. It’s been impossible to get around it… until now. Not only can Docker-izing your .NET development environment solve that issue, but it can make it drop-dead simple to onboard new developers, keep a team working forward and allow everyone on the team use their desired tools!
I will show you how to get Docker set up to use as the run environment for your .NET projects, how to maintain the docker environment, and even how easy it will be to deploy the whole environment to production in a way that you are actually developing in an environment that isn’t just “like” production. It IS the production environment!
You will learn the basics of Docker, how to use it to develop and how to deploy your “development” environment as the production environment!

Real Agile for Real Software

As the agile revolution continues, more and more companies are wanting to “Do Agile”. Most companies don’t even know why, they just see and hear about other companies having successes. They hire a consultant, who is teaching the “flavor of the day” agile process and pay lots of money for books, tools and training. Most of the time, with limited success.

In this talk, I will explain what Agile software development is meant to be all about. I’ll tell you a bunch of stories about common mistakes I see companies making as they try to become more agile, and what you can do to avoid or overcome these mistakes. In the end, you should leave with a better understanding of the nature of building software in an agile way and maybe even had a few laughs along the way.

Things I've Learned from Developers I Admire

Over the last two decades, I’ve been fortunate enough to read, watch and work with some spectacular developers. During those times, I’ve learned some things that shaped my development career, the way I approach software, and how I interact with the software community as a whole. For instance, what’s the best way to get that job with that company you want? How can I get to be as good as (fill in hero developer)? I will cover all these and more. I will tell you some of the most important lessons I learned from these developers that I’ve admired and how these lessons will help you in your career.

Will the ReAL ReST Please Stand Up?

This is not meant to be a "You're not ReSTful, I Am" type of session, it's merely meant to inform. I built "ReSTful-ish" services for a long time, and sometimes that's good enough. But I missed out on some of the benefits of REALLY ReSTful APIs and, specifically, the hypermedia aspects of the ReST proposal. In this session we will talk about Dr. Fielding's dissertation and the benefits of adhering to the proposal of Representational State Transfer, and when pragmatism should win.

JavaScript LevelUp

If you've been developing for the web any length of time, you've probably written some JavaScript. You know the basics of the language and you can get things done, and applications shipped. But as the proliferation of JavaScript continues into frameworks like UnderscoreJS, KnockoutJS, AngularJS, AnyOtherThingYouCanThinkOfJS, and even to the server (with NodeJS) you may find yourself struggling to understand how to write professional, full-fledged applications using JavaScript. In this session you will LevelUp your JavaScript skills by learning about closures and how they help to modularize your javascript. Prototypal inheritance and how you can extend JavaScript and you will learn about JavaScript design patterns and how they can take your JavaScript skills to the next level!

OAuth and OpenID Connect for Developers

Identity management is a part of most applications today. Users of modern web applications expect a secure, personalized experience. But how do you know what’s secure? How do you take advantage of the industry standards and not end up on the front page of the New York Times as the next victim of a data breach? OAuth 2.0 and OpenID connect are the industry standards for secure identity and access management. I’ll explain what they are and how they work together to provide a secure identity management scenario for your applications. You’ll leave with a solid understanding of why these technologies are necessary and how to get started quickly with them.

Unexplored JavaScript: Destructuring, Generators, and Async... Oh My!!

The new features for JavaScript are coming fast and heavy now. Some of the features that make JavaScript more pleasurable are being overlooked. I will show you the three main features that I have found that can be most useful in making your JavaScript application easier to write, read, and maintain. You will leave with some new (to you) tools that will help you in your JavaScript right now.

.NET Programming in a *Nix World

Mac Book Pros and Linux laptops are starting to show up on the desks of developers everywhere. Even .NET developers. They open their VS Code and query SQL Servers. They deploy to Azure using Linux containers. Dogs and cats, living together... mass hysteria! If you love your *Nix laptop as much as I do, but still want to be able to crank out the .NET code like a champ, this is your session! I will show you the tools I've been using to write .NET Code on my Linux laptop for the last year or so (and my Mac Book Pro for a few years before that).

Lee Brandt

Senior Developer Advocate, Okta

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