
A Developer's Guide To Docker

It works on my machine. We’ve all heard it. Most of us have said it. It’s been impossible to get around it… until now. Not only can Docker-izing your .NET development environment solve that issue, but it can make it drop-dead simple to onboard new developers, keep a team working forward and allow everyone on the team use their desired tools!
I will show you how to get Docker set up to use as the run environment for your .NET projects, how to maintain the docker environment, and even how easy it will be to deploy the whole environment to production in a way that you are actually developing in an environment that isn’t just “like” production. It IS the production environment!
You will learn the basics of Docker, how to use it to develop and how to deploy your “development” environment as the production environment!

Lee Brandt

Senior Developer Advocate, Okta

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