
Marcy Ericka Charollois

Marcy Ericka Charollois

Inclusion advocate, content strategist and UX compliant

Paris, France


Hello world !

I'm Marcy Ericka, an inclusion advocate through UX and content in tech.
As the former editor-in-chief of WeLoveDevs for almost 3 years, I faced all types of inclusive issues of our tech audience. A challenge that tought me a lot!
I decided to embody these topics to the fullest, realising that few people like me are represented in tech. Taking a more committed stance to promote diversity by breaking through the pretense of corporate values, I dedicate my career to show how inclusion can be technical.

Area of Expertise

  • Information & Communications Technology


  • Diversity in Technology
  • Diversity and Inclusion
  • UX Writing
  • ux research
  • inclusive diversity
  • Cultural Diversity
  • Web Development
  • Front-End Development
  • Software Deveopment

D’observateur à responsable : enrayer l’impact des biais racistes dans l'expérience utilisateur.

Reconnaissance faciale défaillante, assimilation des noirs aux gorilles sur Google, confusion entre les ombres et les peaux foncées par les smart cars au point d'être percuté… Le racisme dans l'expérience utilisateur peut parfois se manifester de manière spectaculaire.

Cependant, il n'y a pas que dans ces exemples que les préjugés racistes existent : ils s'invitent dans ce que nous produisons tous de manière insidieuse.

De la conception à la mise en œuvre et jusque dans l'usage des produits : sans reculer, on peut nuire et créer l'exclusion de certains groupes en perpétuant voire en amplifiant les inégalités.

C'est aussi au sein des entreprises, et donc chez les salariés du secteur, que l'on retrouve des incompréhensions qui opposent et discriminent la population la plus marginalisée.

Alors, comment garantir des expériences neutres ou universelles dans un monde où l'UX se veut optimale et inclusive pour tous ?

Je souhaite partager avec vous une approche à multiples facettes pour résoudre les problèmes systémiques dans l'expérience utilisateur, de la sémantique aux personae, en passant par les histoires personnelles et à travers l'Histoire avec un H majuscule.

Attracting and retaining women in tech going beyond the trend !

Women are underrepresented in the digital realm. Today, they represent only 28 to 30% of employees, all professions combined.

What happened in this professional sector, however dominated by women during its genesis? Would women no longer feel in their place or not?

Some disturbing findings:

1) higher education leading to digital technology is invested in by men;
2) recruitment advertisements are not, as a rule, thought and written for women;
3) tech teams don't think about the deep needs of women or diversity;
4) women do not feel heard.

Even if women communicate, it seems that we do not listen to them.

And what are the results? Migration to corollary professions, brown-out, disembodiment in the team, resignations, creation of FemTech.

On a diverse spectrum, they lead the creation of safe places as a room of community expression.

So, if you want to promote diversity beyond the trend, and you have understood that the helping women in tech is a breach in solving the issue of diversity and inclusion, take part in my talk!

L'histoire sans fin de l'inclusion dans la tech.

Magali Milbergue, créatrice web et Marcy Ericka Charollois, inclusion advocate, sont aussi activistes et militantes. Elles ont fait chacune de leur côté un bilan de leurs expériences. En croisant leurs témoignages elles en retirent que leur quête pour une diversité plus rayonnante est toujours présente.

Aujourd'hui, avec du recul, elles font ensemble un constat afin d'aider chaque personne de notre secteur à trouver et déterminer sa place. Inspirées par l'Histoire sans Fin, elles vous proposent de faire un tour d'horizon des différentes règles du jeu de l'inclusion. Comme Bastien, vous serez amenés à observer et comprendre leur quête pour déterminer la place que vous avez vous-même dans le récit.

Racism fuels users experiences : why you should understand the strength of biased narratives.

Failing facial recognition, assimilation of black people to gorillas on Google… Racism in the user experience can sometimes manifests itself in a spectacular way.

However, it is not only in these examples that racist biases exist: they invite themselves into what we all produce in an insidious way. From design to implementation and into the use of products: without taking a step back, we can harm and create the exclusion of certain groups by perpetuating or even amplifying inequalities.

It is also within companies, and therefore among industry employees, that we find misunderstandings that oppose and discriminate the most marginalized population. So, how do we guarantee neutral or universal experiences in a world where the UX is intended to be optimal and inclusive for everyone?

Racism fuels users experiences : why you should understand the strength of biased narratives.

Failing facial recognition, assimilation of black people to gorillas on Google, confusion between shadows and dark skin tones by smart cars to the point of being hit… Racism in the user experience can sometimes manifests itself in a spectacular way.

However, it is not only in these examples that racist biases exist: they invite themselves into what we all produce in an insidious way.

From design to implementation and into the use of products: without taking a step back, we can harm and create the exclusion of certain groups by perpetuating or even amplifying inequalities.

It is also within companies, and therefore among industry employees, that we find misunderstandings that oppose and discriminate the most marginalized population.

So, how do we guarantee neutral or universal experiences in a world where the UX is intended to be optimal and inclusive for everyone?

I want to share with you a multi-faceted approach to solving systemic problems in the user experience, from semantics to personae, via personal stories and through History with a capital H.

Agile Tour Rennes 2023 Sessionize Event

October 2023 Rennes, France

WeAreDevelopers World Congress 2023 Sessionize Event

July 2023 Berlin, Germany

Newcrafts Paris 2023 Sessionize Event

May 2023 Paris, France

Marcy Ericka Charollois

Inclusion advocate, content strategist and UX compliant

Paris, France


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