Michiel Hamers
Microsoft (Azure) Cloud solution Lead & Codesmith @ Sopra Steria (Ordina) | Trainer | MCT | MVP | Speaker
Microsoft (Azure) Cloud solution Lead & Codesmith| @ Sopra Steria (Ordina) | Trainer | MCT | MVP | Spreker
Oss, The Netherlands
Hello, I'm Michiel Hamers, a Solution Lead in Azure Cloud & Application Lifecycle Management, currently working at Sopra Steria. I'm an IT-nerd, trainer, Microsoft Azure MVP, and passionate speaker with a relentless focus on cloud technologies.
💼 Professionally, I specialize in Azure, and I'm dedicated to simplifying complex cloud applications. Born to learn and share knowledge, I have spent over 20 years in the IT industry, starting as a Microsoft Certified Professional in 2002 and becoming a Microsoft Certified Trainer (MCT) in 2021. In 2023 & 2024 I was honored with the prestigious title of Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP).
🎤 As an avid speaker, you can find me at various international events, including Dutch Cloud Meetup, Developer Week, DevConf APG, FutureTech, Codesmith Unite, DevNetNoord, PowerShell + DevOps Global Summit, Azconf - Chennai India, Global Azure Munich 2023, Codesmith Unite, Chats for Change, AzureFest, Diversity & Inclusion Day, and Azure Thursday. I've been sharing insights and expertise across these diverse platforms, contributing to the vibrant tech community. I'm particularly excited about the upcoming opportunities to connect, learn, and innovate together!
🚀 My mission is to empower others with Azure expertise and cost management strategies, helping businesses thrive while being financially savvy. Whether I'm teaching kids the basics of code at CoderDojo or presenting at major tech conferences, my enthusiasm for the cloud and learning knows no bounds.
🏃 Outside of tech, you'll find me enjoying a 5K run and spending time with my family.
Let's connect, learn, and innovate together!
Hallo, ik ben Michiel Hamers, Solution Lead in Azure Cloud & Application Lifecycle Management, momenteel werkzaam bij Sopra Steria Steria Ik ben een IT-nerd, trainer, Microsoft Azure MVP en enthousiaste spreker met een focus op cloudtechnologieën.
💼 In mijn professionele rol ben ik gespecialiseerd in Azure en zet ik me in om complexe cloudtoepassingen te vereenvoudigen. Geboren om te leren en kennis te delen, heb ik meer dan 20 jaar in de IT-industrie gewerkt, beginnend als Microsoft Certified Professional in 2002 en MCT te worden in 2021. In 2023 kreeg ik de prestigieuze titel van Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP).
🎤 Als veelgevraagd spreker kun je me vinden op verschillende internationale evenementen, waaronder Dutch Cloud Meetup, Developer Week, DevConf APG, FutureTech, Codesmith Unite, DevNetNoord, PowerShell + DevOps Global Summit, Azconf - Chennai India, Global Azure Munich 2023, Codesmith Unite, Chats for Change, AzureFest, Diversity & Inclusion Day, and Azure Thursday. Een evenement waar ik bijzonder naar uitkijk, is de European Cloud Summit, een grootschalige bijeenkomst waar ik geselecteerd ben om te spreken.
🚀 Mijn missie is om anderen te helpen met Azure-expertise en kostbeheerstrategieën, waarmee we kosten kunnen verlagen en performance kunnen verhogen. Of ik nu kinderen de basisprincipes van coderen bijbreng bij CoderDojo of presentaties geef op grote techconferenties, mijn enthousiasme voor de cloud en leren kent geen grenzen.
🏃 Buiten de wereld van technologie kun je me vinden tijdens een 5K-hardloopronde en quality time doorbrengen met mijn gezin.
Laten we verbinden, leren en samen innoveren!
Area of Expertise
Streamlining Back Office Operations with Azure and OpenAI-Powered .NET Smart Components en
Join us for a deep dive into how Azure and OpenAI-powered .NET Smart Components can revolutionize back office workflows. We will explore a real-life example where a traditionally slow and tedious process for back office employees is transformed using the Smart Paste functionality. Discover how these AI-powered UI controls enhance productivity, reduce errors, and improve user satisfaction. Witness a live demo showcasing the seamless integration and tangible benefits of Smart Components in action. This session is tailored for experienced developers looking to modernize their internal applications.
Metadata for Organizers:
Live Demo: Yes, we will showcase a demo of a real application enhanced with .NET Smart Components.
Target Audience: Experienced Developers, Software Engineers, Technical Leads
Technical Level: 300 (Advanced)
Navigating Cloud Sustainability: Insights and Strategies en
Explore the latest developments in cloud sustainability and how they impact environmental responsibility and cost efficiency. This session delves into the broader landscape of cloud optimization, emphasizing the role of carbon footprint insights in guiding eco-friendly cloud operations.
Session Format: Presentation with case studies, interactive discussions, and Q&A.
Key Takeaways:
Understanding the significance of cloud sustainability in today's tech landscape.
Exploring tools and methodologies for assessing and optimizing cloud carbon footprints.
Implementing strategies for integrating sustainability into cloud operations for cost savings and environmental impact reduction.
Suitable for IT professionals, environmental advocates, and business leaders interested in leveraging cloud technologies responsibly for a greener future.
Azure Functions Deep Dive: Building Serverless Solutions for Scalable Applications en
Dive into the world of Azure Functions and learn how to leverage serverless computing for building scalable and cost-effective applications. This session will cover best practices, real-world use cases, and advanced techniques for maximizing the power of Azure Functions.
Azure Arc and Hybrid Cloud: Extending Azure Services to On-Premises and Edge Environments en
Explore Azure Arc's capabilities and learn how to seamlessly extend Azure services to on-premises and edge environments. This session will cover deployment strategies, management techniques, and best practices for leveraging Azure Arc in hybrid cloud scenarios.
Dynamic Cost Modeling in the Cloud: Strategies for Optimal Cloud Management and Financial Succes en
We'll explore the ever-changing landscape of cloud costs and present adaptive techniques to model these costs effectively. Learn how to marry technical requirements with financial goals to achieve a balanced, optimized cloud environment.
Azure Load testing service deep dive en
In this talk, we will explore the Azure Load Testing Service, a powerful cloud-based tool designed to assess the performance and reliability of web applications. Through hands-on demonstrations, we will showcase best practices for utilizing its key features, such as scalable load generation, customizable test scenarios, and integration with the Azure ecosystem. We will also discuss real-world examples to illustrate the importance of using well-crafted JMeter scripts for comprehensive evaluations and how the service supports custom scripts for enhanced security. Join us as we dive into the practical aspects of performance testing with Azure Load Testing Service, comparing it to competitors, and learning how to get the most out of its live metrics dashboard for real-time monitoring and analysis.
Demystifying Azure app service's performance and scaling en
Azure App service has been around for a while now and still developers and cloud engineers are shrouded by its mystery around performance. Let's take you on a journey to go in depth in the nooks and crannies of Azure app service! Let's dive into scaling, performance and also pricing. By incorporating performance engineering to show you how to find the optimal sizing and auto scale settings so you can improve your environment. Let's find the limits within Azure app service together by showing our best practices!
How I created my PowerShell Escape Room en nl
I love Escape Rooms, I love PowerShell. Let me tell you my story on how I created my Escape Room with multiple screens, quests and a central system that you can use to create your own Escape Room.
Design for costs, four pillars of economic cloud design en nl
Developers are being exposed to things like FinOps or a massive Azure bill. So let's start incorporating costs into our cloud design to make the best performance solution and the most economical solution!
In 2022 we see that security by design is common sense, why not incorporate the financial aspect.
In this session we will share our thoughts on maintaining grip on your cloud bill & maintaining high performance. By incorporating our four pillars of economic cloud design you are able to design cost efficient and high performant cloud solutions.
We will of course also explain "Zero User Costs" and "Geo Efficiency" so you can start today.
Session duration is approx. 20-30 minutes, but can be extended or shortened. Session is delivered by 2 people. (Twan Koot & Michiel Hamers)
Design for costs, four pillars of economic cloud design en nl
Je word steeds vaker geconfronteerd met termen als FINOPS, DEVOPS, BIZOPS. Hierdoor krijg je als developer steeds meer te maken met de kosten die de cloud met zich mee brengen. Je ziet bij veel grote organisaties die vroeger on-premises werkte een grote verschuiving naar de cloud, security is by design, waarom dan niet een economic by design. In deze sessie gaan wij in om jou als developer te helpen grip te krijgen (en behouden) op de cloud architectuur. Uiteraard met kosten en performance in mind om zo de meest optimale architectuur neer te zetten. Aan het eind van deze sessie kan je zelf met onze 4 pijlers aan de slag. Denk bijvoorbeeld aan "Zero User Costs" en "Geo Efficiency".
Sessie duur is ongeveer 20 tot 30 minuten. Deze kan gewenst ingekort danwel verlengt worden.
Deze sessie wordt gegeven door 2 personen (Twan Koot & Michiel Hamers)
Keeping everyone in the Loop en
During this demo-heavy session we will take you on a tour of Microsoft Loop. At the Ignite conference Microsoft made some announcements around Loop, silently added
live components to Microsoft Teams and it is time to lift the veil and dive into how we can leverage Loop to make our lives a lot more productive.
After this session you too can leverage the power of Microsoft Loop.
I, Robot (from “planet Azure”) en
In the year 2035, humanoid robots serve humanity, which is protected by the Three Laws of Robotics. That means we have a lot to do!
Michiel will show in this session which Azure functionality you can use to build your own intelligent Robot. If you are a Pythoneer, Java developer, C# / .NET developer, PowerShell scripting guy or even when you just want to drag&drop your own intelligent solution you can see after this session what Microsoft Azure can leverage in 2022. And of course, Michiel will tell a bit about the 3 famous rules of robotics.
How I created my PowerShell Escape Room. en nl
Als je Escape rooms al leuk vind en op het werk lekker bezig bent met PowerShell, dan is het logisch dat je deze een keer gaat combineren. Een mooi verhaal hoe ik wel zoiets heb gemaakt, met meerdere schermen, quests en een centraal systeem dat alles coordineerd.
The Hitchhiker's Guide to (Microsoft) Certification en nl
The Certification landscape is moving quickly. It is hardly manageable to keep up-to-date as a IT guy with all the latest Certifications. Michiel is telling you in a lightning talk (about 10 minutes) how to get started, how to schedule exams and all the different ways on how to proceed. He even give tips... however you should listen carefully it will go fast.... as a Greased Lightning
The Hitchhiker's Guide to (Microsoft) Certification en nl
Het certificaat landschap waar je als IT'er mee te maken hebt is groot en veranderd snel. Michiel neemt je in 10 minuten mee door dit landschap. Je moet echt opletten, want alle examen opties, rollen en verschillen komen naar boven. Dus wil je je eerste fundamentals examen misschien ooit gaan halen, of wil je je plakboek volmaken mat badges dit jaar... voor iedereen zitten er tips in deze sessie, wel je aandacht erbij, want het gaat rap... as a Greased Lightning.
Inclusive Design: Animations, Transitions & Content en
High sensitive people want sometimes the same as everyone else. And sometimes they have the desire for at least to have some heads-up. In this presentation Michiel shares his story how he sees what helps in the field. Including some tips he received at the NASA last summer.
See sessionize link for other sessions or check about.me/michielhamers to reach out if you have other questions
Config Management Camp (cfgmgmtcamp.eu)
Configuration Management Camp is the event for technologists interested in Open Source Infrastructure automation and related topics. This includes but is not limited to: Open Source Configuration Management, Provisioning, Orchestration, Choreography, Container Operations, and many more topics.
We’re pleased to announce CfgMgmtCamp 2024, the eighth year and tenth edition. While CfgMgmtCamp has evolved beyond pure configuration management, we are evolving the topics and content of the conference. CfgMgmtCamp wants to join all infrastructure management tools and principles to come together to share and learn about infra mgmt.
Community members include users, contributors, consultants, integrators, analysts, commentators, bloggers, journalists, and anyone else who is interested in participating. All are welcome!
People from diverse communities meet, exchange ideas, and learn from one another. CfgMgmtCamp is committed to creating a conference that is as inclusive as possible. We are also committed to ensuring the conference is a place where ideas are exchanged, old friends get together, new friends meet. We expect speakers, attendees and sponsor representatives to be inclusive, sharing, professional and courteous to each other.
Events around CfgMgmtCamp
Visit two Belgian cities in one trip! Configuration Management Camp is held immediately after FOSDEM. More value, more waffles, more beer, and the best community around!
VisugXL 2023 Sessionize Event
Pozitive Tech Conference 2023
Twan Koot & Michiel Hamers presented during this event 2 sessions:
Cloud Cost Optimization: Conference session
Roundtable: Cloud Cost Optimization: A Deep Dive Q&A Session
Azure Fest 2023 Sessionize Event
Global Azure Munich 2023 Sessionize Event
PowerShell + DevOps Global Summit 2023 Sessionize Event
devCampNoord Sessionize Event
Cloud Economics en Design vanuit een performance engineering perspectief
Developers, testers en architecten iedereen wordt tegenwoordig geconfronteerd met Cloud en daarbij ook de kosten die eraan verbonden zijn. Als een organisatie of DevOps team geconfronteerd worden met een mega Azure factuur hoe los je dit op? In deze sessie neem ik je mee in hoe je Azure kosten kan verlagen en zelfs een betere performance kan krijgen met lagere kosten. Door bijvoorbeeld te gebruik te maken van “Zero user costs” of “Geo Efficiency” is het mogelijk om grip te krijgen op je cloud uitgaven maar ook heel gemakkelijk kosten te besparen. Met een aantal praktische voorbeelden en aanpakken die je kan toepassen kan je direct aan de slag in je eigen omgeving
Future Tech 2023 Sessionize Event
CloudConnect 2023 Sessionize Event
Dutch Cloud Meetup online
The Dutch Cloud Meetup is organizing sessions for Cloud Takeaways. Cloud Takeaways is an event that is organized multiple times a year with great content on the Microsoft Cloud. Each event will be one session by acknowledged speakers within the Microsoft community. For the first sessions of 2023 we will have two speakers
Twan Koot
Developers are being exposed to things like FinOps or a massive Azure bill. So let’s start incorporating costs into our cloud design to make the best performance solution and the most economical solution! In 2022 we see that security by design is common sense, why not incorporate the financial aspect. In this session we will share our thoughts on maintaining grip on your cloud bill & maintaining high performance. By incorporating our four pillars of economic cloud design you are able to design cost efficient and high performant cloud solutions. We will of course also explain “Zero User Costs” and “Geo Efficiency” so you can start today.
Azure Developer Community Day 2022 (hybrid Edition) Sessionize Event
BrainBit @ Anva
Brown bag session:
In the year 2035, humanoid robots serve humanity, which is protected by the Three Laws of Robotics. That means we have a lot to do!
Michiel will show in this session which Azure functionality you can use to build your own intelligent Robot. If you are a Pythoneer, Java developer, C# / .NET developer, PowerShell scripting guy or even when you just want to drag&drop your own intelligent solution you can see after this session what Microsoft Azure can leverage in 2022. And of course, Michiel will tell a bit about the 3 famous rules of robotics.
VisugXL 2022 Sessionize Event
Az Community Conference 2022 (In-Person Only Event) Sessionize Event
Future Tech 2022 Sessionize Event
Code & Comedy 2022
I, Robot (from Planet Azure) ~ About responsible AI & Azure Cognitive services
Drive to cloud space
Hitchhiker's Guide to (Microsoft) Certification
Future Tech 2021
THE POWER OF AUTOMATION - Michiel Hamers & Roelant Dieben
As a .NET software developer we are constantly broadening our horizon with the exciting new features that are added to the .NET framework and its extended family. Sometimes new techniques come along that can potentially change everything. The Microsoft Power Platform could be such a game-changer, but should we fear this development, or should we embrace this as a .NET software developer? During this session we will explore everything you need to know as a .NET software developer how you can leverage this low-code platform while still writing C# code.
Ordina Inhousedag 2019 H2
Workshop - Artificial Intelligence met Logic Apps en Cognitive Services
Thalia symposium 2019
Cognitive Services @ Thalia symposium 8 maart 2019
Using A.I. as building blocks
Ordina Inhousedag 2019 H1
Workshop Azure Cognitive Services
Radboud University - DESDA
Workshop - Cognitive Services - Basic overview and how to use them
MIUG Meetup september 2018
Cognitive services Introduction.Overview of what you can do with Microsoft Cognitive Services. And how you can use them with (almost) no code. After this session you are able to create a simple Logic app that will connect to a file system and use that file with Cognitive services and depending on results execute different actions.
SDN (Software Development Network) event March 2018
Monitoring and control based on Azure automation
After movie event "SDN Event March 2018) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VOiYjoiWBM8

Michiel Hamers
Microsoft (Azure) Cloud solution Lead & Codesmith @ Sopra Steria (Ordina) | Trainer | MCT | MVP | Speaker
Oss, The Netherlands
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