
Maarten Mulders

Maarten Mulders

👨🏻‍💻 Consultant ~ 🧑🏻‍🏫 Trainer ~ 🗣️ Speaker ~ 🏆 Java Champion

Apeldoorn, The Netherlands


Maarten is a an architect, senior developer and trainer. He is recognised as a Java Champion and Oracle ACE Pro. Maarten is passionate about "building the right thing" and "building the thing right". He loves to share new ideas and knowledge through speaking and his blog, https://maarten.mulders.it. Outside work, he appreciates creating and consuming good food, photography, and music - in no particular order.


Area of Expertise

  • Information & Communications Technology


  • ReactJS
  • Apache Maven
  • Open Source Software
  • Solution Architecture
  • Software Architecture
  • Security
  • TLS

No slides, just code: live coding with an intern on stage

Many developers have rapidly incorporated large language models in everyday programming. But what if we completely left the work to a digital intern? "Look at that and how it works, now build me this similar feature!" Wouldn't that be great?
Unfortunately, most of us can't afford to hire an intern. And the quality of their work might not yet be at the level you want to achieve. Or... is it?

In this talk, I will introduce you to my virtual intern, GitHub Copilot Workspace. I'll have it implement some features from scratch, showing you the complete workflow from specification through brainstorming to implementation. If all goes well, the outcome should be a pull request with a working feature that is ready to be merged into the code base.

But you never know how that plan will sort out...

No animals or interns will be hurt in this session. It'll be me and GitHub Copilot Workspace (GHCW). I'll demonstrate what GHCW is capable of, where it falls short and how you can use it to further improve everyday programming.

The State of Server-Side Java Webapps

So, your application needs a web interface. Looking at today’s trends, you might think JavaScript frameworks are reigning: React, Vue, Angular and many more. On the language axis, JavaScript got company from TypeScript, Web Assembly and even C#.

But it’s not all single-page applications that glitter! Of course, a single-page app delivers highly dynamic and interactive user interfaces, but at what expense? What if we revisited some of the ages past, when the server generated our web pages? Can we satisfy the ever-changing requirements of today’s users for more interaction and dynamic behaviours using these patterns?

Join me on a trip down memory lane so that we can appreciate server-side web applications again. We’ll investigate today’s options for keeping things simple. Of course, we’ll see the contestants in action. This doesn’t have to be boring, after all…

Pair Programming with a Digital Intern

Using large language models to assist in everyday programming has become a natural habit for many software developers. But what if we completely leave the work to a virtual assistant? An intern that does the heavy work for us while we spend our precious time on the things that truly matter to us, like fighting over tabs vs. spaces?

In this talk, I will introduce you to GitHub Copilot Workspace and explain how it is different from other tools such as Copilot. I will be implementing some features from scratch, showing you the complete workflow from specification through brainstorming to implementation. No human or digital assistant is perfect, so expect things to go wrong down the road.

Join me to find out what it's like to have a digital intern to assist in your day-to-day job!

Accelerating Maven Builds: From Snail's Pace to Rocket Speed

Are you tired of watching Maven builds crawl at a snail's pace, wasting precious development time? Spending too much time at the coffee machine, or fighting battles with wooden swords under the excuse "my code's compiling"?

Join us to learn how to supercharge your Maven build! We'll cover three main mechanisms that you can apply in your project. Learn how each speeds up your build, when they provide the biggest gains, and what pitfalls await.

So take the next step in boosting your developer productivity by learning practical tips to decrease context switching and increase development speed and feedback cycle. Your journey from snail's pace to rocket speed begins today!

In this talk I'll show how to structurally improve the build speed for projects that use Apache Maven. I'll show how to detect bottlenecks, how to translate that into actionable improvements. Of course I'll explain the what and the how, so the audience knows when a certain change may be beneficial or not.

Revival of the 'Boring' Webapps

So, your application needs a web interface. Looking at today's trends, you might think JavaScript frameworks are reigning: React, Vue, Angular and many more. On the language axis, JavaScript got company from TypeScript, Web Assembly and even C#.

But it's not all single-page applications that glitter! Of course, a single-page app delivers highly dynamic and interactive user interfaces, but at what expense? What if we revisited some of the ages past, when the server generated our web pages? Would that still be an option today, and what benefits would that bring us? What approaches would we have if we chose that direction, and how would they compare? And how can we satisfy the ever-changing requirements of users for more interaction and dynamic behaviours?

Join me on a trip down memory lane so that we can appreciate 'boring' web applications again. We'll investigate today's options for keeping things simple. Of course, we'll see the contestants in action. This doesn't have to be boring, after all...

Five ways open source will slow you down

Software is changing the world - and even other planets. An ever-growing part of software is “open source”. But it hasn’t always been that way! And “doing something open source” is definitely no guarantee for success. There are numerous ways in which you can use open-source software and be worse off than if you did not.

Join me in this talk to find out how not to leverage open-source software in your organisation and your projects. Find out why reading the documentation may not always be your best bet, or how a workaround may eventually work against you. By investigating 5 ways in which you can fail, we can learn valuable lessons on what to do instead.

SSL/TLS for Mortals

Using SSL/TLS the right way is often a big hurdle for developers. We prefer to have that one colleague perform “something with certificates”, because he/she knows how that works. But what if “that one colleague” is enjoying vacation and something goes wrong with the certificates?

In this session we'll take a close look at secure communication at the transport level. Starting with what exactly SSL and TLS is, we'll dive into public/private keys, and signing. We'll also learn what all this has to do with an unfortunate Dutch notary. Of course, there'll be plenty of practical tips & trics, as well as demo's.

Attend this session to become “that one colleague”!

What's Cooking in Maven?

It’s been over 10 years since Maven 3 saw the light, bringing initial multi-module support. Later releases brought a lot of improvements, bug fixes, and of course coloured output.

But the Maven community hasn’t been resting on their laurels. A lot of effort has gone into the future of Maven. You may have heard about Maven 4, Maven Wrapper, or Maven Daemon. Why should you care? And how will it change the way you use Maven? I will show you by using the latest snapshot builds of Maven - time will tell if that’s a brave or a stupid idea…

Join me to find out what the future of Maven has for you!

[Your Title Here]

Yes, you've read that correctly - this talk and this stage could've been yours. You're wondering how to make that happen? I'll take you to the wonderful world of "call for papers", "abstracts" and acceptance processes. You might have reasons why you think you're not up to this. But let's see whether those excuses are genuine or if we can eliminate them.

So, next year, see you on stage?!

I want to encourage people who have the ambition to share their stories on stage. As much as I care about that, I cannot attend your event only to deliver this short talk. I would be happy to deliver this talk in addition to one of my other submissions to your event.

JCON EUROPE 2023 Sessionize Event

June 2023 Köln, Germany

JConf.dev 2022 Sessionize Event

September 2022 Chicago, Illinois, United States

JCON 2021 Sessionize Event

October 2021

KCDC 2021 Sessionize Event

September 2021 Kansas City, Missouri, United States

JNation 2021 Sessionize Event

June 2021

Maarten Mulders

👨🏻‍💻 Consultant ~ 🧑🏻‍🏫 Trainer ~ 🗣️ Speaker ~ 🏆 Java Champion

Apeldoorn, The Netherlands


Please note that Sessionize is not responsible for the accuracy or validity of the data provided by speakers. If you suspect this profile to be fake or spam, please let us know.

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