
Nick Stines

Nick Stines

Senior Program Coordinator, New Student Programs


Nick is currently the Senior Program Coordinator for New Student Programs at Syracuse University. A UNC-Chapel Hill alum, he also graduated from the University of Georgia in 2022 with a M.Ed in College Student Affairs Administration (CSAA), where he was involved with extended orientation and student transitions. Nick has been involved in NODA since 2020 and has a passion for first-gen student support and student leadership development.

Start Strong, Transition Stronger: Supporting the People Behind the Programs

Being a new(er) professional in OTR comes with its own rewards and challenges. In this roundtable session, we will discuss the realities of being a new professional, how to "look forward", and navigate challenges associated with an entry-level portfolio.

This roundtable session is designed to provide an authentic space for OTR professionals to network and share experiences, discuss challenges, and explore effective strategies for success and growth in the field.

Measuring What Matters: Designing and Leveraging Assessment Data in the Student Experience

Do you find assessment a bit of a chore? This session is designed for those who find designing assessment campaigns and analyzing data overwhelming. Together, we'll break down the assessment process with the goal of being able to convey the "why" behind your orientation programs.

Make assessment work for you rather than the other way around. Join me to see how assessment can be used as a powerful tool for success and how a little data can make a big difference!

Be More Than A Sponge: Implementing Change as a New Professional

Join us to discuss practical strategies and insights on how to create change in your time as a new professional. Leverage your unique perspectives, skills, and experiences to make an immediate impact in your community, avoiding the common misconception of solely absorbing institutional knowledge and "learning the ropes". Embrace your potential and harness the momentum to drive meaningful change from day one!

Heard, Felt, and Seen: Using Identity-Based Pre-Welcome Programs to Support Student Transition

Are you looking to re-imagine the pre-orientation experience for your students prior to welcoming students to campus? Join this session on the impact of identity-based programming (i.e., first-gen, students of color, faith, etc.) in supporting the student transition to college. We will explore how specific programs can be designed and assessed to foster a sense of belonging on campus while simultaneously empowering students to reflect on their identities as they acclimate to collegiate life.

The Way Forward: Navigating Graduate-Level Transitions

The presenters will use Nancy Schlossberg’s Transition Theory to frame their approach to discussing transitions that occur throughout graduate school and into the first professional role. The presenters will utilize personal experiences, research, and group discussion to guide the presentation while providing space for attendees to identify personal goals, expectations, and techniques for success.

2022 NODA Annual Conference Sessionize Event

November 2022 Baltimore, Maryland, United States

Nick Stines

Senior Program Coordinator, New Student Programs


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