Most Active Speaker

Obumuneme Nwabude

Obumuneme Nwabude

Mobile Developer


Obum currently works as a Flutter Developer for LokDon. He has worked as a mobile developer with Coders Triangle and VorbTech Innovative Solutions. He has written several articles on Flutter in various publications. Obum is a Microsoft Learn Student Ambassador and he volunteers in tech communities.


  • Most Active Speaker 2023

Area of Expertise

  • Information & Communications Technology
  • Health & Medical


  • Flutter
  • Web
  • Technology

How to customize a Flutter package to suit your needs

Dart and Flutter have more than 20000 packages on These are open-source packages developed by the huge Flutter community.

At times, some packages might not fulfill what you want. You might need extra customizations.

In this session, we will look at how to access a package's source code. We will also look at how to analyze and understand the source code.

Finally, using Fluttertoast package as an example, we will look at customizing any Dart package to suit your needs.

This session is adapted from an article I published earlier on SweetCode at

How Flutter CustomPaint resembles SVG Image Spec

SVG is Scalable Vector Graphics. It is HTML & CSS code that draws animations, arcs, colors, lines, shadows, shapes, text, etc.

It is an image specification that renders any image with the same clarity, irrespective of the viewport size.

Flutter has the CustomPaint widget. With CustomPaint, you specify how painting should be done in every detail as if on a canvas.

Turns out that CustomPaint's APIs and methods closely resemble the SVG Image Spec.

Just as with SVG, you can specify animations, arcs, colors, lines, shadows, shapes, text, etc. all in CustomPaint. There are options you don't get with the basic Container widget.

In this session, the audience will learn more about both CustomPaint and SVG. They will learn these complex UI tools from the angle of their features.

We will show a side-by-side comparison of achieving the same complex UIs with both tools.

Using Streams and Services for Flutter State Management

In Dart, Streams continuously emit values.

In Flutter, we can create service classes. These services are globally available singletons that can keep track of values.

In your Flutter codebase, you can combine them such that services expose stream(s), while at the same time emitting values to those stream(s).

In the UI, you can use StreamBuilders to auto-update the UI when the streams emit values. Also, services can listen to changes in streams of other services.

The above is a neat App-Wide State Management architecture you can use in any Flutter codebase (irrespective of the large scale).

You can use it in place of other state management architectures that come with performance issues. learning curves, and many dependencies.

In this session, the audience will get to understand the above with a simple demo of the Counter App.

As a bonus, the session will also explain how to navigate from anywhere using the above architecture.

Understanding UI Rendering: How Flutter is platform-agnostic

Flutter as a mobile framework achieves cross-platform ability through 2 ways: UI Rendering and Platform Channels.

In this session on UI Rendering, the audience will understand how Flutter is capable of painting the exact same UI across any device or platform.

Event participants will also understand how Flutter is capable of keeping to the promised 60 frames per second, given that Flutter uses some rendering canvas for each device.

Finally, we will explore some tips on how to implement any UI in Flutter as a bonus.

How to improve Flutter Forms

Forms are how we collect input from users in our apps. We should improve forms to give users a good experience in our app.

Improving Flutter Forms involves:
* Overall UI of the Forms
* Proper Input Validation Messages
* Toggling obscureText on password fields
* Making other input types to be fields (dropdowns, pickers, and radios)
* Autofill where necessary
* KeyBoard Types for each input field type
* Having onSubmit for the Enter key
* Disabling Fields when the form is submitting
* Loading UI feedback for when the form is submitting

This article tells the full story

How to animate in Flutter

- On using built-in animated equivalents of most widgets.
- On managing animations yourself with AnimationController or built-in transitions.
- On setting up animations yourself with AnimatedWidget or Animated holder.
- On using CustomPaint
- On using third party packages like Lottie or Rive.

Flutter for Web Developers

The aim of this session is to show the concepts that a web developer can transfer over when learning Flutter and the things that will be new to him/her.

At the end of the session, it is expected that web developers in the audience will be more willing to try Flutter because they would have understood the things they don't need to learn again and figure out what might be a hurdle for them.

For concepts that transfer over, the following have similarities in front-end web development and Flutter:
1. Implementing User Interfaces.
2. Coding for Multiple Screen Resolutions.
3. Working with developer tools.

For concepts that will be new to a web developer:
1. Handling Scrolling yourself.
2. Setting Up developer environment.
3. Packaging and Deployment.

This session is adapted from an article I previously published on CSS-Tricks at

DevFest Asaba 2023 Sessionize Event

December 2023 Asaba, Nigeria

Devfest Enugu 2023 Sessionize Event

December 2023 Enugu, Nigeria

DevFest Abakaliki 2023 Sessionize Event

November 2023 Abakaliki, Nigeria

Google I/O Extended Owerri Sessionize Event

August 2023 Owerri, Nigeria

Google IO Extended Enugu '23 Sessionize Event

August 2023 Enugu, Nigeria

Google I/O Extended Onitsha Sessionize Event

July 2023 Onitsha, Nigeria

Flutter Forward Enugu Sessionize Event

April 2023 Enugu, Nigeria

Obumuneme Nwabude

Mobile Developer


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