
Pablo Bouzada

Pablo Bouzada

Engineering Manager at ViaPlay Group

Engineering Manager en ViaPlay Group

Barcelona, Spain


With over 15 years of hands-on experience in programming, Pablo is a seasoned professional who has successfully transitioned into leadership roles, currently serving as an Engineering Manager in international companies. Specializing in Agile methodologies, XP, and Scrum, Pablo is dedicated to fostering collaborative environments and helping individuals discover more effective ways of working together, navigating challenges such as remote team collaboration and conflict resolution. In his talks, Pablo offers a fusion of technical acumen and leadership insights, providing a holistic perspective honed through years of practical experience, exploring the intersection of technology, management, and the human elements that drive successful teams.

Con más de 15 años de experiencia en programación, Pablo es un profesional experimentado que ha realizado una transición exitosa a roles de liderazgo y actualmente se desempeña como Engineering Manager en empresas internacionales. Especializado en metodologías ágiles, XP y Scrum, Pablo fomenta entornos colaborativos y ayudar a las personas a descubrir formas más efectivas de trabajar juntos, superando desafíos como la colaboración en equipo remoto y la resolución de conflictos. En sus charlas, Pablo ofrece una fusión de conceptos técnicos y conocimientos de liderazgo, explorando la intersección de la tecnología, la gestión y los elementos humanos que impulsan a los equipos exitosos.

Area of Expertise

  • Business & Management
  • Information & Communications Technology
  • Media & Information
  • Region & Country


  • Programming
  • Agile and Culture
  • Agile Leadership
  • Agile People
  • agile culture
  • Agile Methodologies
  • Agile Retrospectives
  • Agile Mindset
  • Agile Transformation
  • Cultural Transformation
  • Extreme Programming
  • Safety Culture
  • DDD
  • Teamwork
  • Team Building
  • Teams and Organizations
  • Team Management
  • Team Leading
  • Cultural Diversity
  • Culture & Collaboration


Navigating Innovation and Stability in Software Development en

Join me for a discussion on maintaining equilibrium in software development, where innovation meets stability. As managers, we'll explore effective strategies for integrating new technologies and practices while safeguarding the reliability of existing systems. Let's delve into practical approaches to strike the right balance.

Navigating change in software development teams: A manager's guide en es

In software development, change is inevitable. There are always challenges such as changes in project scope, team composition, or the adoption of new technologies. However, these challenges also provide opportunities for growth and innovation. If you are able to lead your team through these opportunities, you will achieve better outcomes, improve engagement, and be better prepared to face any future changes.

Navegando el cambio en equipos de desarrollo de Software: la guía del mánager en es

Lo único seguro en el desarrollo de software es que algo va a cambiar. Ya sean cambios en el alcance del proyecto, alteraciones en la composición del equipo o la adopción de nuevas tecnologías, los desafíos son constantes. Pero también lo son las oportunidades de crecimiento e innovación. Y si eres capaz de liderar el equipo en estas oportunidades, podrás lograr mejores resultados, más compromiso y estar preparado para afrontar cualquier nuevo cambio.

Leading with Empathy: Managing People in Software Development en es

Have you ever wondered how a sprinkle of empathy could be the secret sauce to turbocharge your software development team? In this talk, we'll explore the indispensable role of empathy in leadership, with a special focus on managing the idiosyncrasies and codes of software development teams. We'll talk about how understanding the folks behind the lines of code can transform your team culture, crank up collaboration, and supercharge overall performance. Get ready for some real stories, a dash of humor, and practical tips on how to lead not just with your brain but with your heart in the world of software development.

Liderando con Empatia: gestionando personas en equipos de desarrollo de Software en es

¿Alguna vez te has preguntado cómo una pizca de empatía podría ser la salsa secreta para impulsar a tu equipo de desarrollo de software? En esta charla, exploraremos el papel indispensable de la empatía en el liderazgo, con especial enfoque en la gestión de las idiosincrasias y códigos de los equipos de desarrollo de software. Hablaremos sobre cómo comprender a las personas detrás de las líneas de código puede transformar la cultura de su equipo, impulsar la colaboración y potenciar el rendimiento general. Prepárese para conocer algunas historias reales, una pizca de humor y consejos prácticos sobre cómo liderar no solo con el cerebro sino también con el corazón en el mundo del desarrollo de software.

Culture really matters en

DevOps is not a product you can buy and set. It is not a process or framework you choose to follow up. Building microservice applications neither means you are doing DevOps. You can’t be DevOps and traditional; there’s no cherry picking, requires a change in the whole organization's CULTURE.

The culture of an organization is the way in which things are done, the behaviors, values and practices that have been developed and reinforced over time. Culture have big impact in the way things are done inside an organization and is the more important factor in innovation levels and improvement of products and processes.

In this talk we will see what are the most critical factors when an organization try to change its culture, which are common issues, why some organizations or persons refuse to accept the change... and how to work with them.

Learning how to manage... in the hard way en

When I was proposed to manage a team 10 years ago, I didn't even remotely know what to expect. Later, when I had to manage projects, I found things that I had not imagined. When I went further and got involved in changing the processes of a company, I did not know how complicated it can be. Everything I know about management I learned the hard way. I was learning it as I went, reading, finding references, and getting help from peers from other companies.
Because when you are a manager, it is rare for someone to tell you how to do things or help you carry them out.
I hope this talk is helpful for those who want to be managers so they can prepare for what is coming. And for those who already are, let them see themselves reflected and not feel alone anymore.

The power of quick feedback in Software Development en

In the world of creating software, getting timely and helpful feedback is like having a secret weapon. It speeds up how we improve our code, makes teams work together better, and stops problems before they become big headaches. In this talk, we will dig into why quick feedback is so crucial in software development. We'll see how it helps us work faster, collaborate effectively, avoid big mistakes, and keep us always learning and getting better. Let's uncover the magic of quick feedback that turns good teams into excellent ones!

Agile Tour Genève 2024 Sessionize Event

June 2024 Genève, Switzerland

Conferencia Agile Spain (CAS'23) Sessionize Event

November 2023 Tarragona, Spain

DevBcn 2023 Sessionize Event

July 2023 L'Hospitalet de Llobregat, Spain

Agila Sverige 2023

May 2023 Stockholm, Sweden

WTF is SRE? A Conference by SREs for SREs 2023 Sessionize Event

May 2023 London, United Kingdom

2022 All Day DevOps Sessionize Event

November 2022

Devopsdays Eindhoven 2022 Sessionize Event

October 2022 Eindhoven, The Netherlands

Festival Agile Trends Sessionize Event

September 2021

DevOps & Cloud Days Sessionize Event

June 2021

DeveloperWeek Europe 2021 Sessionize Event

April 2021

Pablo Bouzada

Engineering Manager at ViaPlay Group

Barcelona, Spain


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