Patty O'Callaghan
Technical Director @ Charles River Laboratories | Google Developer Advisory Board | Google Developer Expert in AI/ML | Google Cloud Champion Innovator
Glasgow, United Kingdom
Patty is a Venezuelan living in Scotland. She has +20 years of experience in the tech industry and a background education in Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence. She is a Technical Director at Charles River Laboratories.
Patty is a member of the Google Developer Advisory Board, an organiser at Google Developers Group Glasgow, serves as an Ambassador for Google's Women Techmakers, and is recognised as a Google Developer Expert (GDE) in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning and a Google Cloud Champion Innovator.
Area of Expertise
Navigating Compliance and Privacy with Google's Checks
Let's dive into Google’s Checks, a powerful platform created to simplify the process of ensuring your app complies with global privacy regulations and AI safety standards.
In this practical workshop, I’ll lead you through how Checks evaluates your app's privacy policy and data practices to ensure they align with the legal requirements of the regions where your app is available. You'll also learn how to develop and monitor apps using generative AI that adhere to your specific policies, responsible AI principles, and future regulatory standards.
A quick tour into Google's Secure AI Framework (SAIF)
Join me for an engaging talk where we explore Google's Secure AI Framework (SAIF), an essential guide to enhancing AI security. This session will break down SAIF, examining its core elements that address AI-specific threats, promote security by design, and encourage industry-wide collaboration. Discover how SAIF is setting new benchmarks for secure AI deployments, with actionable insights for implementation, real-life examples, and a glimpse into the future of AI security.
Prompt Engineering: Concepts and strategies
Learn how to ask the right questions to get the best output from Large Language Models (LLMs) using plain language prompts.
This session will explore how LLMs can be 'programmed' in natural language without needing deep technical knowledge. Discover useful prompting techniques and how creativity and persistence can make you a great prompt engineer, regardless of coding experience.
The AI Governance Challenge
In this session, we will explore the fundamental principles and practices necessary for effective governance of Artificial Intelligence. We will discuss best practices in developing robust governance frameworks that can adapt to the dynamic nature of AI technologies and their diverse applications across various sectors.
The session aims to equip participants with a comprehensive understanding of the multi-dimensional aspects of AI governance, highlighting the importance of collaborative efforts to ensure that AI is developed and used in ways that are beneficial, ethical, and aligned with societal values. Participants will leave with insights into navigating the evolving landscape of AI regulation and the skills to contribute to or implement effective AI governance strategies within their organizations or fields.
Intro to TensorFlow.js
In this workshop we will make a smart webcam application with pre-trained Machine Learning models that runs on the browser, using the most popular Machine Learning framework for Javascript: TensorFlow.js
Garantizando calidad y seguridad en aplicaciones basadas en LLMs
En esta charla exploraremos una variedad de herramientas de código abierto diseñadas para mejorar la calidad y la seguridad en aplicaciones basadas en Large Language Models (LLMs). Usando ejemplos sencillos, aprenderemos cómo estas herramientas pueden ser utilizadas para enfrentar desafíos comunes como alucinaciones (respuestas inexactas o inventadas), jailbreaks (intentos de evadir restricciones de seguridad), toxicidad y fugas de datos. Además, discutiremos estrategias para evaluar y mitigar estos riesgos, asegurando que las aplicaciones LLM sean tanto robustas como confiables.
Introducción a la API de Gemini para web apps
En esta sesión, descubrirás cómo acceder a la API de Gemini directamente desde tu aplicación web utilizando el SDK JavaScript de Google AI. Este SDK te permite utilizar los modelos de IA Generativa de Gemini para crear funciones y aplicaciones basadas en IA.
Aprenderás, con sólo unas pocas líneas de código, a acceder a las capacidades multimodales de Gemini para generar texto a partir de la entrada de texto e imágenes.
Unlocking the power of AI: Private conversations with your docs using Langchain JS
Do you like AI, but hate sharing data? What if I told you all the fun of Large Language Models like ChatGPT is available quickly, locally, and privately? With Langchain JS, an open-source framework for developing applications powered by language models, this dream becomes reality!
In this workshop, you will go from zero to hero by learning how LLMs and Langchain work and then we will build a node.js app bringing together your data with publically available LLMs - while also preventing your data and responses from going through third parties & keeping your data private.
Love LLMs, Love Privacy, Love this workshop <3
Responsible AI: Prioritising people, values, and ethics in a data-driven world
Join me for a thought-provoking and engaging keynote that dives into the world of responsible AI. As artificial intelligence becomes increasingly intertwined with our daily lives, it's crucial to ensure that the algorithms powering these systems are developed with ethical considerations in mind. We will explore the challenges and opportunities in creating AI that respects human values, promotes fairness, and ensures transparency.
Unleash your Machine Learning creativity with Google's Visual Blocks Framework
Join me for an exciting session on Google's Visual Blocks! Discover how this dynamic open-source graphical programming framework revolutionises the development and experimentation of machine learning-driven ideas. Through the seamless collaboration of developers and decision-makers, unlock the potential of reusable building blocks, enabling swift iteration and streamlined deployment. Be amazed as I demonstrate how, in just minutes, you can construct a fully-fledged machine learning pipeline, ready for collaborative exploration with your team. Don't miss out on this opportunity to dive into the future of ML innovation!
La Singularidad: Un tsunami tecnológico
La singularidad tecnológica se describe a menudo como un "tsunami" que cambiará fundamentalmente nuestra forma de vivir e interactuar con el mundo.
En esta charla examinaremos las diversas previsiones e ideas en torno a la singularidad y sus posibles efectos en la sociedad, la economía e incluso en nuestras identidades individuales.
Desde la inteligencia artificial y la automatización hasta la posible fusión de humanos y máquinas, profundizaremos en las apasionantes y a veces controvertidas posibilidades de esta revolución tecnológica.
Tanto si eres un entusiasta de la tecnología como si simplemente sientes curiosidad por el futuro, esta charla te proporcionará una comprensión más profunda de la singularidad y su posible impacto en nuestro mundo.
TensorFlow.js: Use Firebase Hosting to deploy and host a machine learning model at scale
In this workshop, you’ll learn how to use the Firebase infrastructure to deploy an ML model so it can be used and consumed on your website using TensorFlow.js
Ethics of AI - What can we learn from Asimov's Three Laws of Robotics?
Technology is embedded in our lives, and Artificial Intelligence will have an ever greater impact on the development of humanity.
As creators of technology, are we prepared for the responsibility that this entails, as we try to create machines that emulate human reasoning and behaviour?
Let's find out what Isaac Asimov, one of the greatest science fiction writers, had to said about it when he wrote the Three Laws of Robotics, considered by many to be the historical starting point of the Ethics of Artificial Intelligence.
Ética en IA: ¿qué podemos aprender de las leyes de la robótica de Asimov?
La tecnología está integrada en nuestras vidas y la Inteligencia Artificial tendrá un impacto cada vez mayor en el desarrollo de la humanidad. Como creadores de tecnología, ¿estamos preparados para la responsabilidad que esto conlleva, mientras tratamos de crear máquinas que emulen el razonamiento y el comportamiento humano? Averigüemos lo que Isaac Asimov, uno de los más grandes escritores de ciencia ficción, dijo al respecto.
The Singularity: A Technological Tsunami
The technological singularity is often described as a 'tsunami' that will fundamentally change the way we live and interact with the world.
In this talk, we will examine the various forecasts and ideas surrounding the singularity and its potential effects on society, economics, and even our individual identities.
From artificial intelligence and automation to the potential merging of humans and machines, we will delve into the exciting and sometimes controversial possibilities of this technological revolution.
Whether you are a tech enthusiast or simply curious about the future, this talk will give you a deeper understanding of the singularity and its potential impact on our world.
Web Machine Learning: Intro to Tensorflow.js
In this talk, I will show how to make a smart webcam application that recognises common objects, based on a pre-trained Machine Learning model that runs on the browser and using the most popular ML framework for Javascript: TensorFlow.js
Machine Learning en la web: creando un bot que reacciona a nuestras emociones 🤖
En esta divertida charla introductoria, vamos a aprender a usar TensorFlow.js para crear un sitio web donde un bot reconocerá nuestras emociones a través de la webcam y reaccionará a ellas.
Let's create an emotion recognition bot! 🤖
In this fun workshop, we will learn how to use Google's Teachable Machine to create a web-based robot that will recognise our emotions from a webcam stream and act accordingly.
Get started with the Gemini API in web apps
In this session, you'll discover how to access the Gemini API directly from your web app using the Google AI JavaScript SDK. This SDK provides a straightforward approach for integrating Gemini models into your web application without the need for direct engagement with REST APIs or server-side code like Node.js.
Ensuring quality and safety in LLM-based applications
In this talk we will explore a variety of open source tools designed to improve the quality and security in applications based on Large Language Models (LLMs). Using simple examples, we will learn how these tools can be used to address common challenges such as hallucinations (inaccurate or made-up answers), jailbreaks (attempts to evade security restrictions), toxicity, and data leaks. Additionally, we will discuss strategies to evaluate and mitigate these risks, ensuring that LLM applications are both robust and reliable.
Advancing Generative AI integration with Vertex AI Node.js SDK
This session explores the Vertex AI Node.js SDK, which allows developers to integrate Google's advanced generative AI models, such as Gemini, into their applications. It offers a comprehensive guide on leveraging these technologies for creating AI-powered features.
Un recorrido rápido por el Secure AI Framework (SAIF) de Google
En esta sesión exploraremos el Secure AI Framework (SAIF) de Google, una guía esencial para mejorar la seguridad de la IA. Esta sesión analizará SAIF y examinará sus elementos centrales que abordan amenazas específicas de la IA, promueven la seguridad desde el diseño y fomentan la colaboración en toda la industria. Descubre cómo SAIF está estableciendo nuevos puntos de referencia para implementaciones seguras de IA, con información útil para la implementación, ejemplos de la vida real y un vistazo al futuro de la seguridad de la IA.
DevFest London 2024 Sessionize Event
NodeConf EU 2024 Sessionize Event
Devfest Lagos Portugal 2024
The AI Governance Challenge
Grace Hopper Celebration 2024 - Open Source Day
Web Machine Learning - how to leverage JavaScript with popular AI models directly in the browser
ScotSoft 2024
Unlocking the power of AI: Private conversations with your docs using Langchain JS
JP Morgan Hispanic Heritage Month - Latins in Technology
The AI Governance Challenge
Auth0 dev_day
AI and Innovation: A Diverse Panel Discussion on the Future of Technology
PulumiUP 2024 Sessionize Event
Enterprise AI and Big Data Conference
The AI Governance Challenge - Keynote
Intro to Web AI with TensorFlow.js
I/O Extended - GDG Glasgow
Prompt Engineering: Concepts and Strategies
Build with AI - GDG Portlaoise
Advancing Generative AI Integration with Vertex AI Node.js SDK
Women Techmakers Madrid - International Women day
Introducción a la API de Gemini para web apps
Build with AI workshop - Google Berlin
Advancing Gemini integration with Vertex AI Node.js SDK
Google Developers Student Group
From Inspiration to Action: Building a Female Legacy with AI - Panel
Glasgow JS Meetup
Intro to TensorFlow.js and Web Machine Learning
Big Data & AI World Conference
Panel: Unveiling the Vital Role of Ethics in AI Conversations
Big Data & AI World Conference
Ethical compass: Responsible AI in practice - Fireside chat
GDSC DevFest 2023 Sessionize Event
Glasgow Tech Meetup
Ensuring quality and safety in LLM-based applications
GDG London Online Sessions
The AI Governance Challenge
Devfest Ireland 2023 Sessionize Event
DevFest Scotland
Responsible AI: Prioritizing people, values, and ethics in a data-driven world
DevFest London 2023 Sessionize Event
Women In Architecture (WIA) takes over BIL-T Sessionize Event
Data & AI DevFest - University of Warwick
Hands-on workshop: Intro to TensorFlow.js
NodeConf EU 2023 Sessionize Event
GDG Barcelona DevFest 2023
Introducción a Visual Blocks: la herramienta visual de Google para Machine Learning
Codemotion Milan 2023 Sessionize Event
GDG Nantes DevFest 2023
Unlocking the power of Web Machine Learning: Hands-on TensorFlow.js workshop
Keras Community Day - University of Glasgow
Getting started with Keras and Machine Learning
Introducción al Machine Learning Series - GDG Barcelona
Prediciendo la supervivencia en el Titanic usando TensorFlow.js
The AI Summit London
Workshop: Web Machine Learning: Introduction to TensorFlow.JS
I/O Extended 2023 Sessionize Event
Google I/O Extended Edinburgh 2023 Sessionize Event
Codemotion Madrid 2023 Sessionize Event
SciFiDevConMayTheFourthEvent 2023 Sessionize Event
IWDLondon2023 Sessionize Event
WTM Scotland - International Women's Day 2023 Sessionize Event
Global AI Bootcamp - London 2023 Sessionize Event
Global AI Bootcamp Latinoamérica 2023 Sessionize Event
Devfest London 2022 Sessionize Event
Modern Frontends Live! 2022 Sessionize Event
DDI Camp 2022 Sessionize Event
SciFiDevConMayTheFourthEvent Sessionize Event
Global AI Bootcamp 2022 Sessionize Event
Global AI Bootcamp [London] Sessionize Event

Patty O'Callaghan
Technical Director @ Charles River Laboratories | Google Developer Advisory Board | Google Developer Expert in AI/ML | Google Cloud Champion Innovator
Glasgow, United Kingdom
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