Pierre Neis
Menschgeist , agile Studio, Cognizant Digital Solutions, Enterprise Agile Coach
Zürich, Switzerland
Fifteen years ago, coming from Lean Thinking and Portfolio Management, I jumped into the agile world with my entire body.
I went through more than 200 agile projects and contributed to several communities. Ten years ago, as a member of the PMI, I contributed to creating the PMI ACP Certification, which left considerable space for improvement.
Five years ago, I was asked by Mike Beedle to join his project on Enterprise Scrum. Unfortunately, Mike passed away, and I used my org development and behavioral analysis research to write my first book in 2020, "The New Normal: AO concepts and patterns of 21-st century agile organizations," and "Swarming X4" in 2021.
I'm a certified agile master coach with several agile certifications levels, still interacting with many initiatives on the evolution of work.
I don't distinguish between development and an executive committee of a global organization.
In 2014, I created Play14 (www.play14.org) with two colleagues, a global initiative on facilitation and serious games.
Even if I'm a full-time consultant, I'm still involved in Disciplined Agile with the PMI, with Open Eyes on the evolution of leadership, and with the ICF on agile coaching.
I’m an alumni of Boston Consulting Group and MIT.
Area of Expertise
Organisé pour DevOps, un Challenge Organisationnel Agile
Oubliez pendant une minute les méthodes et les outils. Oubliez pendant quelques minutes supplementaire simplement faire. Commencez à penser où? Avec qui? Et comment votre organisation sera mise au défi par une configuration DevOps ou même CI/CD.
Plusieurs fois par mois depuis 2020, mes clients demandent à configurer DevOps ou se plaignent que DevOps ne fonctionne pas comme prévu. Lorsque les décideurs sont assis dans leur QG, les développeurs en Inde, les QA ailleurs sur la planète et les intégrateurs qui sont des tiers ; vous devez avoir une grosse confiance vous-même.
Mon exposé abordera les défis et démontrera quelques modèles organisationnels conçus pour faire fonctionner DevOps:
- Comment DEVOPS challenge votre organisation agile?
- Etes vous prêt à livrer toutes les 10mms et tester en production?
Les 12 phases de la transformation agile
L'Agile n'est pas un objectif, c'est le système vous permettant d'atteindre vos objectifs à chaque fois et avec un impact maximal. 10 ans d'experimentation, une vingtaine de transformation de 20 à 300 000 personnes et pas uniquement dans l'IT. Apprenez à faire la difference.
L' Agile est demandé et trop souvent incomprise. Comment passer de l'utilisation d'outils à une dynamique favorisant la resolution de problèmes, l'innovation et la réactivité est la question que je vais tenter de répondre.
L' Agile est le comportement des agents dans un système. Ces agents sont les êtres humains. Ma presentation vous expliquera à quoi ressemble une organisation agile dans son extreme et comment y parvenir.
Cet extreme n'est pas forcement votre objectif, celui-ci se trouve certainement ailleurs.
Les 12 phases de transformation apporte la réponse au niveau d'Agile que vous souhaitez pour votre organisation.
Designed for DevOps
Forget about methods and tools for a minute. Forget for a few extra minutes just doing it. Start thinking where? With whom? And how your organization will be challenged by a DevOps or CI/CD setup.
Several times a month since 2020, my clients ask to configure DevOps or complain that DevOps is not working as expected. When the decision-makers sit in their HQ, the developers in India, the QAs elsewhere on the planet, and the integrators who are third parties; you have to have a lot of confidence in yourself.
My talk will address the challenges and demonstrate a few organizational models designed to make DevOps work:
- How DEVOPS challenges your agile organization?
- Are you ready to deliver all 10mms and test in production?
En tant normal, s’aligner en agile est important.
S’aligner signifie s’assurer que l’on parle de la même chose, que l’on poursuit les mêmes objectifs. Bref, que l’on regardent tous dans la même direction.
En période de COVID-19, avec tout le monde en télétravail, s’aligner est encore plus important.
Je vais vous présenter les approches entamées avec mes équipes de chez SAP ces dernières années et comment nous nous sommes organisés dans une entreprise où chacun peut travailler à partir de n’importe quel endroit du monde.
Cette expérience, nous a apporté une experience sur la gestion du stress, du problème de concentration et de l’angoisse d´un environnement totalement distribué.
En conclusion, je vous ferai une rapide présentation de l’outil MirrorMirror que l’on met en place pour mesurer les différents niveaux d’alignement et la mise en place collective des actions d’amelioration de performance.
Swarming, Swarming, Swarming
Un "swarm" ou essaim en français est une initiative permettant de tester une idée, un concept, un projet.
Un essaim quitte la ruche, pollenise et ensuite revient à la ruche, ou crée une nouvelle ruche.
Nous allons parler de théorie de flocage dans le contexte de l´organisation agile. Dans mon livre, "The New Normal: AO...", j'explique la structure d´une organisation en plateforme.
Mais un point clef reste toujours le Swarm. Au lieu de passer des mois à définir un cadre, on fait un swarm d´une ou deux semaines.
Etes-vous prêt pour le futur de l´Agile?
Organized for DevOps, an Agile Organizational Challenge
Forget a second method and tools. Forget for more seconds doing. Start thinking whereabout? With whom? And how your organization will be challenged by a DevOps setup or even CI/CD.
A couple of times per month since 2020, customers have been asking to set up DevOps or complaining that DevOps doesn't work like expected. When decision-makers are sitting in their HQ, developers in India, QAs somewhere else on the planet, and integrators are third parties; you might strongly believe in yourself.
My talk will address the challenges and demonstrate a couple of organizational models designed to make DevOps work.
From whale to swarm
Once a customer told me, "I want to change my company from a gigantic whale to a swarm of small swift fishes".
Since far as I know, we all wanted to build big things. Big things that stay forever. But, even the pyramids or the big wall in China took decades to make and didn´t resist time.
On the other hand, the Mongols conquered Asia and Europe with swarms of cavaliers.
- What did we learn from the Mongols?
- How to re-design your whale into swarms?
and how swarms are behaving
Will be the points leading to my presentation.
From the book: "The new normal: AO concepts and patterns of 21-st century agile organizations"
It will be the first time at manage agile conference in Berlin.
The 12 steps of an Agile Transformation
Agile transformation is a trendy theme, and many companies have taken their way. But what are we talking about?
How to turn a giant whale into a swarm of fish? How to move from robustness to responsiveness?
Fifteen years of research have brought to common light points. There are phases to moving from a "business as usual" work organization to a dynamic environment. How do you go from "What-you-know-now" to a company where each team, each entity, operates as an internal startup? I will walk you through the main stages of transformation and 12 tactics for working in the 21st century.
An Agile company has a very particular design. This collaborative platform has automated its routines and freed them with all the talents available to recreate themselves perpetually. The company framework is limited to what is strictly necessary to direct its vital forces mainly toward creating value. Platform, Plexus, Programs, projects, and swarms are the new forms of work in this environment.
You cannot transpose this model overnight; for this, there are intermediate phases. These phases make it possible to define your organization's achievable objectives and design your alliance.
Agile transformation is a trendy theme, and many companies have taken its way. But what are we talking about?
The implementation of methods and tools? Nope!
In the end, the goal is never agility.
How to turn a giant whale into a swarm of fishes? How to move from robustness to more responsiveness?
Fifteen years of research have brought to common light points. There are phases to moving from a "business as usual" work organization to a dynamic environment. How do you go from "What-you-know-now" to a company where each team, each entity, operates as an internal startup? I will walk you through the main stages of transformation and 12 tactics for working in the 21st century.
An Agile company has a very particular design. This collaborative platform has automated its routines and freed them with all the talents available to recreate themselves perpetually. The company framework is limited to what is strictly necessary to direct its vital forces mainly towards creating value. Platform, Plexus, Programs, projects, and swarms are the new forms of work in this environment.
You cannot transpose this model overnight; for this, there are intermediate phases. These phases make it possible to define your organization's achievable objectives and design your alliance.
Although this model looks like a maturity model, its purpose is quite different. It is to define your level of agility or the acceptable level of agility necessary to perform without putting the structure at risk.
* There are five significant steps in any transformation, whether agile or digital:
* The agility, or we use the tools, the methods in dilettante
* Awakening, we use disciplined agility in project mode
* The Rubicon, awakening is optimized; we use Lean and Kaizen techniques
* Venture, we open the Rubicon system by accepting diversity and variability. Teams become internal startups, and management manages venture capital
* AO, the system is entirely open, and the company becomes a collaborative platform.
* The twelve phases are patterns for moving from one stage to another, which are status indicators.
* My presentation will explain the nature of these phases by measuring the dynamics of the systems (interactions of people) and their level of communication and categorizing the content of the work present in the different portfolios of activity.
What is the most effective change strategy? How to work together? The team first or management first? These will be the questions I will try to provide a clear answer to during my presentation.
Agile Tour Lausanne 2022 Sessionize Event
Conferencia Agile Spain (CAS2022) Sessionize Event
Agile Tour Vilnius
The 12 steps of an agile transformation. Introduction to AO basics
!e conference de la Fabrique de l'agilité
Agile Animal Farm workshop
PMI Switzerland 11th PM Conference, Innovation in Project Management - Shaping the Future of Project
59 minutes agile (simulation game)
SWARMING, working in a digital age
online event with PMI Switzerland

Pierre Neis
Menschgeist , agile Studio, Cognizant Digital Solutions, Enterprise Agile Coach
Zürich, Switzerland
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