Most Active Speaker

Leo Visser

Leo Visser

Microsoft MVP | Consultant & Product Lead Automation @ OGD

Borne, The Netherlands


Since 2012 I’ve been working in the field of IT in different positions. Now I am the product lead Automation + AI for the transformation department of OGD ict-diensten. I’m responsible for the propositions regarding Power Platform, AI and Automation. Besides that I also consult a multitude of customers about these topics and their cloud platforms. Due to this broad range of topics I work with on a daily basis, I’ve developed a passion for connecting them all together. When I’m not working on improving specific systems I’m looking into how the systems can work together to create even more value. I also write on my blog about the solutions I find.


Area of Expertise

  • Information & Communications Technology


  • DevOps
  • PowerShell
  • Microsoft
  • Microsoft 365
  • Microsoft Azure
  • Microsoft Power platform
  • Azure
  • Azure AD
  • Azure Security
  • Azure Logic Apps
  • Azure Networking
  • network security
  • networking infrastructure
  • Automation
  • CI/CD
  • IT Security
  • Testing
  • cyber security
  • Consultancy
  • Cloud Migration
  • cloud
  • Cloud Native
  • Cloud Architecture
  • IT Strategy
  • IT Transformation
  • DNS/IP
  • Monitoring
  • Software Supply Chain
  • Security
  • Identity and Access Management
  • IAM
  • Identity
  • Serverless
  • agile
  • green it
  • Sustainable IT

How you got hacked before the code hit production

With the rise of AI coding assistants a new attack vector has opened up for hackers! Let’s dive into the world of typosquatting and other techniques that hackers have been using. Does AI protect you against these attacks or is it maybe even more vulnerable?

In this talk you will learn how hackers can use the software supply chain and target dependencies in different ways to eventually get to your code. To remedy this you can set up artifact systems which allow you to check dependencies before they hit your code.

If you want to learn how to make your coding environment safer and prevent hackers from tricking you or your AI assistant, join this talk and find out!

Free compute! How GitHub Actions can help you

GitHub Actions is a service provided by GitHub to perform building and packaging of code. But this versatile tool can be used for so much more!

During this talk I will show you several scenarios where you can use GitHub Actions to perform tasks to make your life easier for free. You will learn how to create your own actions and schedule these to run periodically. With the marketplace many tasks can be performed very easily with almost no code. This makes this tool easy to use for people with all levels of coding experience.

This might all sound too good to be true, who would offer something like this for free? Join me in this talk and watch the demo’s and try it for yourself afterwards. You will see this is really true!

You’ve got the Power (Platform)! Controlling developers in Azure DevOps

Developers have it all figured out with their code flows, everything is quickly pushed to production and it’s up to the processes to make sure nothing breaks down. But does this always work?

During this talk I will show you how to create extra controls on Pull Requests in Azure DevOps, which need to be passed before a piece of code is accepted. This is achieved by connecting to the Power Platform with Logic Apps and Power Apps. To make sure this process stays very user friendly, Power Apps are used to create a front-end to manage these extra steps.

Do you want to make sure your developers follow your processes without giving them extra work or more tools to learn? I bet you do! So join this talk and learn how to do this.

DNS Disasters: A Hybrid story

The latest priority 1 incident has been resolved and the root cause analysis again points towards DNS. This protocol which enables so many possibilities also causes so many problems.
Let’s look at the hybrid environment of our latest victim and analyze where things went wrong during their journey to the cloud. We’ll look at what caused them to end up with an DNS environment nobody understands anymore.

I will show you how to get out of this DNS disaster by utilizing Azure DNS features. Get ready to dive into the advanced DNS features of Azure and find out how to utilize these while keeping an eye on the customer's business case.

Let’s get rid of these DNS environments which nobody dares to touch! Join me and learn how to transform them into beautiful modern cloud native environments!

Castle in the Cloud: Azure network perimeter defense

In the cloud you want to protect everything with Identity! Although not untrue we still see many developments in technologies like the Azure Application Gateway and the Azure Firewall.

Having all PaaS resources publicly available is not preferred according to current best practices in security. So IT environments are moving back to a more perimeter focused defense where only a couple of points are connected to the wider internet.

During this talk you will learn how to use the application gateway and azure firewall to protect the connected points. You will also learn how to make sure zero trust principles can be applied internally to make a network which is secure and in control.

So if you want to develop a strong defense in the cloud using the most modern techniques then join this session!

Boost your Azure Functions with API Management

Are you wasting precious development time adding authentication and other features to your PowerShell Azure Functions? Stop doing this and start leveraging the power of serverless Azure API Management.

In this talk you will learn how to use API Management to add authentication and you will also learn how to connect to the Azure Key Vault to secure your functions even more. To top it off you will learn how to set this up in a scalable way by utilizing the serverless platform. You will also learn how to set up reusable parts in your API management to save even more work.

So if you don’t want to worry about security when writing PowerShell Azure Functions then join this talk to learn how to offload that!

Developer Week '24 Sessionize Event

July 2024 Nürnberg, Germany 2024 Sessionize Event

June 2024 Antwerpen, Belgium

European Cloud Summit 2024

It’s always DNS – Now including cloud native DNS resolvers!

May 2024 Wiesbaden, Germany

Microsoft Learn Zero to Hero Community User group Sessionize Event

January 2024

Azure Community Enthusiasts November 2023

Online: Spot azure network problems by visualizing it

November 2023

Super Tech Friday

Workshop: Bingo! Use buzzwords like serverless, cloud native and no-code in the back-end

September 2023 Delft, The Netherlands

Welsh Azure User Group - EVENT (August 2023)

Online Event: Run PowerShell with Azure deployment scripts
Watch Back:

August 2023

Juli 2023 Azure Meetup (**BBQ editie**)

It's Always DNS - Now including cloud native DNS resolvers

July 2023 Amersfoort, The Netherlands 2023 Sessionize Event

June 2023 Prague, Czechia

CollabDays Netherlands 2023

Enhance your IAM by looking at Identity through a wider lens

June 2023 Vianen, The Netherlands

Experts Live Netherlands 2023 Sessionize Event

May 2023 's-Hertogenbosch, The Netherlands

Community Day 2023

Spot Azure network problems by visualizing it

April 2023 Werkendam, The Netherlands

Februari 2023 Microsoft & Security NL meetup

Improve security with your own PSGallery

February 2023 Gorinchem, The Netherlands

MC2MC February 2023 - The Movie Edition

Visualize your Azure Network traffic with flow logs

February 2023 Waregem, Belgium

Azure Thursday - Februari 2023

Level up your Azure DevOps pipelines
watch back:

February 2023 Bunnik, The Netherlands

DuPSUG November 2022

Improve security with your own PSGallery

November 2022 Utrecht, The Netherlands

CloudBrew 2022 - A two-day Microsoft Azure event Sessionize Event

November 2022 Mechelen, Belgium

Cloud Takeaway - September

Level up your Azure DevOps pipelines.
watch back:

September 2022

Azure Thursday: May 2022

Visualize your Azure Network traffic with flow logs

May 2022 Nieuwegein, The Netherlands

Virtual DuPSUG – Holiday 2021

Test Your Code Quality with Pester and PSScriptAnalyzer

December 2021

Leo Visser

Microsoft MVP | Consultant & Product Lead Automation @ OGD

Borne, The Netherlands


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