
AI for Business Leaders and Product Managers

for business leaders and product managers, understanding AI’s potential and practical applications can be daunting. This session aims to demystify AI, providing a comprehensive introduction tailored to those at the helm of business strategy and product development.

We will explore the fundamental concepts of AI, including machine learning, natural language processing, and computer vision, and discuss how these technologies can be leveraged to drive innovation and efficiency. Through real-world case studies, we will illustrate successful AI implementations across various sectors, highlighting the tangible benefits and challenges encountered.

Attendees will gain insights into:

* The core principles and types of AI technologies.
* How to identify and prioritize AI opportunities within your organizations.
* Best practices for integrating AI into existing business processes and product roadmaps.
* Key considerations for managing AI projects, including ethical implications and data governance.

Join us to unlock the potential of AI and learn how to harness its power to propel your business forward.

Joseph Guadagno

"Microsoft Developer Services" MVP, Organizer of Desert Code Camp, Progress Telerik Champion, and VP of IT at RT²

Chandler, Arizona, United States


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