
CUPID, did you fall in love with the code?

Cupid (Composable, Unix-like, Predictable, Idiomatic, and Domain-based) is flying around with its bow and arrows. Now he’s not looking for people to fall in love with each other, but to fall in love with the code they make. You’ve probably experienced that feeling, you see the code they made is beautiful, elegant, and easy to read. When you read it, you fall in love with it and can’t wait to work with it.

It happens every once in a while, but shouldn’t that always be the case? Forget SOLID and make your code loved with CUPID. a new paradigm has arrived. In this talk, we’ll look at the principles of CUPID, and instead of hard rules as described in “the clean code” book by Uncle Bob you’ll see that CUPID is way more lenient in its usage. Some of the clean code rules are debunked, and some are even more fine-tuned. After this talk, you should have a different view on how you look at code and with this new mindset, you’ll create your code.

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Pieter van der Meer

Engineer @ Dataworkz

Amsterdam, The Netherlands


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