
Datalake and Data mesh: a math in heaven?

“Data mesh” and “Data lakes” are the new buzzwords in Data processing. Both define a framework on how to set up and organize your data. Is it the new holy grail in data management? The data lake is more technology-focused whilst Data mesh is more towards the organization, but where do they meet?

In the old days, organizations attempted to store all their data in a corporate Data warehouse with a canonical model which, to be fair, did not work. We more or less created a data labyrinth instead of a warehouse. As everybody knows: collecting vast amounts of data is the easiest step in creating a data repository. But then, what’s the next step to get value from the data? That is the hardest part, which it should not be! By pointing out some of the strengths and weak points you will get a better understanding of what both are. This will help you to structure and organize the ingestion and processing of data in your organization. During the presentation, I will provide some practical examples to illustrate this.

Pieter van der Meer

Engineer @ Dataworkz

Amsterdam, The Netherlands


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