Rob Sewell
Be-Whiskered Automator of Things
Exeter, United Kingdom
Rob was a SQL Server DBA with a passion for PowerShell, Azure, Automation, and SQL (PaaS geddit?). Now he just helps people make things. He is a Data Platform MVP and an Azure MVP, a PowerShell Conference Europe organiser, and maintainer of many open-source projects. He has spoken at and volunteered at many Data and PowerShell events all over the world. He is a proud supporter of the Data and PowerShell communities.
He relishes sharing and learning and can be found doing both via Twitter and his blog. He spends most of his time looking at a screen and loves to solve problems. He knows that looking at a screen so much is bad for him because his wife tells him so. Thus, he is often out riding his bike as his eyes are not good enough to play cricket any more.
He has a fabulous beard
Area of Expertise
What makes a good commit? Good Practices for Data Professionals
Committing code is an integral part of the development lifecycle. However, not all commits
or commit messages are created equal. As more data professionals are required or expected to use source control within a continuous integration or deployment solution, a lack of good information is reducing the efficacy and usefulness of commit messages.
In this session we will explore the source control system git, what makes a commit and what a commit message is for.
We will also learn what makes a good, and a bad, commit message and how to automatically link commit messages to User Stories and release notes.
You will leave this session with a better understanding of commits and commit messages and useful guidance to make them most effective for yourself and for your team.
The new era of SQL Development -sqlcmd, data api builder,azd and more
The fast, ever changing world of development is always bringing enhancements and improvements to the tooling that can be used for development. This session will take a tour through the new capabilities for Azure SQL Database development and show you how they can improve your development and reduce your time to deployment.
The new sqlcmd has so many more features available to enable quick efficient development of databases.
The data api builder exposes a modern REST and GraphQL endpoints to your Azure SQL Databases.
azd ( the Azure Development CLI) can take you from development environment to Azure in a few short commands.
After this session, you will have more knowledge about this capabilities and enough content to be able to start to explore them yourself.
Automate your DBA tasks with dbatools and dbachecks
Let us show you how easy it is to use PowerShell to accomplish many everyday tasks straight from the command line with the community developed modules dbatools and dbachecks.
Join Jess Pomfret and Rob Sewell, two of the dbatools in a Month of Lunches authors and take your dbatools and dbachecks skills to the next level or be introduced to dbatools and learn how effective it can make you. We will show you the skills, scripts, and tricks that we have learned with dbatools and dbachecks and tell you how they have rocketed our careers
There will be many practical examples of how dbatools and dbachecks can help to save time in DBA administration duties
- Creating Availability Groups
- Syncing Agent Jobs and Logins between replicas
- Finding SQL Instances on your estate
- Working with Central Management Server
- Disaster Recovery
- Backup Testing
- Simple instance migrations
- Complex instance migrations
- Tracking Activity
- Simplify application upgrades with database snapshots
- Working with other community tools with dbatools
- Encompassing dbatools in DevOps
- Validating your estate
- Using dbatools in the cloud (i.e. working with Azure SQL Database)
And much much more
Come and join us for a great day of PowerShell and SQL full of demos and useful solutions that you will be able to take back to your workplace. You will improve your knowledge and skills, see how the modern DBA will work and have fun at the same time.
Who Are You?
You are a DBA, senior or junior, looking after 1 or 100,000 instances, a developer who interacts with SQL Server, an accidental DBA or you have DevOps in your job title.
You are interested in improving your PowerShell skills for SQL Server or reducing the time you and your team spend administering SQL Server.
You have spent 1 day or 20 years working with SQL Server.
You know that you work in a field where automation is king and want to understand more of what is available.
You are interested in learning and improving your automation skillset.
What do you need?
All you need is yourself! We would recommend that you bring something to take notes with as well as a minimum.
All scripts and slides will be provided to you. If you wish to follow along with most of the demos you should have access to a machine with PowerShell v 5 or above with a SQL Server 2012 or above instance.
Think PowerShell and SQL is meh? Meet dbatools!
Come and join one of the creators of the most popular SQL Server open source PowerShell module and learn how we have used blog posts from many of the SQL community as inspiration for over 900 million* commands written by over 4tn* contributors.
Let me show you how easy it is to use PowerShell to accomplish many everyday tasks straight from the command line with the community developed module dbatools.
I will even demonstrate in containers using Jupyter Notebooks that you can try out for yourself on your own machine.
Afraid of PowerShell?
Worried its too complicated?
Don't want to go through the learning curve?
Let me show you with plenty of demos how easy and straight forward it can be and I will save you time starting Monday
Want to restore an entire servers databases to the latest available point in time of the backups in just one line?
Be useful to know the Last DBCC Check for your entire estate in only one line of code?
Need to test your restores but it's complicated?
and many many more
All this in a fast-paced, fun session
* Some numbers may have been exaggerated
A deeper dive into dev containers for your project
Dev containers are a VS Code feature that allow us to define the perfect development environment for our project.
This enables a definition of a working development environment for all of your team or your open-source contributors to be quickly and easily provisioned and updated. It will even work in a browser! No more worrying about the right hardware, software installations, dependencies or updates. You can control it all with dev containers and make it simple and easy.
In this session we will dive deeper into dev containers and take a look at how we can use multiple containers for our development, multiple configurations for our dev containers, how to customise the entire experience and how to connect to your containers externally.
This sesssion is a natural follow on from our Why every project needs a dev container session but can also live on its lonesome
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Please note that Sessionize is not responsible for the accuracy or validity of the data provided by speakers. If you suspect this profile to be fake or spam, please let us know.
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