For Your Eyes Only: Roles, Privileges, and Security in PostgreSQL
Security is an essential, yet often misunderstood, part of effectively managing a PostgreSQL cluster. As the popularity and adoption of PostgreSQL continues to grow, the interaction of roles, privileges, and object ownership is a recurring theme of confusion in forums and mailing lists.
In this session, I’ll start by defining the Principle of Least Privileges and how this philosophy influences roles and privileges in PostgreSQL. Next, I’ll demonstrate the importance of object ownership in PostgreSQL, how group and user roles can work in unison to effectively manage permissions, multiple ways to manage default privileges, and which privileges should always be modified in any new PostgreSQL database. Finally, I’ll discuss how recent releases are laying a foundation for more flexible and robust security management in the years ahead.
By the end of this session, you will understand how roles work in PostgreSQL, how they impact your daily work, and how to effectively communicate security best practices with others on your team. You’ll leave with a solid information to start creating roles that effectively manage access to your cluster and data.

Ryan Booz
Developer Advocate at Redgate
State College, Pennsylvania, United States
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