
Yung Chou’s 10 Must-Know Azure IaaS Serviecs Relevant to Developers

Cloud sometimes become complex and overwhelming for those developers seeking proficiency in Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) to better develop applications natively benefiting from the underlying platform capabilities. Here Yung offers his 10 must-know Azure IaaS services for those developers who are interested in expanding their development skills with IaaS and cloud solution architecture practices.

Yung has designed the contents for those who are foreign to IaaS and new to Azure. He will focus on providing minimal technical knowledge sufficient for one to become productive in operating Azure and IaaS for application development. The demonstrations are centered on introducing pertinent Azure IaaS services for facilitating the development, deployment and management of an application and its associated infrastructure and resources.

Yung Chou

Witness a clear cloudy day every day


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