
Sandeep Ramgolam

Sandeep Ramgolam

Livestorm, Senior Front-End Engineer

Port Louis, Mauritius


Lead Organizer of frontend.mu passionate about technology & education.
I have fun with CSS, Gardenining, Linux and Dota2.

Area of Expertise

  • Information & Communications Technology


  • Frontend Architecture
  • Vue Js
  • Vite
  • Tailwind CSS

Vue 3.0 | Accessibility | Front-end ecosystem

The next big release of Vue 3 is around the corner. In this talk I will give a peek of the Composition API and Kushul will share his experience of meeting the vue core team during his visit at VueJS amsterdam.

Vue 3
- Composition API
- Composition functions
- Access value on a reference
- How reactivity work
- How Vue 3 uses Proxies
- How watches work in Vue 3
- What is Hydration?
- How the virtual DOM works in Vue 3

- Guijs (graphical user interface for javascript)

Vuetify 2+
- Improved styling
- Accessibility
- Better SEO
- Progressive images
- Tree-shaking

- Accessibility
- perceivable, operable, understandable
- Control with keyboard
- Check with screen readers
- Use plain html instead of ARIA

Climate Change (front-end ecosystem)
- Make pages smaller
- Make your code more efficient
- Greener website = faster website
- Test your website (link will be given on presentation)

Vue 3 is amazing !

I would summarize Vue3 as having the flexibility of react, the cleanliness of Vue, the simplicity of Svelte and the robustness of Angular.

In this presentation I will demonstrate how Vue3 works and why it's a joy to use as a developer.

We will build a simple Covid19 tracking app during the session with Tailwind + Vite + Vue3

Tips to becomes a POWER USER

After last year's awesome feedback about the Power User Moves presentation, I want to renew the presentation and make it more fun and more insightful. I will share a series of "power moves" that I have learned to love throughout my years as a developer.

Enjoy a series of interactive demos during the prez! Although I am a front-end developer, the tricks will cover all aspects of computer use. Not limited to one language, operating system or application, but all aimed to improve your quality of life as a developer.

- Window Management
- Command line tricks
- Power moves in code editors
- Essential Plugins
- Useful online services
- and more ..

Modern Front-end Development with ViteJS

ViteJS is very new, but has quickly become the default front-end development tooling backbone during the past year.

It was originally made for Vue, but it now works for React, Svelte, Solid and others.

Why Vite? It's fast, it's really, REALLY fast.

In this session I'll give a demo of how Vite can improve your Developer Experience and why it's becoming the de-facto dev-tool-of-choice over the mighty webpack !

Making your Javascript Apps Searchable

In the world of modern web apps, your index.html file is probably blank. In this session I will share some tips and tricks about making your apps searchable by major search engines.

Lightning Talks 2023

A quick succession of small sessions with the goal to educate and entertain the audience right before ending the conference.

- Kushul Soomaree - 10 Tips to make your website more accessible
- Keessun Fokeerah - Why should we even care using the Mauritius Internet Exchange Point (MIXP)?
- Jeshta Bhoyedhur - Instant App Development
- Muhammad Yusuf AbdoolSatar - The State of Go
- Danshil Kokil Mungur - Line endings
- Chittesh Sham - Debugging
- Sandeep Ramgolam - What's new in CSS

The format is known to the organizers, but i'll try to improve it in terms of logistics. i.e make the laptop switching process smoother and possibly end with a game that involves the audience !

All of the speakers are not confirmed yet except 3. I want to give the opportunity to some new faces to be part of the line up and diversify the team as much as possible.

The 1.5 hour segment that was allocated during the last conference was much appreciated. We might also have a theme for the speaker(dress code) to make it extra fun!

Any suggestion from the devcon organizers is most welcome to make this even better.

Lightning Talks 2022

After the very nice feedback of 2019 year's lightning talks and the tragedy that was 2020 & 2021, i'm bringing it back!

Each session will last 5 minutes max and they will be in quick successions with an Intro for each speaker.

Come and learn some new things ! Maybe you'll like some and get curious enough to try it yourself!

Lightning Talk lineup

Ish Sookun - Why mirrors matter?
Girish Mahabir - Containers
Jestha B - Web Bundles
Michael Jules - Directus
Priyeshan Sreeneebus - How to juice up your game
Chittesh Sham - Sound Design
Sandeep Ramgolam - Codeflow

Lightning Talks

Short and interesting presentations about a range of topics in quick successions. Each session will last 5 minutes.

Come and learn some new things ! Maybe you'll like some and get curious enough to try it yourself!

Lightning Talk lineup :

Netiquette - Ish Sookun
Cloud IDE - Humeira Diljore
Mashup: The Little Things - Jules Giovanni
Variable Fonts - Saamiyah Peerun
The importance of Comments - Jeshta B
Meme Review (EU Article 13) - Chittesh Sham
How to make your own T-Shirt - Shelly Bhujun
Richard Stallman - Pritvi Jheenghut

Front End Dev - beyond the basics

In this presentation, I aim to share front-end related things that developers can use in their projects. These will include :

- Advanced CSS Grid
Interesting techniques about how to build modern layouts.

- CSS Tricks you might not know about.
Explore lesser known features of CSS 3 & CSS 4 that can add even more awesomeness in a front-end dev's repertoire.

- Vue CLI Beta
Discover an absolute gem for front-end developers.

& more cool stuff !

Baby Steps in to Design Systems

How to build, implement and maintain design systems.

Build :
- Guidelines
- Using Figma
- Reusable components

- How to cater for rapid evolutions
- How to plan ahead for easy maintenance

- Tips to implement a design system using TailwindCSS

Building a reusable front-end Component Library

Many companies have a design system and multiple projects. It's often desirable to eliminate duplication of work across teams and across projects by building a shared component library.

In this presentation I will share my approach where I use VueJS, TailwindCSS, Lernajs and Yarn Workspaces to solve this problem.

Astro to the moon! [Front-End Coders Session]

A tour of the amazing astro framework and it's many novel(but also old) features. The frontend.mu website is built on astro and it has been a joy using it as a modern tool for building fast websites.

This session is on behalf of the Front-End Coders community and how we've built our website using astro of the past year.

Developers Conference 2023 Sessionize Event

July 2023 Port Louis, Mauritius

Developers Conference 2022 - Mauritius Sessionize Event

November 2022 Port Louis, Mauritius

Virtual Developers Conference 2020 - Mauritius Sessionize Event

September 2020 Port Louis, Mauritius

Developers Conference 2019 - Mauritius Sessionize Event

April 2019 Moka, Mauritius

DevFest Mauritius 2018 Sessionize Event

December 2018

Developers Conference 2018 - Mauritius Sessionize Event

May 2018 Moka, Mauritius

Sandeep Ramgolam

Livestorm, Senior Front-End Engineer

Port Louis, Mauritius


Please note that Sessionize is not responsible for the accuracy or validity of the data provided by speakers. If you suspect this profile to be fake or spam, please let us know.

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