Tess Ferrandez-Norlander
Stockholm, Sweden
Tess is a developer/data scientist working at Microsoft. Over the past 20 years she has changed the way we do .net debugging, developed a large number of mobile apps. As of a couple of years ago she moved into the world of data science and machine learning working with a lot of the largest companies in Europe and beyond on really tough ML problems.
She has has spoken at lots and lots of conferences around the world on a wide variety of topics including deep .net debugging, UX, web development and Machine Learning. You can also find her on twitter at @TessFerrandez
Area of Expertise
We are the Guardians of our Future
We wake up one day in the middle of a real episode of Person of Interest, Black Mirror or George Orwell's 1984.
How did this happen? Who created these AI systems? Surely they should have understood...
As software engineers and data scientists we’re creating software where mistakes have a very high price.
If we’re not careful, it can cost people their jobs, their money, their privacy, or even their lives.
It's time to look at the impact we have, how our software will be used, and how we can avoid creating unfair, biased and dangerous software.
Fun with Algorithms
Algorithms and data structures are the base of all computing, from CRUD APIs to highly optimized data processing.
Most of us probably have forgotten more than we remember about them though from college (or maybe never learned them in the first place) because we don't necessarily use them on a daily. But just like math, good knowledge about data structures and algorithms lay the foundation for how to think about difficult problems, and how to understand where and what to optimize.
This session is a programming language agnostic journey through problem solving - graph algorithms, dynamic programming, greedy algorithms, representations and data structures. How to build solutions from first principles and combine algos to build up from easy to medium to hard leet code or advent of code style problems.
I'll also share how algorithm puzzles and competitive programming brought the fun back into programming for me, and how I use these skills in my day job.
From c# to python: 10 things I learned along the way
Sooner or later you will probably use python in one of your projects. Either for data science or scripting.
Python is a very easy language to learn. It is very versatile, and non prescriptive. This is its strength, but unfortunately makes it incredibly easy to fall into pitfalls of writing code and structuring projects in a way that is both hard to read, maintain, and test.
As a C# developer it is also very tempting to write code in a C# style, not using all the goodness python has to offer, and writing code that is less performant and uses more resources than good python code.
This session is a journey through things I have learned over the last few years, writing production code in python, so that you don’t have to re-live my mistakes.
Deep Learning: From Vision to Reality
How do you implement an application that can pick out the interesting parts of a soccer game?
What do you do when you don't have enough data, or when the data is too specific?
How do you know that you are actually solving the problem, or even the right problem?
Writing a neural network in Python using Keras is very straight forward, you can do it in 20 lines
or less, but is that all there is? Welcome to a journey through some real world problems and
the thinking when working through them.
Better Code Reviews FTW!
Code reviews is feedback, but if your friend or partner or colleague would ask you for feedback on some of their work, you would probably not send them a list of 50 things they did wrong. Yet in code reviews, this is perfectly normal.
Could we do better code reviews by just changing the way we give and take feedback? I'll share 10 tips that I try to follow to turn code reviews from a boring exercise or something you dread to a much more pleasant experience.
Avanderad .NET Core Debugging
Minnesläckor, performance problem, krasher... som utvecklare har vi alla råkat ut för problem som verkar omöjliga att felsöka. Speciellt som dom ofta är intermittenta och aldrig händer på min maskin. Så vad tar man sig till när det inte funkar med F5 debugging, och debugging-plastankan inte ger ett iota stöd.
Här blir det mycket demo, en del CSI arbete och koll på ett gäng verktyg som vi kan använda för att lösa såna här problem. Vi mixar Linux och Windows, Azure och egna datorn för att titta lite på hur man kan lösa problemen oavsett miljö.
Allt det, sprinklat med lite .NET Core internals för spice.
Deep .NET Debugging
Memory Leaks, Hangs and Crashes are very hard to troubleshoot, especially if they don't happen on your machine.
We will look at techniques, strategies and tools that you can use to troubleshoot these. WinDbg, DebugDiag and even Visual Studio.
The session is very demo heavy.
A developers guide to Machine Learning
Machine Learning is one of the fastest growing areas of computer science. Are you curious about Machine Learning, but think it just seems like too big of a mountain to climb? This talk is a beginners guide to machine learning and data science. We will cover everything from getting and massaging the data to publishing your model. You won't leave an expert data scientist but you will definitely be off to a running start.
Infuse AI into your apps with Cognitive Services
You know that feeling… when Facebook automatically figures out that this is a photo of you and your friend. Or when Outlook understands that you are trying to set up a meeting with your boss just from an email. Or when Pinterest pops up with images that look like the one you just pinned.
You can do that too! You can create User Interfaces that make your customers go WOW!
In this session we’ll look at some cognitive services that you can use right now, and see how they can spice up your applications.
The powers of AI are just a REST API away.
My bot has a personality disorder
With Microsoft Bot Framework it is pretty easy to create a bot. At least the technical aspects are pretty straight forward. But if you don’t think about UX your bot is likely to adopt some really bad habits. We’ll take a look at some of the most common traps when designing bots and how to deal with them.
A Developers guide to the UX galaxy
Is UX and UI design reserved for people with artistic skills that can "feel" what's right? or is there a more systematic approach we can take?
We will talk about how you can predict, detect and avoid bad UI and UX, using a no-guess system created by Microsoft Research. We will also look at a lot of bad user interfaces so that you can learn from others mistakes and don't have to fall into their traps.
Spice up your conference notes with sketchnotes
Do you write down everything you hear, and then throw away the notes? Missing the whole sessions?
In this session we will look at another way to take notes. A way that makes you listen better, remember the main topics and creates notes you actually want to look at afterwards.
Don't worry, you don't need to have excellent drawing skills... you just need to write semi-legibly and know how to draw a box, a circle and a line.
This will be a sketch-along session for those who want. Bring a pen (or two) and a few blank papers.
This is a session that is best suited early in the conference
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