
Yishai Beeri

Yishai Beeri

CTO at LinearB

Tel Aviv, Israel


Yishai Beeri likes to solve problems, and that’s why he was so fascinated with programming when first encountered Logo back in the 80s, where the possibilities seemed endless.

He has made it a focus of his career to solve complex programming problems, both as a consultant and entrepreneur. In 2014 he joined the CTO office of a fast-moving cloud security startup, which later was acquired by a networking giant. At this startup he also met Ori Keren and Dan Lines, now co-founders of LinearB. He joined them shortly after the company was established, in order to get back to what he loves most about engineering, solving big challenges, and this time he is focusing on the world of dev team metrics and software delivery management. He is also the host of the very successful Hebrew Podcast - Dev Interrupted.

Area of Expertise

  • Information & Communications Technology


  • DevOps
  • DevOps & Automation
  • Software Deveopment
  • DevOpsCulture
  • Software Engineering Management
  • DevEx
  • Developer Productivity
  • Software Delivery
  • Jira
  • Jira Align
  • Git
  • GitHub
  • Metrics that Matter
  • Flow Metrics
  • Software Metrics
  • engineering leadership
  • engineering management
  • Engineering Culture
  • Engineering Culture & Leadership
  • Software Developer Efficiency
  • Developer Experience
  • DORA
  • Copilot
  • GenAI
  • Generative AI
  • Generative AI Use Cases
  • Code LLM
  • Automated Code Generation

Turn on the light: Going beyond DORA to measure your platform initiatives

Platform Engineering is booming in mindshare, with almost every engineering org starting platform teams or discovering they already have them, albeit using different names. As the practice matures, platform teams increasingly find they need to measure impact for their work, track long-lasting effects, and convince budget owners with compelling ROI.

A common first go-to for this are the well known DORA metrics. These can help with an initial peek into measuring platform success. However, they are not enough to cover complex cases, and converting the DORA numbers to ROI and dollars is far from easy.

I this talk we lay out a language and methodology for measuring platform impact around three key pillars: adoption, impact, and risk. We suggest an approach for defining KPIs to track during and after implementation.

Finally, we show how to translate key engineering metrics into developer time savings and ultimately $ value amounts - enabling true ROI conversations with budget owners.

How Can Engineering Leaders Measure the Impact of GenAI

Generative AI has taken the world by storm since its general availability to the public in early 2023. Going from novel technology to commodity in months, this disruptive technology quickly found applications in the software development world - and many engineering organizations are trying to capitalize on the disruptive technology.

Nearly every engineering organization has adopted, or is thinking about adopting GenAI as a tool for developers. It has become wildly popular for everything from generating code, to writing and deploying tests, pull request reviews, experimentation and PoCs and much more. But who checks the machines?

In this talk I'll dive into the actual measurable outcomes - positive and negative - of adopting GenAI in engineering organizations. While engineering leaders rapidly jumped on the GenAI bandwagon, many are still struggling to quantify its value, not to mention manage its risks. This talk will discuss how and what to measure to understand adoption, quantify benefits and control risks in your initiative to leverage AI in your engineering organization. Join us to learn about the specific metrics you should be monitoring to ensure maximizing ROI on your GenAI engineering org initiatives.

DevOps 2.0 - Bigger, Badder with More Automation

When DevOps first started to manifest over a decade ago, a lot of the focus was on streamlining engineering. Starting with the most repetitive processes, now its time to examine our next challenges.

A CTO Perspective: Refactoring Your Engineering for Scale

Companies at the very early phases are often focused on achieving product-market fit. Once this phase is completed successfully and the organization discovers the core of its repeatable business, a new phase of growth starts to unfold––scaling up and selling up-market to larger organizations.

What worked for your first 300 customers won’t necessarily scale or meet the requirements of the larger, often highly-regulated corporations you’re pitching to now. In this talk, I will share the story of a modern scale-up that now has to enter its next phase of maturity and level-up many aspects on the engineering side to unlock new business opportunities. This talk will focus on technical and product aspects from UX design through security and privacy, and into scaling considerations that require attention to make this possible. We will provide real tangible examples through areas we are investing in including: UX scalability, SSO, GRC considerations, role-based access control, designing for hybrid and on-prem deployments, stability, auditing, monitoring and much more. All of these have a direct impact on the fundamentals of DevOps, SRE and platform engineering - and the art of choosing when to plan and invest for them (and when is too early) is important to master as you scale.

A DORA Metrics Adventure in Navigating the Seas of Engineering Change

DORA metrics have now been widely adopted by progressive engineering organizations to provide hard data on the health of engineering delivery through the lens of speed and quality.
In this talk, I'd like to share some practical use cases for navigating the choppy seas of change in engineering organizations with the help of DORA metrics.

Embark on this climactic voyage to learn about how engineering leaders utilize engineering metrics to chart the course for common complex engineering challenges, tracking the crucial lighthouses of adoption, impact, and risk . From acquisitions and M&As, RIFs, firefighting and engineering quality hellholes, to restructuring and reorgs - the sea is restless and the change monsters lurk. Come to this talk for an odyssey through a mythical landscape of engineering challenges armed with DORA metrics as your torch.

Are Your Engineering Teams Really Prepared for the GenAI Revolution?!

GenAI has gone from generally available, novel technology to widely adopted in a matter of months. Most engineering organizations are using GenAI to generate code, write tests, and assist in code reviews. New code is becoming dirt cheap to write - but our delivery pipelines remain miserably unprepared for the tsunami of new code flowing at a much more rapid pace.

Our current pipelines need a hard reset to prepare us for the GenAI revolution - and engineering managers need to get started TODAY.

This talk will dive into where GenAI is starting to break down our delivery pipelines. While scaling CI/CD is easy, and we can always add a few more workers, scaling the humans in the process is the hard part. This talk will demonstrate how massive amounts of new machine-generated code will impact our pipelines, in ways that will require either greater headcount, or smarter, automated pipelines. You'll come away with ideas for how to modernize your delivery pipeline so you can fully embrace the GenAI revolution.

DevOps for the GenAI Age

When DevOps first started to manifest over a decade ago, a lot of the focus was on streamlining engineering, much in the same way as assembly lines. Starting with the most repetitive and automatable processes, we created pipelines for continuous operations––testing, integration and deployment (AKA CI/CD). Concepts were borrowed from Kaizen (Japanese assembly lines) to ensure these processes flowed and worked, and it’s hard to imagine ever going back on the process and quality improvements brought on by CI/CD. But it only got us so far.

After solving for automation of programs - tests, integrations, builds and deploys are all basically scripts - our attention can turn to much heavier sources of friction, which are also harder to automate. These are the touch points between humans: pickup time for code reviews, who do I even assign this review to?!, what do I need to line up to get this PR merged? And between humans and programs: flaky builds and tests, builds + tests that take too long, post-deployment ownership during outages, synchronizing access to dev environments, and much more.

With GenAI getting embedded in the SDLC, the human / machine interface points are even more important. We will soon have 10x the amount of [AI generated] code, with agents writing code, tests & reviews. How will our processes and pipelines deal with this new scale? Who will review and approve all this code? How do we deliver it in a safe manner?

Enter the DevOps for the GenAI age. We must rethink our processes and eliminate the amounting friction. In this talk we’ll bring data and research from millions of PRs and developers, and share how simple tweaks and automations have unlocked velocity by orders of magnitude.

Methods such as automating trivial code fixes, better understanding of ownership and stakeholders in the process, improved communication (the backbone of DevOps!) all map to greater velocity and developer happiness, and are crucial to reap the benefits of the GenAI revolution in the SDLC.

Join us to learn how.

Yishai Beeri

CTO at LinearB

Tel Aviv, Israel


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