
Erwin Derksen

Erwin Derksen

#BulletPointFree - On his mission to kill boring presentations.

#BulletPointFree - Op missie om saaie presentaties te voorkomen.

Nijmegen, The Netherlands


Since 1999 in IT – Practical – Simplifier – #BulletPointFree Public Speaker - Likes sharing knowledge – Projects and changes only – Has also a technical focus – Acts as bridge between business and technology – Founded DerkIT in 2017 and Blue Identity in 2022 - Guides complex decisions and reduces them to the essence – Believes that humor, clarity, and simplicity are most important.

Sinds 1999 in IT - Pragmatisch - Probeert dingen simpel te houden - #BulletPointFree Spreker - Vindt kennisdeling essentieel - Werkt uitsluitend projectmatig - Heeft ook een technische focus - Fungeert als brug tussen business en techniek – Begeleidt complexe beslissingen en brengt deze terug tot de essentie – Vindt humor, duidelijkheid, documentatie en beheersbaarheid belangrijk.

Area of Expertise

  • Information & Communications Technology
  • Business & Management
  • Physical & Life Sciences
  • Humanities & Social Sciences
  • Media & Information


  • Active Directory
  • Azure AD Conditional Access
  • Microsoft 365
  • Microsof Teams
  • Security & Compliance
  • Cloud Security
  • IT Security
  • Presentation Skills
  • presentation design
  • Presentation Techniques


How to Boost your Microsoft Secure Score #ExpertFieldTips en

We see a lot of environments with a low calculated Microsoft secure score. In this session I will tell and show you how you can get this boosted up for better security. We will talk Entra ID, Intune, Microsoft 365 and how you can configure this as secure as possible for your organization.

Deploying Office 365 Enterprise Apps, relax, things could be worse…. en nl

Office is one of the applications that is used all day. We will take you on a journey doing the next upgrade of Office. How to approach such a migration? Which tools do I use? What are the pitfalls and how to avoid them? Click-To-Run or MSI? How do i involve the end users? May questions and many answers in this session. I did quite some upgrades to Office 2016 and like to share my knowledge and expertise with you. After this session, you will approach your next Office migration much more relaxed.

Deploying Office 2016 in the Enterprise, relax, things could be worse…. en nl

Office is en blijft toch een van de meest gebruikte softwarepakketten, maar hoe implementeren we de laatste versie? Hoe pak je dit aan? Waar loop je technisch tegenaan? Hoe vermijd je de valkuilen? Click-To-Run? Of toch maar MSI? Wat zijn handige tools? En hoe zorgen we ervoor dat mensen het ook snappen en gaan gebruiken? Veel vragen, veel antwoorden in deze sessie. Ik heb een aantal upgrades naar Office 2016 gedaan en deel graag de opgedane kennis en ervaring, zodat jouw eerstvolgende Office upgrade veel relaxter verloopt.

12 security checks every 365 / Entra ID Admin must do to fix the biggest gaps. en

This session shares 12 checks any admin should do to make sure the basic security items are covered. We see that in many organizations obvious settings are not evaluated or checked. This results in unnecessary security vulnerability that we can avoid using my proven checklist. Applies to Entra ID as well as Microsoft 365.

Kan ook in het Nederlands, indien geselecteerd werk ik titel en omschrijving uit in het Nederlands.

Field experience using 365 Data Classification. #ExpertFieldTips en

For most organizations data classification is the next step forward in securing their most important data. Microsoft 365 offers many options to arrange that, but it’s not easy. In this #BulletPointFree session I share my experiences with Data classification, the administration, configuration, user experience. The good, the bad, the ugly. As always visual and bulletpoint free.

Kan ook in het Nederlands, indien geselecteerd werk ik titel en omschrijving uit in het Nederlands.

Be the leader, not a boss!; Inspire IT pro's by creating the perfect atmosphere, en

Fast dynamic session as inspiration for you to approach the modern IT employees (and the hired ones!) in a way that actually works. Be a leader, not a boss, be inspiring, be a shield from the noise, protect and guide your people, but please, don't insist on telling it-pro's HOW have to do their work.... Inspiration, modern management, tips and tricks to keep the people onboard in just 20m and without boring bulletpoints ;-)

Kan ook in het Nederlands, indien geselecteerd werk ik titel en omschrijving uit in het Nederlands.

5 crucial mistakes made in IT-projects (and how to avoid them) en nl

Many IT-projects don't meet expectations, run over budget and time or run forever and a week. I show you 5 things that you can apply to your projects to improve your results. Based on 20 years of experience in IT-Projects.

5 cruciale fouten die gemaakt worden in IT-projecten (en hoe je die kunt voorkomen) en nl

Veel projecten leveren niet wat wordt verwacht, lopen uit tijd en budget, of duren domweg eeuwig. Ik laat je 5 dingen zien die je kunt toepassen op je projecten om de resultaten te verbeteren. Gebaseerd op 20 jaar ervaring met IT-projecten.

4 steps to create an effective presentation that convinces your decisionmaker(s)! en

IT Pro's want to participate in cool innovative projects so they can work with modern concepts and technology and be motivated. But.... even as an IT pro it is highly convenient to know a bit about how managers make decisions. Yow can you effectively use a presentation to get your project approved. You even want your decision makers to be enthusiastic and convinced about why the project needs to be done. In this #BulletPointFree session is share my 20+ years of expertise to help you reach your goals. As always #BulletPointFree & interactive.

Kan ook in het Nederlands, indien geselecteerd werk ik titel en omschrijving uit in het Nederlands.

100% modern cloud management using Intune in real life. #ExpertFieldTips en

Sharing experiences with intune based on real world experience in Hospitals, profit, non profit and on the Carribbean. Expect practical tips, items to avoid and the things Microsoft needs to adress.#BulletPointFree session based on the projects i did since 2020; The year that Intune (in my opinion) became mature and Enterprise Ready.

Kan ook in het Nederlands, indien geselecteerd werk ik titel en omschrijving uit in het Nederlands.

What's new in Active Directory 2025 en

finally Microsoft has put some effort in adding new features to Active Directory. In this session i show you all the relevant new features and how you can use them in your organizaion. Maybe they discovered that AD does not dissapear as soon as they would hope... A new functional level sinds 2016, how nice!

This session contains all he new and relevant features for Active Directory 2025. A new functional level and some true enhancements since 2016!

True Top Tips for Microsoft Teams from the real world. #ExpertFieldTips en

Microsoft Teams took a huge leap, but many organizations are struggeling to truely embed Teams in a good, stable and secure way. It is implemented like fast food in urgency, but now you need a solid healty meal. This #BulletPointFree session is full of tips on Teams, tech, Governance, security etc. based on implementations i did for multiple organizations. I am happy to share all! No marketing, but experience based on implementations in a diversity of organizations.

Kan ook in het Nederlands, indien geselecteerd werk ik titel en omschrijving uit in het Nederlands.

How to deal with legacy Sh.... in your new IT-platform #ExpertFieldTips en

We are moving to modern workspaces fast, but always we have that legacy holding us back, delaying our progress, blocking true continuous innovation. In this #BulletPointFree session i share my solutions of dealing with legacy applications and processes while getting the benefits of a cloud based workplace. No marketing; I share my experiences from actual projects I did for a diversity of organizations.

Kan ook in het Nederlands, indien geselecteerd werk ik titel en omschrijving uit in het Nederlands.

Add simplicity; The most effective key to boost true security. #ExpertFieldTips en

With the adoption of 'anywhere accessible' cloud services, security got a prominent place on the agenda of IT-guys and decision makers. This #BulletPointFree session is about boosting your security using simplicity, common sense and standard building blocks at super low costs.

I saw too many environments have been made so incredibly complex that massive security holes can exist without anybody being aware. Marketing makes people believe they need expensive Pagani’s, while they don’t know how to drive at speed.... I will share my expertise on hardening Microsoft environments where I often use just standard technology to rise security at minimal costs.

Inspire yourself to improve the security of your environment using what you already have and join this session!

Kan ook in het Nederlands, indien geselecteerd werk ik titel en omschrijving uit in het Nederlands.

Revitalize & Harden your on prem Active Directory. #ExpertFieldTips en

Yes, AD is old, but in most organizations Active Directory is still that reliable true core service that (de-)provisions your accounts and groups to Azure AD.

AD often neglected because it 'just works' but today it is more important than ever that your good old AD is running like a charm with hardened security, because hackers became aware of this neglected goldmine.... I worked with AD since 1999 and love to share my expertise. Expect tips on cleaning, maintaining, and most important HARDENING that good old AD now that we still need it.

Kan ook in het Nederlands, indien geselecteerd werk ik titel en omschrijving uit in het Nederlands.

The Ultimate Conditional Access session for watertight security. #ExpertFieldTips en

Conditional Access became popular and offers superb options to secure your environment. But... troube and mistakes ahead if you don't use a structured approach. In this #BulletPointFree session i will share my structured, levelled pproach from a solid CA foundation that everybody should use to the extreme full monty. #BulletPointFree

Kan ook in het Nederlands, indien geselecteerd werk ik titel en omschrijving uit in het Nederlands.

Achieving effective Microsoft 365 adoption that users love #ExpertFieldTips en

So, 365 has been implemented some time ago. But… is it used effectively? Many organizations don’t take full advantage of the technology they pay for. In this #BulletPointFree session I share my expertise and experience of user adoption in many 365 implementations, so you can select the tips you can apply in your organization to boost the usage of Microsoft 365 while reducing user stress and annoyance.

Kan ook in het Nederlands, indien geselecteerd werk ik titel en omschrijving uit in het Nederlands.

Azure AD Domain Services; THE replacement for your on prem AD? en nl

Azure Active Directory Domain is positioned as the cloud version of your old school AD Domain Controllers in premises. Meant to make the transition to the cloud, even if you have those applications that require a traditional AD. In this session I will show you what AAD Domain Services is, what you can do with it, how to implement is and how it works. I will also share my real-world-experience with AAD DS.

Azure AD Domain Services; De vervanging voor je lokale AD? en nl

Azure Active Directory Domain Services wordt gepositioneerd als de cloud versie van je ouwe trouwe Domain Controllers. Bedoeld om ook over te kunnen stappen naar de cloud als je nog allerlei apps hebt die van een traditionele AD afhankelijk zijn. Niet alles werkt immers samen met Azure AD. In deze sessie laat ik zien hoe wat AAD DS is, wat je ermee kan, hoe je het inricht, hoe het werkt en wat mijn praktijkervaringen zijn.

What every IT-Pro must know about PowerPoint. #ExpertPowerTips en

Being able to present is a more and more required skill for the IT-Pro. It’s my mission to prevent ‘death by PowerPoint’ and I am known for delivering only >90% Bullet-point-free sessions. PowerPoint is a very Powerful tool to build a great and visual presentations. However, most people get stuck on typing titles and bullets… I will show you live PowerTips that enable you to achieve much better results at ease. PowerTips for design, animations, Photo’s (and where to get HQ imagery), Video, color, alignment, and some new tricks in the latest PPT release. Inspire yourself to create clear and easy to present slides for your audience and join my #BulletPointFree session. That will make a big difference compared to the default sheets and bulleted text and, most important; It will be a big relief for your audience.

3 ways to convince your management to approve your great new stuff. en nl

You hear great new things at conferences that you want to implement. But, … how do you get approval? And why does the external consultant get things approved more easily? In this #BulletPointFree session Erwin will share his extensive experiences and thoughts as a Sr. architect.

How to close the gap between “business and technique”? How to get my new project approved? This session is not about technology but about the required softskills to enable you do do the tech stuff .

3 manieren om je management te overtuigen (om jouw project goed te keuren) en nl

Je hoort vaak gave nieuwe dingen op een seminar, die wil je dan ook implementeren, maar hoe krijg je nu goedkeuring? En waarom krijgt een externe consultant vaak wel voor elkaar wat me intern niet lukt? In deze sessie deel ik mijn uitgebreide ervaringen. Hoe dichten we het gat tussen 'business en techniek' en hoe overtuig ik mijn management of directie van het nut en de noodzaak? Het gaat niet over techniek, maar biedt praktische inhoud om uiteindelijk toch je techniek te kunnen uitvoeren.

Microsoft 365; 5 implementation failures you must avoid #ExpertFieldTips en nl

Microsoft 365 is often deployed with sub-optimal results. What can you do to make the implementation a success? I show you some common pitfalls that you can avoid. Think ahead, join this #BulletPointFree session and make a success of your 365 implementation.

Kan ook in het Nederlands, indien geselecteerd werk ik titel en omschrijving uit in het Nederlands.

Microsoft 365; 5 implementatievouten die jij moet vermijden! en nl

Microsoft 365 wordt vaak geïmplementeerd met suboptimale resultaten. Wat kun jij doen om de implementatie wel tot een succes te maken? I laat je enkele veel voorkomende valkuilen zien en hoe je die kunt voorkomen. Denk vooruit, kom naar deze sessie en maak een succes van je Microsoft 365 implementatie.

Be a better speaker; 4 steps to create inspiring presentations that engage people en nl

Session on how to design, create and deliver a good presentation. Bullet-Point free, engaging, memorable. In this session is share my knowledge and inspire you to improve. Be part of my mission to kill boring presentations!

Wordt de betere spreker; 4 stappen om inspirerende presentaties te maken die boeien! en nl

Hoe bedenk, maak en geef je een goede presenatie? Zonder bulletpoints, inspirerend, memorabel. In deze sessie geef ik je inspiratie over hoe je dit doet. Maak jezelf onderdeel van mijn missie om slechte presentaties uit te bannen!

European MCT Summit 2024 Sessionize Event

January 2024 Rijswijk, The Netherlands

Workplace Ninja Summit 2023 Sessionize Event

September 2023 Baden, Switzerland

TechMentor @ Microsoft HQ 2023 Sessionize Event

July 2023 Redmond, Washington, United States

Experts Live Netherlands 2023 Sessionize Event

May 2023 's-Hertogenbosch, The Netherlands

TechMentor USA - Orlando

Will be delivering 2 sessions on Teams and Presentation Skills.

November 2022 Orlando, Florida, United States

Experts Live Netherlands 2022 Sessionize Event

September 2022 's-Hertogenbosch, The Netherlands

Experts Live Netherlands

Very popular Dutch event, around 1.000 visitors. 2022 edition was fully sold out. Great vibes as this was one of the first post-COVID in-person events!

September 2022 's-Hertogenbosch, The Netherlands

KNVI - Kennis BBQ

Session specifically for KNVI members. My session was about EndPoint managers, the other sessions covered Azure AD, Indentity Management etc.

September 2022 Rotterdam, The Netherlands

ExpertsLive - Speakertraining

With a co-host we delivered 2 sessions on presentation skills and after that we gave feedback to new speakers presenting. Was an engaging evening aimed at improving the speaker skills of new ExpertsLive speakers.

September 2022 Gorinchem, The Netherlands


June 2020 's-Hertogenbosch, The Netherlands

Live! 360 Orlando 2019 Sessionize Event

November 2019 Orlando, Florida, United States

Live 360 Orlando 2019

This was my US debut as a speaker.
Did 3 sessions which received excellent evals. Great event! Very well organized, good atmosphere, interactive audience.

- How YOU deploy Office ProPlus / 2019 in the Enterprise successfully
- Be a better speaker; How to create presentations that inspire and make people care
- 5 crucial mistakes made in IT-projects (and how to avoid them)

November 2019 Orlando, Florida, United States

WMUG Community event

Small event, boradcasted on YouTube. Did a session about Azure Active Directory Domain Services.

November 2019 Delft, The Netherlands

AppManagEvent 2019

Did a session on Azure Active Directory Domain Services.

October 2019 Utrecht, The Netherlands

KNVI IT-Infra dag

KNVI community Event. Did a session about Azure Active Directory Domain Services.

October 2019 Utrecht, The Netherlands

MCT Summit 2019

Event for Microsoft Certified Trainiers. Dit the following sessions:

- 5 crucial mistakes made in IT-projects (and how to avoid them)
- 4 steps to become a better speaker

September 2019 Vilnius, Lithuania


June 2019

Experts Live NL

Great Dutch event. Did the following session, and was 2nd best speaker and 9th best session overall.

Session: Azure AD Domain Services; De vervanging voor je lokale AD?

June 2019 's-Hertogenbosch, The Netherlands

MCT Global Summit 2018

Did 2 sessions here: PowerTips for PowerPoint and Deploy Office ProPlus to the Enterprise.

October 2018 Köln, Germany

AppManagEvent 2018

Deploy Office ProPlus / 2019 in the Enterprise

October 2018 Utrecht, The Netherlands

KNVI IT-Infra day 2018

Sessions Roast the Cloud and Deployment of Office ProPlus

September 2018 Bunnik, The Netherlands

Experts Live 2018

Sessions about Office 365 adoption and Office ProPlus deployment.

June 2018 Ede, The Netherlands

ITCamp 2018 Sessionize Event

June 2018 Cluj-Napoca, Romania

IT-Camp 2018

Session PowerTips for PowerPoint

June 2018 Cluj-Napoca, Romania

KNVI Jaarcongres

Did 3 sessions here, about choosing the right Datacenter, on Office 365 Adoption, and about preparing for effective presentations.

November 2017 Nieuwegein, The Netherlands

Microsoft TechDays 2017

Gave 2 sessions heren, One about Security, one 'demo-style' about PowerPoint tricks to create better presentations.

October 2017 Amsterdam, The Netherlands

AppManagEvent 2017

Did 2 sessions here in English. One about Office 365 adoption, the other about building a completely new IT-infrastructure for 8.000+ seats in education.

October 2017 Utrecht, The Netherlands

MCT Summit

Did a brand new session here in English for the MCT Fellows, about more advanced presentation skills.

June 2017 Thessaloníki, Greece

IT Camp 2017

Did a session en English about selling technology to your bosses for IT-pro's. Very nice community event with a unique and inspiring atmosphere.

May 2017 Cluj-Napoca, Romania

MS Cloud Summit

Did a session in English about how to convince management to be able to implement your stuff.

January 2017 Paris, France

Experts Live 2016

Did a session about security in Microsoft environments here. Nice event in a cinema, so big and perfect screen for nice visuals guaranteed!

November 2016 Ede, The Netherlands

NGI-NGN Windows As a Service dag

Nice Dutch community event, had about 55 people in my session about choosing the right datacenter.

October 2016 Bunnik, The Netherlands

AppManagEvent 2016

Did an English session about improving security in Microsoft environments here.

October 2016 Utrecht, The Netherlands

Experts Live 2015

Did a session about going to the cloud and the role of the IT-department in that process.

November 2015 Ede, The Netherlands

Experts Live 2015

Did a session about Dynamic Access Control in a Microsoft environment.

November 2015 Ede, The Netherlands

AppManagEvent 2015

Did an English session about selling your IT project to your management, so that you are able to execute and realize it.

October 2015 Utrecht, The Netherlands

NGI-NGN Windows 10 dag

Did a session about a project that just finished. This involved a big migration for 8.000 deskops. In this highly interactive session i shared my experiences with the community.

September 2015 Bunnik, The Netherlands

Microsoft Techdays 2015

Gave 2 sessions on the nice Dutch Microsoft conference.

May 2015 The Hague, The Netherlands

Microsoft TechDays 2015

Did two brand new sessions on this event, one about Sovjet-IT, the other about selling technology to the Management to be able to implement is as an IT-pro.

May 2015 The Hague, The Netherlands

NGI-NGN Cloud Event

Dutch Community event, did a session about cloud adoption by end users and the IT-department.

November 2014 Bunnik, The Netherlands

Microsft Techdays 2014

Dutch Microsoft event. 2 brand new sessions got their premiere here.

April 2014 The Hague, The Netherlands

TechWorld Windows 7 Migration Seminar

My first 'real' event as a public speaker. We did a cool and early Windows 7 x64 migration and this event was abouw sharing the experiences, pitfalls etc. The event presented 3 projects and i ran and presented one of them.

March 2010

Erwin Derksen

#BulletPointFree - On his mission to kill boring presentations.

Nijmegen, The Netherlands


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