
Josh Santiago

Josh Santiago

Leading the way in digital transformation with a commitment to excellence in technology, sales, and leadership

Kansas City, Missouri, United States


Meet Josh Santiago, a strategy leader and technology expert passionate about using technology to drive change. With over a decade of experience in the Microsoft ecosystem, Josh has delivered strategic consulting and sales solutions to industry leaders across the US and Europe. He has served in critical roles in various industries, including telecommunications, automotive, and retail, where he has helped entrepreneurs and senior management drive digital transformation and improve processes. 

As Chief Strategy Officer at Dynamic Consultants Group and former VP of Sales, Josh Santiago leads a team that achieved 61% YoY growth and a 138% increase in direct commercial cloud services revenue. He has also made significant contributions to sustainability, diversity, and inclusion and has served as an instructor and speaker in the technology and consulting space. In addition, Josh played a vital role in the company's European expansion project and the development of new lines of business. Under his leadership, while acting as the VP of Sales and Marketing, the company has established a strong brand presence and a global footprint, with a CAGR of over 5,000% in its online and media presence.

Josh Santiago is a highly sought-after speaker with a global presence, sharing his expertise and vision for the future. With a passion for empowering lives, organizations, and governments, Josh draws on his diverse interests as a retired award-winning photographer, avid reader, investor, and pilot—partner with Josh and Dynamic Consultants Group to drive digital transformation and achieve your goals.

Area of Expertise

  • Business & Management
  • Information & Communications Technology
  • Media & Information
  • Manufacturing & Industrial Materials

Transformative Sales Leadership: Bridging Strategy and Execution

The role of sales leadership has become increasingly complex and pivotal, especially in Microsoft consulting. This session is designed for sales leaders and executives to help navigate the shifting buyer landscape and the complexities of moving upmarket and those who seek innovative ways to boost revenue and drive profits.

Drawing on extensive experience in the field, this session will provide invaluable insights into how leaders can adapt and thrive in a hyper-personalized B2B market. Attendees will explore how emerging technologies like SPEAR, IDEA, and L1/L2 redefine traditional sales processes and strategies and how they can be leveraged to gain a competitive edge.

Key Takeaways:
- Adapting Sales Strategy: Forrester now reports there are 13 decision makers involved in a technology transformation. Learn how to leverage robust frameworks to deliver real EVA from the CFO to the end user.

- Leveraging Technology for Sales Excellence: Explore utilizing technology tools like AI/CoPilot, Dynamics 365 Sales sequences, and ABM platforms to enhance sales performance and client engagement.

- Driving Revenue Growth in a Digital Landscape: Learn proven methods for boosting revenues and profits through strategic sales initiatives, dynamic pricing models, and business value assessments in digital transformations.

- Building and Leading High-Performance Sales Teams: Gain insights into recruiting, training, and motivating sales teams to excel in a Microsoft partner sales environment.

- Navigating the Challenges of Digital Sales Leadership: Address leaders' unique challenges, including managing remote teams and building genuine client relationships while afar.

Join Josh Santiago, former VP of Sales and now CSO @ DCG, to understand how transformative sales leadership can bridge the gap between strategy and execution, driving your organization toward tremendous success in the digital age.

The Evolving Role of the Chief Strategy Officer in a Microsoft Partner Ecosystem

While relatively new yet snowballing in popularity, the Chief Strategy Officer (CSO) role is more critical than ever, particularly within a Microsoft Partner ecosystem. This session is dedicated to exploring this role's dynamic and multifaceted nature, its alignment with the CEO, and the unique challenges and opportunities it presents.

This session will offer an in-depth analysis of how CSOs in Microsoft Partner organizations can navigate the complexities of strategic planning, innovation, and partnership management in an environment continuously transformed by technological advancements and market shifts.

Key Takeaways:
- Strategic Planning in a Dynamic Landscape: Understand the intricacies of strategic planning in a rapid environment, focusing on leveraging business strategies from top consulting firms like McKinsey Digital, Bain Vector, and BCG X with evolving Microsoft technologies and market trends.

- Leading Innovation and Change: Gain insights into leading and managing innovation within your organization to flex a new skill set, including fostering a culture that embraces change and thrives on forward momentum.

- Partnership and Ecosystem Management: Strategies for cultivating strong relationships within the Microsoft Partner ecosystem, leveraging strategic partnerships for mutual growth and enhanced value creation through targeted M&A activities.

- Adapting to Market and Technological Shifts: Learn how to remain agile and responsive to market changes and technological disruptions like Generative AI, ensuring your organization stays ahead in a competitive landscape.

- Balancing Short-Term Needs with Long-Term Goals: Techniques for balancing immediate operational needs (practice development) with long-term strategic goals (Horizon 3 targets), ensuring sustained growth and success.

- Leadership in a Collaborative Environment: Explore the qualities essential for success in a collaborative and networked business environment, particularly within smaller and medium-sized partner firms.

Join Josh Santiago, the CSO @ DCG, in this session to gain a deeper understanding of the evolving role of the CSO in a live partner organization and how to effectively steer your company through the complexities of today's business environment.

Leading Through Change: Executive Strategies in a New Digital-First World

Rapid technological advancements and generational shifts are redefining the business landscape, and understanding how to lead through change is not just an advantage—it's a necessity.

This session is essential for executives who aspire to navigate and harness the dynamic forces of generative AI, Gen Z workforce integration, and innovative hiring methodologies.

This session will dive deep into the latest trends and strategies for effective leadership in a digital-first environment.

We don't just discuss theory; we provide practical insights and real-world examples. You'll gain a comprehensive understanding of how generative AI is transforming business operations, how the emerging Gen Z workforce is reshaping organizational culture and dynamics - and how you can capture a new workforce.

Key Takeaways:
- Navigating Generational Shifts: Gain actionable insights into Gen Z employees' values, motivations, and expectations and learn strategies to integrate and leverage their strengths in your workforce.

- Innovative Hiring Methodologies: Explore new and practical approaches to talent acquisition and retention in the digital age. Understand how to attract top talent and build teams that thrive in a Microsoft landscape.

- Generative AI in Business Strategy: Get a clear perspective on the disruptive power of generative AI. Learn how to incorporate AI-driven insights into decision-making and stay ahead in a rapidly evolving market.

- Adapting Leadership Styles: Adapt your leadership approach to match the pace and nature of digital transformation. Learn how to foster a culture of innovation and agility that aligns with modern business imperatives.

Join Josh Santiago, the Chief Strategy Officer for DCG, in a session filled with insightful discussions on steering your organization successfully through the challenges and opportunities of a digital-first world.

Embracing the Duty to Dissent: How to Foster a Culture of Transparency and Open Feedback

As organizations grow, sometimes, culture gets lost. Rapid innovation and agile decision-making are paramount, but cultivating a workplace culture that embraces transparency and open feedback is not just beneficial—it's imperative.

We explore the transformative power of dissent driven by radical transparency within organizations, particularly emphasizing its role in driving thoughtful and effective decision-making at all levels and how making this change can deliver outsized revenue and profit results and encourage new ideas that keep organizations on the leading edge.

This session delves into how leaders can foster an environment where feedback is welcomed and seen as a vital component of organizational success, no matter a person's role. We will explore practical strategies for building a culture where the duty to dissent is accepted and encouraged to achieve incredible innovation, agility, and alignment with organizational goals.

Key Takeaways:
- Understanding the Duty to Dissent: Unpack the 'Duty to Dissent' concept and its significance in fostering a culture of open communication and continuous improvement, all led by tier 1 consulting firms.

- Strategies for Encouraging Open Feedback: Explore approaches that create safe spaces for honest dialogue and how to encourage team members to share constructive feedback.

- Transforming Feedback into Actionable Insights: Learn how to effectively harness feedback to drive organizational change and innovation, turning dissent into a strategic advantage - this is the key to deriving real value.

- Navigating Challenges in Fostering Open Cultures: Address common challenges and misconceptions about open feedback cultures and provide solutions for overcoming these barriers.

- Measuring the Impact of a Transparent Culture: Discuss methods to assess the effectiveness of transparency and feedback initiatives and their impact on organizational performance and employee engagement.

Join DCG's CSO - Josh Santiago, in this enlightening session to discover how we built an organization of radical transparency and how your organization can benefit from fostering a culture that tolerates and actively embraces the duty to dissent, ultimately leading to more resilient, innovative, and successful business practices.

Decision-Making in Uncertain Times: A Roadmap for Executives

High Inflation, the US Election, and War - How fluctuating economic conditions, looming political uncertainties, and global conflicts make informed decisions more crucial than ever for executives, particularly those within the Microsoft partner network. This session is designed to be an indispensable session addressing leaders' multifaceted challenges.

This session offers a strategic roadmap tailored for executives navigating the complexities of inflation, the impending US election, global conflicts, and the intricacies of operating within Microsoft's expansive partner network. You'll receive expert insights into surviving and thriving in these uncertain times through adaptive decision-making strategies.

Key Takeaways:
- Navigating Economic Uncertainties: Understand how to make strategic decisions amidst inflation and shifting economic tides, ensuring your organization remains resilient and financially robust when sales and delivery cycles may be in flux.

- Political and Global Influences: Gain insights into how the US election and global conflicts can impact the tech industry, buying cycles, client purchasing decisions, and how to prepare for these geopolitical shifts proactively.

- Innovative Hiring Practices: Delve into hiring strategies responsive to the current climate. Learn how to scale appropriately without the need for future layoffs. Dive into how to attract, retain, and nurture talent that can drive your organization forward in these uncertain times.

Cohesive Decision-Making Frameworks: Develop a comprehensive framework for decision-making that accounts for these diverse factors, enabling a balanced and forward-looking approach while preparing for black swan events.

Josh Santiago, Chief Strategy Officer @ DCG, will dissect these complex scenarios, offering executives a clear, actionable roadmap for decision-making in uncertain times. This session promises to equip you with the knowledge and tools to guide your organization through today's global and economic challenges.

Building AI Resilient Organizations: Strategies on How to Navigate Generative AI in Consulting

As the wave of generative AI reshapes the consulting landscape, particularly in the realm of Microsoft Co-Pilot, this session emerges as a pivotal topic for executives and strategists. This session delves into AI's multifaceted challenges and opportunities in consulting, focusing on workforce preparation, responsible AI development, policy formulation, and labor market transformation.

Attendees will gain critical insights into the proactive measures necessary for creating AI-resilient, not resistant, organizations.

Our discussion will not only address the technical aspects of integrating AI. Still, it will also emphasize the human element, ensuring your workforce is AI-ready and AI-empowered.

Key Takeaways:
- Workforce Preparation for AI: Strategies for upskilling and reskilling employees to thrive alongside AI, especially for pre-sales, client operations, and architecture.

- Building Responsible AI Systems: Insights into ethical AI development, focusing on responsible use guidelines, transparency, and accountability within AI systems.

- Formulating Effective AI Policies: Guidance on developing robust AI policies that align with organizational goals and ethical standards, ensuring responsible and strategic AI adoption.

- Empowering Employees in an AI-Driven Environment: Techniques to empower your workforce, fostering a culture that embraces AI as a tool for enhancement rather than a threat to job security.

- AI's Impact on the Labor Market: Analysis of how generative AI transforms the consulting labor market, altering the coding and thought work landscape.

- Navigating the AI Transition: Best practices for smoothly transitioning into an AI-enhanced consulting paradigm, ensuring business continuity and competitive advantage.

Join Josh Santiago - Chief Strategy Officer @ DCG, for an enlightening session where we unpack the complexities of integrating AI into the professional services world, providing you with the strategies to build a forward-thinking, AI-resilient organization.

Disrupting the Status Quo: Implement ERP In A Radical Way

Disrupting the Status Quo: A Radical Approach to ERP Implementation" - Are you tired of the same old ERP implementation methods that yield subpar results? Then stop letting the system implementors and your IT department run the show. It's time to disrupt the status quo and rethink the way we approach ERP projects. This session will challenge traditional ERP implementation strategies and show you how to harness the power of data surveillance, business performance, and automation to drive business processes and make informed decisions. We'll reveal the pitfalls of letting the IT department or system implementors run the show and provide real world scenarios for you how to get key stakeholders on board to achieve better outcomes. Join us for a bold and thought-provoking discussion on how to take your ERP implementation to the next level and achieve real business success.

Josh Santiago

Leading the way in digital transformation with a commitment to excellence in technology, sales, and leadership

Kansas City, Missouri, United States


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