Michael Richardson
Engineering Manager at Kroger Digital | Developer Community Organizer
Cincinnati, Ohio, United States
Michael Richardson is a software developer, conference speaker, developer community organizer, and outdoor enthusiast. Michael has written software in JavaScript, Java, Kotlin, C#, SQL, Cypher, and even VB.NET. He particularly enjoys mentoring junior developers, clearing roadblocks, and finding common ground. As an engineering manager at Kroger, Michael helps deliver Kroger's unified API platform, creating value for Kroger developers, partners, and customers. He helps to organize the Momentum Developer Conference, the Cincinnati Software Craftsmanship meetup, and the HackCincy hackathon.
Area of Expertise
Remix: Is it worth the hype?
Remix is a hot new web framework from the team that created React Router. It's gotten a lot of attention lately in association with some bold claims like shipping less JavaScript to the client and embracing the foundational principles of the web. Does Remix actually help us build real, useful apps more easily or is it just another web framework flash in the pan?
Want to try public speaking? You totally should! Here's how.
Yes, public speaking can be incredibly intimidating. Yes, it takes a tremendous amount of work to prepare a great talk. But most importantly: it is absolutely worth it.
Public speaking can have incredible benefits for both learning and career opportunities. It is also a fantastic way to give back to the community.
While public speaking offers unique challenges for each speaker, many speakers encounter the same difficulties in the beginning.
I'll cover tips on how to get started, how to submit a talk to a conference, how to prepare a talk, and how to encourage others to speak!
As a speaker, organizer, attendee, and mentor, I can offer my experience with this topic from a variety of perspectives. I can provide insight on the speaker selection process and advice on how to impress the selection committee.
I've helped and encouraged a variety of developers, both new and experienced, to begin their journey into public speaking. I've mentored them through the creation of topics, abstracts, and presentations.
The Lie (and Truth!) of Plain Text
It's the developer's canvas. The foundation upon which we build the overwhelming majority of modern technology.
I refer to the wonder that we call "plain text". Plain text is everywhere. It is both delightfully simple and drastically more complex than we typically recognize!
As we journey through a world of characters, encodings, bytes, and markup languages we'll discover how plain text shapes our work and how we adapt plain text to our purposes. We'll talk about the rough edges that can cause us pain and how we can solve these challenges!
I've studied Unicode, encodings, markup languages, and storage solutions. I've used these learnings to debug and solve real problems! I want to help others do the same.
It's NOT Magic! - SEO for Developers
You built a great website. Now how do you help people find it?
Search engines like Google and Bing are an essential source of traffic for any public website. Search engine optimization (SEO) can make the difference between floating to the top and disappearing into the noise.
Contrary to popular belief, SEO is not a dark art, a hidden secret, or a fool's errand. The methods for implementing SEO improvements are straightforward and clearly defined. In this session you will learn about sitemaps, structured data, URL best practices, robots.txt, metadata, headings, Search Console, and more! No marketing degree required. 😉
The target audience is web developers building public-facing websites. The principles are applicable to developers of almost any experience level.
Yarn Berry: a next generation package manager
The recently released Yarn Berry (aka Yarn 2) brings a host of great new features for JavaScript developers. The slick new CLI, more readable output, clear errors, and significant enhancements to workspaces make Yarn Berry a solid upgrade from the already impressive Yarn 1. But with an incredible feature called Plug-n-Play (PnP), Yarn Berry takes a massive leap ahead.
Have you ever thought "I really love dealing with this ginormous node_modules folder." No, and no one else has either! With Yarn Berry and PnP you can forever be free of node_modules. PnP dispenses with the node_modules folder entirely and creates an opportunity for perfect module resolution, faster startup, and instant package installs. Imagine cloning a node app and running it immediately, no lengthy install step required. With PnP and Yarn Berry, this dream is a reality.
Come away with an overview of all the new features and the knowledge you need to migrate your app to Yarn Berry.
Delivered at Code PaLOUsa, UtahJS, KCDC, NDC Oslo, and CodeMash
Target audience is any developers using packages in JavaScript.
CodeMash 2024 Sessionize Event
CodeMash 2023 Sessionize Event
Code PaLOUsa 2022 Sessionize Event
KCDC 2022 Sessionize Event
NDC Copenhagen 2022 Sessionize Event
Stir Trek 2022 Sessionize Event
CodeMash 2022 Sessionize Event
NDC Oslo 2021 Sessionize Event
KCDC 2021 Sessionize Event
Code PaLOUsa 2021 Sessionize Event
Code PaLOUsa 2020 Sessionize Event
JavaScript and Friends Conference Sessionize Event
Code PaLOUsa 2019 Sessionize Event
Put Some FP in Your OOP
Michael Richardson
Engineering Manager at Kroger Digital | Developer Community Organizer
Cincinnati, Ohio, United States
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