
Alexander Hannighofer

Alexander Hannighofer

Novatec Consulting GmbH

Hannover, Germany


With more than 13 years of intensive experience in the field of project management, Alexander has established himself as a competent managing consultant. His passion and expertise lie primarily in agility and the promotion of dynamic corporate structures. As an active Agile Coach, Scrum Master and Scrum Trainer, he brings a wealth of experience to the world of agile transformations.

His success and extensive knowledge have been shaped by numerous projects in various industries and companies of different sizes. Alexander stands out not only for his extensive technical expertise, but also for his ability to communicate complex concepts in an understandable way and to inspire people to explore new ways of collaborating and thinking.

As a speaker, Alexander is known for his lively and interactive presentation style. His presentations not only offer valuable insights into the world of agile methods, but also motivate listeners to successfully implement the principles and practices of agility in their own work contexts.

Alexander embodies a commitment to continuous improvement and is committed to helping organizations develop flexible and responsive structures. Its goal is to help companies adapt to the constant changes in the modern business environment and operate successfully.

Area of Expertise

  • Business & Management
  • Information & Communications Technology
  • Transports & Logistics
  • Consumer Goods & Services


  • Agile Leadership
  • Scaled Agile
  • Scaling Agile and DevOps
  • Agile Mindset
  • Agile and Culture
  • Agile Coaching
  • Scrum Master
  • Product Owner
  • agile
  • Scrum
  • Kanban
  • Nexus Framework
  • LeSS
  • Design Thinking
  • Cargo Cult

So erhöhst du spielerisch den Reifegrad in selbstorganisierten Teams!

Kennst du das auch: Die agile Transformation wurde durchgeführt, die Teams arbeiten scheinbar nach Scrum Guide, doch der gewünschte Erfolg will sich nicht einstellen. Die Themen gelangen immer noch wasserfallartig in die Teams und während des Sprints arbeitet jeder für sich.

Wir präsentieren dir eine reale Fallstudie, in der wir Metalog Spiele erfolgreich eingesetzt haben, um die Produktivität durch stärkere Kollaboration zu steigern.
Anhand von konkreten KPIs stellen wir in einem Vorher-Nachher Vergleich dar, wie sich der Outcome nach Einsatz der Spiele in mehreren Teams nachhaltig verbessert hat.
In dieser interaktiven Session werdet ihr selbst die Gelegenheit bekommen 3 dieser Spiele zu spielen. Nach jedem Spiel werden wir gemeinsam in einer Mini-Retro die Verbesserungspotentiale der Zusammenarbeit identifizieren. Den Praxisbezug stellen die Speaker mit den Erfahrungen aus der Fallstudie her.

Am Ende der Session nimmst du konkrete Ansätze mit, die du mit deinen Teams anwenden kannst.

Codeless Horizons: AI-Powered Agile and the Future of Software Development in a Decade

Embark on a captivating journey through time to the year 2033, where the landscapes of software development, communication, and product innovation have undergone a transformative revolution. Join us for a unique session that combines speculative futurism with practical insights into the potential evolution of AI-driven agile methodologies, offering a glimpse into the code-less horizons that await us.

Through our imaginary time machine, we'll venture into a future where the convergence of artificial intelligence and agile methodologies has reshaped the very fabric of software development. Witness firsthand the ways in which teams collaborate, communicate, and innovate in this era of technological advancement.

In this immersive experience, we'll explore how AI-driven tools and advancements have transformed the software development process, making it more intuitive, streamlined, and accessible. Step into a world where coding has become less central, and the focus has shifted towards leveraging AI to automate routine tasks, generate code snippets, and empower a broader spectrum of individuals to contribute to software creation.

Furthermore, this session will provide insights into the futuristic workflows, communication methods, and collaborative frameworks utilized by teams in 2033. From enhanced virtual reality-powered brainstorming sessions to AI-driven project management systems, discover the cutting-edge technologies that are shaping the future of software development.

Be part of this imaginative expedition as we envision and discuss the potential scenarios, opportunities, and ethical considerations that come with the integration of AI, agile methodologies, and a code-less approach to software development in the coming decade.

Join us for an engaging session where imagination meets innovation, and let's explore the possibilities of the AI-powered agile future in the ever-evolving landscape of software development.

The top 8 cardinal errors of agile scaling and which ones you are already using

Agile scaling is an essential approach for organisations with multiple teams to promote flexibility, collaboration and efficiency. Despite its prominence and widespread use, many organisations face a variety of challenges and failures in implementing this concept.

This talk is dedicated to the top 8 cardinal errors that can occur in agile scaling environments and their potential impact on organisations. These mistakes are often made unnoticed and can significantly impact the effectiveness of agile scaling.

Based on extensive analysis and practical experience, these errors are explained in detail. They cover a range of problems, from inadequate adaptation of agile frameworks such as SAFe, LeSS or Nexus to difficulties in implementing agile principles at the enterprise level.

The lecture offers concrete insights into the nature and origin of these errors and presents effective solutions to recognise, avoid and overcome them. Each mistake is analysed in detail and supplemented with practical advice to help organisations avoid or correct these mistakes in agile scaling.

In addition, the presentation highlights the potential impact of these errors on teams, processes and ultimately on company success. It provides a perspective on best practices and recommendations for professionals and executives to address these challenges and achieve smoother, more effective agile scaling.

The presentation is enriched with real case studies and practical examples to give participants a deeper understanding of the underlying issues. This talk is aimed at managers, agile coaches, scrum masters and anyone interested in successfully scaling agile practices.

"Mom, your leadership is bad": Modern leadership methods vs. upbringing

It's an all-too-familiar reality in the world of management: some employees don't seem to listen, don't express opinions, don't seem interested, or even get involved in conflicts. As a leader, you sometimes feel frustrated and ineffective. Conflicts are resolved, only to find ten new ones emerge. Workshops and the involvement of the HR department create short-term peace of mind, but not long-term success.

Our interactive workshop offers a new perspective on this dilemma. Together we will develop dos and don'ts for leaders to manage these challenging dynamics. We will humorously explore the differences and similarities between parents and leaders to understand how these roles sometimes overlap. Modern leadership principles are brought to life through playful activities in order to convey a new approach to leadership.

This workshop invites managers to question traditional approaches and acquire new tools to better deal with the challenges of employee leadership. It provides space for reflection and the acquisition of practical skills to create a more productive and positive work environment.

Debunking Cargo Cult Management: Illusions and Realities in Modern Organizations

Despite intensive use of agile practices and numerous workshops on the agile mindset, the long-term results hoped for often do not materialise. The reason for this could lie in a widespread phenomenon that affects many organisations unnoticed: cargo cult management. Even experienced coaches, product owners and Scrum Masters often unknowingly fall into this trap.
Our interactive presentation highlights the presence of cargo cult management in comparison to actual agility and its impact on corporate culture. We show why this deception arises, how it influences organisational dynamics and why sustainable results are lacking.
By revealing real-world case studies and incisive analysis, the aim is to create a deeper understanding of the differences between superficial adaptation and actual transformation. Concrete approaches and courses of action are shown as to how organisations can overcome the challenges of cargo cult management and establish an authentic, more agile culture.
In this exciting discussion, learn more about the meaning of the cargo cult, its origins and how it can be recognised and overcome in a corporate context.
Dive in to gain new perspectives and explore practical solutions to enable true agile transformation.
This talk is for leaders, change agents and anyone interested in exploring the truth behind perceived progress in organisations and finding transformative ways to create true agility.

Alexander Hannighofer

Novatec Consulting GmbH

Hannover, Germany


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