
Daniele Fontani

Daniele Fontani

CTO building a better tomorrow

Arezzo, Italy


I'm CTO @Sintraconsulting and I worked as Senior Developer, Team Leader and architect in a very large set of enterprise projects. I had a master's degree in Robotic science and another master's degree in project management. My experience in technology extends on many technologies (java, PHP, .net) and platforms (Sharepoint, Liferay, Pimcore) other than techniques (Agile, DevOps, ALM). I’m also interested in Agile techniques, project management, and product development.

**The opensource experience**
My second life is about opensource. I started in 2006 with an IDE for CSS, and I founded a group of opensource developers called "arduosoft", because make opensource software in the spare time was arduous.
During the last 13 years, I created many opensource projects, most of them failed. This is a very big experience and teaches me how to start an opensource project and avoid it will fail. Nowadays you can find on my personal GitHub account (https://github.com/zeppaman/) or into the Arduosoft organization account (https://github.com/arduosoft).

**My experience as speaker**
I'm writing about cloud transformation on most important Medium publications (The Startup, Better programming, Towards Data Science) and my profile is https://medium.com/@daniele.fontani

I write on the Codeproject community for 13 years and I’m now a member of the author’s group ( https://www.codeproject.com/Members/sir-zeppaman).
I’m one administrator of the meetup group TechItalia Tuscany that has the goal to link professionals and creates a network through technical meetings https://www.meetup.com/it-IT/TechItaliaTuscany/

I speak publically once a month. I have spoken physically or virtually in many countries (Uk, Jamaica, Italy, Belarus) about DevOps, opensource, and cloud transformation.

You can invite me to your event by filling this form


Area of Expertise

  • Information & Communications Technology


  • OpenSource
  • devops
  • .NET
  • Digital Transformation
  • PHP
  • headless cms
  • Pimcore
  • PIM

Frontend unchained: how to develop your APIs without a backend

Working with moder SPA technologies let frontentend developers to focus on a single technology and being the master of it. But what about implementing a full working application?

In this talk, we will see how each frontend developer can setup a backend application in minutes and, without installing or adopting any paid tool, we will discover how to implement a custom backend and make our frontend SPA a fully working application.

The solution we present is based on Crudy, a small and portable low-code library written for nodejs that’s compatible with Vercel and many cloud solutions. We will show how to configure it in a few minutes and deploy it for free in the cloud forgetting about hosting and costs.

CrudIt: an opensource framework that makes developers autonomous

How often, as developers, have we had an idea for a new application that could make us billionaires? We often abandon it as we understand that we need too many competencies to implement it. In fact, even for a small SaaS application, we would need to know about frontend, backend, cloud and all that skills are too much for a single person.
In this talk, we will show how it’s possible to overcome all that limitations using free cloud services for implementing a low code backend and a SPA frontend.

Change the scripting experience with opensource

In this talk, I will introduce the Opensource project Bashy, a repository for bash scripts that enable bash users to create and reuse scripts like modern scripting frameworks as Go,Node.js does.

After a brief showcase to explain why this tool is useful and how it can save hundreds of hours for developers, I will explain how it works internally and how the last Go language best practices were put in place to implement it.

From WPF to MAUI: a porting of a web server based GUI

In this talk, we will present the real use case of porting a WPF Windows application to MAUI.

The project we present is the open-source app manager called JSOS (https://github.com/zeppaman/jSOS).

JSOS is a tool for creating apps and overcome classical browser limitations. The initial version of JSOS was written in pure WPF with framework 3.1, but now MAUI is there and we decided to take all the advantages of MAUI!

We will see all the compatibility issues and the steps for update the project and this will lead to the best practices for converting projects to MAUI.

DevOps Trends

Ten years and more passed since Patrick Debois coined the term DevOps, in 2009. In the IT world, nothing is definitive. All the technologies and techniques continue to evolve following an innovation trend that we cannot stop. We cannot merely say: “I’m tired of changing; please give me a rest.” The only option is to be ready for the change. In DevOps, there is a significant change because of the rise of the cloud and the market, always more demanding. The DevOps philosophy was adopted by most companies and bring essential improvements to quality and cost-saving. Anyway, the DevOps scenario is continuously evolving and adapting to the new market requirements. In this speech, we will analyze the new frontiers of DevOps and what to know to keep up with the times. Let’s see in this article what are the latest trends to follow. Even a lot of things have already been written; we need to evolve our competencies to be aligned with the trends. Most essential keywords in this change are:

- Cloud
- Automation
- Assembly Pipeline
- NoOps
- Most of them converge to the same goal: use the technologies to improve the quality process.

This speech can be done as a light keynote (about 10-15m) or as a full talk (45-60m).

The video of a demo is available here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hy_qlfn2bu8&t=19s , the contents are summarized here https://towardsdatascience.com/devops-trends-8ccbed85e7af?source=friends_link&sk=cf29ce7ddd6ee30fef82a99aa98ac6b4.

From Opensource to Openmind

As an active open-source developer since 2006, I can advise about the opportunity of using an open-source approach to get the best for your business and let your company grow.

Open source is more of a philosophy than a thing you can buy. This philosophy is sustainable and has a win-win approach.

For developers, it’s a good habit that can increase professionalism and produces values for the developer and the community. For a company, it helps to be visible and share your products, thereby increasing profits. That’s why all of the big players moved into it. As a company, you still have time to start in the open-source game and be distinctive thanks to your open-source activity. Don’t wait too much longer, though.

The speech is articulated in these sections:

1) introduction about my personal journey to opensource. This is important to create a rapport with the attendees and create trust in the speaker.

2) what stop opensource to enter the companies until now a complete overview of the issues that prevent the opensource philosophy adoption in companies (patents, intellectual property, etc..)

3) benefits we are loosing in this section I will explain the opportunities and the opportunity revenue of opensource

4) conclusion in this section will be presented a solution to harmonize pro and cons of opensource to create a profitable business model in enterprises that bring benefits to business and to the community

The speech is about 30 minutes.

You can read an abstract of the speech on this article: - https://medium.com/better-programming/from-open-source-to-openmind-cb61ce05593a?source=friends_link&sk=adea560401b2d9def00c87d4cd86e4b1

A demo pitch of the speech is here: - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hn2Wpkz6SJE&t=22s - https://speakerdeck.com/zeppaman/from-open-source-to-open-mind

Learn AspNet.Core best practices building an Opensource Headless CMS

The speech stands on opensource software development, using RawCMS, an asp.net core headless CMS as a case history to explain how to build an opensource software from scratch. During the speech, I will introduce the architecture and the issues we found, explain how to solve in projects every day.

Raw cms is an opensource headless CMS in asp.net. Complete this project was a challenge due to the hard requirements. During the speech, I will introduce the architecture and the issues we found, explain how to solve them, and how to use such knowledge in projects every day. By the technical part, what is behind this project is the best setup for all asp.net core projects keeping in mind modern requirements. Keeping the RawCms experience in the background, during the speech will be presented a best-practice architecture, covering:

- Authentication (Oauth2 with the build-in server or federated via introspection)
- Interaction between SQL and NO SQL database
- Plugin system in C#
- Hooking system
- AOP and code automatization
- Docker integration
- Devops for the stack with low effort

You can find a demo here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D2qxBEqfy1Q&t=7s

The slides: https://speakerdeck.com/zeppaman/learning-asp-dot-net-core-best-practices-with-an-opensource-project

NoSQL or not NOSQL?

This speech make an overview of NoSQL technology and compares to the RDBMS using benchmark ad use case

This presentation was done at Tech Italia big data event and the work is published on Codeproject winning the first monthly prize. The speech explain how NoSQL works focusing on NoSQL families and performance. During the talks, I explain also what is the good approach to introducing NoSQL in a team and how to get the best from each solution. All results came from a set of the benchmark used to compare performance.
You can find the summary of the talk here https://www.codeproject.com/Articles/1158951/NoSQL-or-not-NoSQL.

The long version of the speech (benchmark explanation, interactive part,etc..) is 30 minutes, the short version is a lighting talk of about 10 minutes.

Go headleass with the head

Headless CMS spread in the last years and has established itself as a synonym of performance, maintainability, and power. What are the difference and advantages compared with decoupled CMSs? Are they the solution or just a buzzword?

The good news is that, with Pimcore, you can implement websites and e-commerce in both ways, natively, without any additional effort.

In this talk, we will discover the advantages and limitations of these technologies compared with traditional CMSs from a theoretical and practical point of view.

We will have a live coding session for implementing the same website headless and detached for touching the differences.

The session will use open-source tools (Pimcore, Gatsby, Docker) and a few lines of code in Javascript, PHP, and HTML.

AppOps the next level of DevOps

In this talk, I will show how to dominate the Kubernetes complexity by using the right tools and obtaining a NoOps configuration that makes it possible to focus on app development rather than infrastructure management. The talk will start from a theoretical point of view and will show a real-world example.

Cloud With Chris Sessionize Event

December 2023

1nn0va After Hour FY22 Sessionize Event

August 2022

.NET Zurich User Group User group Sessionize Event

February 2022

.NET Developer Conference '21 Sessionize Event

November 2021 Köln, Germany

DevOpsDays Bogotà

November 2021 Bogotá, Colombia

.NET user group Rome - DevOps trends

November 2021 Rome, Italy

Pimcore inspire

November 2021 Salzburg, Austria

Automation + DevOps Summit Sessionize Event

November 2021 Nashville, Tennessee, United States

Azure Community Conference 2021 Sessionize Event

October 2021

droidcon Berlin 2021 Sessionize Event

October 2021 Berlin, Germany

XamExpertDay presents .NET MAUI 2021 Sessionize Event

October 2021

Interview: NoOps discussion with Daniele Fontani

August 2021 San Francisco, California, United States

Web Marketing Festival

June 2021 Rimini, Italy

spainCloudS Summit

May 2021 Madrid, Spain

Global Azure Virtual 2021 Sessionize Event

April 2021

Global Azure Norway Sessionize Event

April 2021

Rome .NET Conference 2020 Sessionize Event

December 2020

Daniele Fontani

CTO building a better tomorrow

Arezzo, Italy


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