
Eddie Wassef

Eddie Wassef

Husband, Father, Architect, Developer and Founder

Dallas, Texas, United States


Eddie’s career has migrated from embedded systems to enterprise software development and to architecture. Though he focuses on modernization, standardization, and cloud migrations — he’s still a geek. He enjoys tinkering, coding, and participating in as many CNCF projects as possible. Eddie is also a dedicated family man, loves the outdoors and the Gulf Coast of Texas, and humbly brags about his sous vide and BBQ skills.

Area of Expertise

  • Information & Communications Technology


  • Kubernetes
  • Kubernetes Security
  • enterprise kubernetes
  • kubernetes autoscaling
  • Cloud Native & Kubernetes
  • Compliant Kubernetes
  • Kubernetes Operators
  • Platform Engineering
  • DevOps

Platform Engineering: The Bedrock of Modern Development

In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, the rise of platform engineering marks a revolutionary shift from the siloed practices of yesteryear to the integrated, collaborative approaches that define modern development. This session, "Platform Engineering: The Bedrock of Modern Development," invites you on a journey from the segmented workflows of traditional IT to the seamless, automated processes that today's innovators rely on.

Join Us:
This session is designed for CTOs, software engineers, system architects, and anyone interested in understanding the pivotal role of platform engineering in modern software development. Whether you're looking to implement platform engineering principles in your organization or want to learn about the latest trends in technology, this talk will provide valuable insights and actionable strategies.

Prepare to be inspired, informed, and ready to embark on your platform engineering journey.

Unleashing Potential with Platform Engineering

Dive into the dynamic world of platform engineering in this insightful session. Discover its evolution from traditional IT to a cornerstone in modern digital enterprises. We'll explore its defining elements, contrast with conventional software development, and highlight how it fosters innovation and agility.

Key Takeaways:

Understanding Platform Engineering: Grasp its fundamentals and architectural significance.
Evolutionary Journey: Trace its historical development and technological milestones.
Strategic Benefits: Learn how it drives efficiency, cuts costs, and accelerates product launches.
Real-World Applications: Gain insights from practical examples and case studies.
Future Trends: Prepare for the next wave in platform engineering.
Ideal for CTOs, system architects, and software engineers, this talk will deepen your understanding of platform engineering and demonstrate its transformative impact in the tech world. Join us to lead the change in your organization.

Statefulsets on Kubernetes: The Guardians of Your Data Galaxy

In a world where data rules the universe, the power of Kubernetes comes to the rescue! Join us in this thrilling technical talk as we embark on a cosmic journey to explore how statefulsets enable applications, like databases, to thrive on Kubernetes's volatile, cloud-native platform.
Like the Guardians of the Galaxy, statefulsets safeguard your precious data from shifting infrastructure and keep your applications fault-tolerant. Discover the secrets of leveraging persistent volumes, allowing your databases to transcend the limits of mere pods and scale up or down effortlessly.
But that's not all! Prepare to be amazed as we unveil the cosmic truth: databases can be microservices too! Witness how they seamlessly integrate into the Kubernetes ecosystem, utilizing the same infrastructure for monitoring and scaling as any other service in your data galaxy.
So join us! This electrifying talk will equip you with the knowledge to conquer any data challenge in the vast expanse of Kubernetes.

From Insanity to Ingenuity: Seven Practical Tips for Navigating the AI Storm in DBaaS Evolution

As AI & ML workloads on Kubernetes surge, we’re already seeing the impact AI has on revolutionizing DBaaS. LLMs can improve data quality and accuracy and enhance the AI model-building experience. Business and research innovations are increasingly driven by AI-infused storage management and analytics algorithms. It’s all happening fast. Five veterans representing innovative creators and end users of the modern, cloud native data stack will look at the disruptive trends driving how we think about performance, cost, and capability of DBaaS, and what will change in how developers work with databases. They unveil how AI-powered innovations and cloud native open source projects are driving these changes and will look at new data architectures, uses of AI in vector search, and how AI can help database tuning and query optimization. Come hear first hand accounts of what works and what's still a work in progress. Buckle up for an extraordinary journey into the evolving world of DBaaS.

Empowering Teams to Excel: Navigating the Galaxy of Tools to Forge 10x Developer Platforms in Platfo

In an era where technology evolves at lightning speed, the art of building an internal developer platform becomes crucial in harnessing the collective potential of a team. This talk delves into the dynamic world of platform engineering, guiding you through the expansive universe of tools and products available. Our journey will explore strategically selecting and integrating these diverse technologies to construct a state-of-the-art internal developer platform.

We will uncover the secrets of empowering developer teams and transforming them into 10x performers by providing an environment fostering innovation, efficiency, and collaboration. The talk will highlight case studies from leading organizations that have successfully navigated this path, revealing insights into their decision-making processes, challenges faced, and innovative solutions implemented.

Mad world – creating a new stateful world with Kubernetes

You should never run stateful systems on Kubernetes. Or should you? Kubernetes has come a long way since its inception as the way to orchestrate modern stateless applications. In this episode, Vinay and Eddie take a trip through its journey toward increasing adoption in stateful workloads.

Like the technology, their discussion is wide ranging and covers topics from how its continued development and changes in software development and operations thinking have supported this, how application, environmental, and organizational considerations should guide your decision to implement it, and more.

If you’re looking to get the ins and outs of Kubernetes and stateful workloads today, and where it is going. This is your episode.


What is Cloud Native? Hear Eddie Wassef at KUBECON

🚀New to Cloud Native? Hear Eddie Wassef, VP & Chief Architect at Vonage, talking about cloud native at KUBECON. He's an active cloud native enthusiast who shares what he loves about the cloud native space and how he got involved in the open source community!

This video is motivation for career changers, college students, and anyone interested in learning about Cloud Native and want to get involved!

🌐☁️Cloud Native is all about designing and deploying applications for the cloud with a focus on flexibility, scalability, and automation. But what does that actually mean? Join us as we demystify Cloud Native and show you how it's changing the game in cloud computing.

🎯We'll use plain language and real-world examples to help you grasp the core principles of Cloud Native. Whether you're a tech novice or just starting to explore the cloud, this video will give you a clear understanding of what Cloud Native is all about.


Dropping SBOMs: the four-letter word that your company (even HR) considers “safe for work”

An executive order and an EU directive have put cybersecurity and vulnerability management on the highest pedestal. Is this the end of cloud native and open source software in Enterprises, or is it actually “Turtles all the way down”? Meaning, can enterprises truly secure cloud native, fast-moving technology using other cloud native, fast-moving technologies? Regulations are coming quickly, and it's time to act fast. A US government executive order used the term SBOM! The EU is preparing the NIS2 directive with hefty fines for not disclosing vulnerabilities on time. But what are the right tools to get ahead of these regulations? How can companies produce SBOMs? When should they use GUAC, SLSA, or CNBs? AND WHAT DO ALL THESE ACRONYMS MEAN?? Join us to hear real-world stories about how to get ready for these regulations, build the best foundation within departments in all kinds of enterprises so they can feel comfortable and secure adopting new cloud native and open source technologies.

Available for your session

The Magic Elixir for Your Microservices Woes and the fountain of youth for your legacy services

Bridging the gap between your old legacy code and new, cloud-native microservices-based systems is a delicate art fraught with difficulties and challenges.
See how Vonage was able to bridge this gap using Dapr and improve the scalability, security, and reliability of its systems in the process. In this session, we’ll show how injecting Dapr’s cross-cutting features like resiliency, mutual authentication, access control, and middleware authentication can help make existing and new systems more secure and reliable. Dapr’s APIs are great for starting new projects, and many often wonder how Dapr works for existing code. We’ll show you how to breathe life into your existing portfolio of applications with automatic retries, certificate rollouts, observability, and other features that can easily be integrated into an internal developer platform or consumed directly by your organization's developers.

Available for your session

Civo Navigate Local - Tampa 2024 Sessionize Event

April 2024 Tampa, Florida, United States

KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe 2024 Sessionize Event

March 2024 Paris, France

Civo Navigate North America 2024 - Austin, TX Sessionize Event

February 2024 Austin, Texas, United States

CNCF-hosted Co-located Events North America 2023 Sessionize Event

November 2023 Chicago, Illinois, United States

Eddie Wassef

Husband, Father, Architect, Developer and Founder

Dallas, Texas, United States


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