Erik de Bos
Agile Leader at Scrum Professionals
Flow Master
Flow Master bij Scrum Professionals
Amersfoort, The Netherlands
I started life as an ecologist, but found better employment opportunities as a programmer… and soon started wondering why work often is so painful. Until I discovered Agile.
For me, Agile is the next step in the evolution of how we organise ourselves and how we embrace learning. With Agile we are catalysing major social change starting at the one place where we spend most of our time - our work.
I am an Agile Leader, Scrum Master, Agile Coach, writer, speaker and editor. I work at Scrum Facilitators, where we are committed to contributing to this social change by helping everyone to understand and adopt Agile.
Comencé mi vida como ecologista, pero encontré mejores oportunidades laborales como programador... y pronto comencé a preguntarme por qué el trabajo es a menudo tan doloroso. Hasta que descubrí Ágil.
Para mí, Ágil es el siguiente paso en nuestra evolución social. Con el movimiento Ágil estamos catalizando un cambio social importante comenzando en el lugar donde pasamos la mayor parte de nuestro tiempo: nuestro trabajo.
Soy Flow Master, escritor, orador y editor. Trabajo donde Scrum Professionals, donde estamos comprometidos a contribuir a este cambio social ayudando a todos a comprender y adoptar Ágil.
Ik begon mijn leven als ecoloog, maar vond betere kansen op werk als programmeur… en begon me al snel af te vragen waarom werken vaak zo pijnlijk is. Tot ik Agile ontdekte.
Voor mij is Agile de volgende stap in onze sociale evolutie. Met Agile zijn we grote sociale veranderingen aan het katalyseren, beginnend op de plek waar we het grootste deel van onze tijd doorbrengen: ons werk.
Ik ben Flow Master, schrijver, spreker en redacteur. Ik werk bij Scrum Professionals, waar we ons inzetten om bij te dragen aan deze sociale verandering door iedereen te helpen Agile te begrijpen en te adopteren.
Area of Expertise
How to measure Business Value - a pragmatic approach to metrics in a complex environment
With Agile the focus is always on Value, but how to measure it? Simple metrics like lead time and the like are easy to measure but unreliable approximations, so instead we turn to more and more complex metrics like NPS, but are these truly more effective?
In this talk we will discuss the huge caveat when using empiricism that nobody seems to notice. We will explore the consequences it has and how being aware of it makes us better at measuring stuff, the right way.
I will show how, by applying an Agile approach, we can radically reconsider the way we measure things, something which presents a huge opportunity for your organisation.
- why empiricism is not the superpower it is made out to be.
- why grand metrics are a terrible idea in a complex system.
- a new approach to measuring value effectively.
A Systemic Approach to Organisation Design and Change Management
130 years since Taylor took the first steps in our quest to figure out how to design organisations and we are still struggling. It is time for us all to take the lead - no more excuses! The world is waiting.
In this talk, I will describe how we need to stop talking about frameworks, manifestos and the newest fad. Together we will explore the basic principles that are the foundation of all those frameworks and methodologies we are so much in awe of.
We will discover how to use them and how to start developing our own frameworks and methodologies rooted in our own particular context.
Join me in discovering what Agile was always supposed to be: an extremely effective approach that is liberating and lots of fun!
- getting back to basics - what are the essential principles of Agile.
- how to use these principles effectively, at both the team and organisation level.
- how understanding these principles allows you to break out of frameworks and create your own.
- how Agile is not about of-the-shelve solutions but about learning!
Leadership in an Agile World and the need to rethink how we learn
Did you know a Scrum Master is an Agile leader? That change agents are that too? But what is a leader - any leader - really?
In this talk, we will discuss why learning to become a leader is such a challenge. We will discuss how the result is that our leaders are often winging it and how this results in rampant impostor syndrome.
We will explore how this struggle stems from the way we learn and how by adopting a different kind of learning, we can recover the lost art of leadership.
- how our current perspective on learning is a product of scientific management - precisely the thing that Agile is trying to change.
- how management skills have nothing to do with leadership. And how understanding this fact helps to involve managers more effectively.
- how the way we learn is the first step towards empiricism and an Agile approach.
- how leadership is really about helping others.
The Mental State of Flow - Our Evolutionary Superskill To Deal With Complexity
Have you ever done something where you felt like you were in a higher state of awareness, your focus sharp like a knife, and time seemed to stand still? Imagine you could harness that same feeling in your work, working with your Scrum Team? Even cooler, imagine you could measure that feeling, and use it to guide you in just about all the organisational choices you make at work?
That feeling is the Mental State of Flow. Using insights from my work as an ecologist I will show you how over millions of years we humans have evolved an instinctive feeling for Flow, as a way to deal with complexity.
In this talk we will discuss how this makes Flow the perfect alternative for our struggles with dashboards, assessments, metrics and the like. And how Flow is an example of the new kind of tools we need to make sense of complexity and find our way as change agents.
Using examples from my experience as a change agent, I will show you how to use Flow at all levels of the organisation, providing you with a step-by-step approach to start using Flow in your work, and a sense-making matrix to help you make choices using Flow.
I hope to inspire you to join me in finding other patterns in nature to help us deal with complexity!
I've done this talk at Agile Cambridge, Agile Tour Vilnius and Scrum Day Europe. Every iteration is different as I integrate feedback and learnings.
Unlocking our Human Potential: Hacking Your Brain to Become a Superstar Developer
What makes a superstar developer? Can anyone become a superstar developer?
In this talk we will discuss the characteristics that make a superstar developer. Drawing ideas from psychology, change management, ecology and agile, we will explore how our complex brains have evolved over millions of years to deal with complexity.
We will explore how we all have a huge potential and unrecognised skills just waiting to be unleashed. And I will show you how to cultivate these skills, allowing you to make creative leaps in our linear, logic-driven world.
Join me in discovering how to unlock your true potential and transform the way you work.
- Learn techniques to enhance focus and productivity by understanding and leveraging the brain's natural capabilities.
- Explore practical methods to achieve and maintain states of deep focus and creativity.
- Gain strategies to revolutionize your work approach, maximizing your potential as a developer.
Conferencia Agile Spain (CAS2024) Sessionize Event
Regional Scrum Gathering - Stockholm 2024 Sessionize Event

Erik de Bos
Agile Leader at Scrum Professionals
Amersfoort, The Netherlands
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